Double Duck storytime

Disney italian comics time. Meet the second alter-ego of Donal Duck after Paperinik (Duck Avenger).

First story arc (part 1 to 4).








bumping OP, thanks for the storytime

















Note. I used the original numeration, so (despite the cover) is again the first part.








Bump for Op







>Meet the second alter-ego of Donal Duck after Paperinik (Duck Avenger).

Because Duck Avenger, DoubleDuck and QQ7 are in the same continuity.


Ah, yes. I forgot the reference in DD Vs PK crossover.



Part 2




This is a fun comic, thanks OP. I never guessed I would be entertained today by Donald Duck looking for a briefcase with nothing in it for no reason.


it's my pleasure.


























IIRC he's just another Agency agent in the original Italian




Ok. I stop for today.
Part 3 and 4 at tomorrow.

But...but the page says CONTINUED NOW!

Good stuff nonny, see you tomorrow.



thanks OP