Name a better hero movie.. I’ll wait


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I like thid movie perhaps more than you OP but damned if i dont bring up my one gripe that really never sat well.
Whoever dubbed heath's voice during the close up of the "HIT ME" sequence should of been replaced with a better voice synch up

Die Hard

Sup Forums cant admit it actually likes this movie

Iron Man
The Avengers
Captain America The Winter Solider
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America Civil War
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Spider-Man Homecoming
Thor Ragnarok

what are you talking about


>he wasn't here for the year and a half of why so serious and dark knight verticals all over Sup Forums

i meant movies, not your marvel quip flicks

that meme is trash

holy fuck what a shit list


>i meant movies not movies
What does he mean by this?

not knowing the difference between Cinema / Film / Movie / Flick

not actually an argument

Explain to me how The Dark Knight is a movie but Winter Soldier is a flick?

While I enjoyed it, even though major shit was going down it was still technically a flick that only existed to establish the status quo for the next Avengers movies.

The Dark Knight worked as a stand-alone story, it doesn’t feel like it was made to have a sequel and everything that happened in the story felt purposeful.

Action, Captain America hands down.

Story, The Dark Knight.

How does TDK have a better story?

That's youropinion, which you're entitled to but other people are entitled to theirs as well



Winter Soldier was cool but it still fell into “the bad guys are going to blow up the entire world” trap most superhero movies fall into. TDK was pretty unique in that Joker tried to tear the city apart without physically destroying it. Plus the best ending of all superhero movies (who else would end a movie with the hero viewed as the bad guy?)

Winter Soldier doesn't set up Avengers 2 you fucking sperg

it didn’t feel like a superhero film, it felt like a crime drama

Winter Soldier didn't have an end of the world plot. It has an NSA plot hot off the heels of a very real controversy. You're still not trying to explain how TDK has a better story

Winter Soldier is Marvel's Dark Knight

When your main plot narrative hinges on a "super duper important beyond all comparison" flash drive getting put inside a vending machine where anyone with the munchies could come along and purchase it along with a Snickers bar, it's safe to say that having the tightest script isn't a prerequisite.

I think it's a good film, just not a good BATMAN film. Batman Returns stays truer to the source material and has a much better atmosphere.

The Dark Knight works better as a crime film.

How does a plot device make the story worse? In TDK the Joker makes everything magically happen with no explanation no matter how contrived.

I think Winter Soldier does well (very well) through the first two thirds, but it falls apart in the climax. Harvey Dent's fall from grace is riveting, in contrast the Bucky-Steve dynamic is nauseating.

The Winter Soldier has better martial arts choreography, better humour.
The Dark Knight has better cinematography, better musical score, better editing, a stronger antagonist, stronger world building, better respect of causality, and better character arcs.

The strongest character arc of either movie is that of Harvey Dent. There is no close second.

How can it be a crime film when Gotham in it is lifeless and there's no focus on any of the mobsters? Joker is just some teleportation anarchist.


Batman begins
It's okay

crime films are better then superhero movies youre saying

Every one of those is a 5/10 at best

It doesn't even focus on the GCPD or Batman dealing with mooks. If Nolan wanted a sterile city he should've made a Superman movie.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

>Batman begins
shit costume
shit villian
motivation for destroying was barely touched upon
The whole giant microwave vaporizing water didn't make sense. It would vaporize people too, since we're like 70% water. There's no way that everyone near this massive microwave wouldn't just die outright.

>ctrl + f dredd
>0 results
For FUCKS sake
Dredd is the absolute best comic book movie of all time, just 95 minutes of pure badass action

>best comic book movie of all time
its a best hero movie thread user

go play arkham knight

bruce willis acting is trash

fuck yeah

Truth. Thank Christ the show is probably still happening

The city's dirtiness will get fleshed out soon, lad.

Watchmen is the GOAT, nothing else can truly compare.

None. This is the best

Heath ledger aka the joker during his stand off with batman. Shouts "hit me" which was clearly audio dubbed to sound more deep and ends up sounding like shit.


But TDK is a close second.



Dark Knight should have some sort of Super Soldier serum, Symbiotic suit or bitten by a Radioactive Bat or at least powered by Kryptonite.

It is current year after all.

>Batman Returns stays truer to the source material


Holy shit not one mention of Logan.

I want to say otherwise but honestly I'd be lying if I said I haven't watched the Dark Knight more than every other superhero movie combined. Its just a really well put together movie that benefits from rewatches and doesn't try to pull any of the typical superhero bullshit that Marvel has inundated us with (fake diversity, super-high stakes that feel meaningless, blue lasers, shitty villains, over-reliance on CGI outsourced to Pajeets, etc). Its a damn solid 2 1/2 hours of Batman.

The joker jail scene is better than all those combined

A real hero