I’ve lived in Japan for 2 years now, learning the Culture, Language...

I’ve lived in Japan for 2 years now, learning the Culture, Language, and admiring the people and various dishes they serve. It’s a respectful culture with so much history. And they love to involve you in the culture to teach you! But there are MANY people in different countries who are afraid of Americans. Thinking we’re all ignorant, disrespectful, and Racists. Visiting another country includes responsibilities. You are a representative of your home country, and people will associate your behavior as the norm from your Home country. Ignorant foreigners.

Ok normally i can forgive the ignorance my country shows because, while we show a lack of empathy for other countries’ customs and practices, our ignorance is somewhat contained within a minority... But I lose my shit when some jackass who makes vlogs doesn’t understand the weight he carries as a visitor to another country, goes to Japan, makes an ass of himself; Jumps on the bikes of passing commuters, screams like a fucking banshee in Shibuya for the lols, and worst of all, not only shows a lack of understanding and empathy for another country’s customs, but a lack of empathy as a human being.

Logan Paul, a Vine refugee who spends his time on Youtube making “funny” and “controversial” videos, went to Japan for New Years. While in Japan, he thought it would be funny to go see the Suicide Forest. The Suicide Forest is a well known location in Japan that has rightfully earned it’s title In a country with one of the highest suicide rates. Respect for the dead is a pretty common practice among different countries, so you assume he’d be careful about what he records and posts, right? Well he found a dead body... hanging from a tree... he pulled out his camera... and he recorded it for his viewers. He got up close to confirm it was real, he encouraged his viewers to “LIKE if you feel sad”. Are you fucking serious?i. If you support this fuckwit, abandon him. Show him this is not OK.

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the virgin dweeb vs the chad youtuber

You sound like a Japanofile weeb, so I'm not particularly inclined to put value in anything you have to say. Maybe stick to hot gluing your loli figurines.

Wow, that's one hell of a punchable face.


Imagine committing suicide, having your decaying body exploited for youtube revenue, and then having foreign weeaboo faggots like OP defending you. Poor guy just wanted to die

What was that, user? You want to punch me?

I agree with you user. This kid is a piece of shit.

you're right about all this, but maybe exaggerating a bit cause this guy is a known jackass. most folk from the US who do go to foreign places do not act like him.

future pasta general


Wow you're so outsider man. I cannot believe you don't know who he is wow you're so unique and cool and anti-culture it turns me on

>most folk from the US who do go to foreign places do not act like him.
thats the point him being much more well known ruins it for most folk when he acts like this

for the autists on this site
japanese, korean and chinese online forum posters are actually the worst kind of autist to ever exist.
simply overemotional.
kill yourself.

kys weeb


Wrong. Anglos and Russians act reprehensively the moment they touch foreign soil. No exceptions.



>Show him this is not OK.
What are you going to do faggot? Flame in his comments like the rest of the kids are doing? He uploaded this video after the suicide vlog, and it still has a sizable majority of positivity. Stop having powerfantasies like a little bitch

Maybe don't be such a shit country that your native suicides are a tourist attraction lmao

Americans are worse that is why they have the worst reputation for it.

>*films guy who put a cheap rope around neck*
>that'll be 90,000,000 views gaijin


INB4 it turns out the guy who killed himself was about to be arrested for child rape.

What a hilarious twist that would be.