Richard Harris > Michael Gambon

Richard Harris > Michael Gambon

If he's so good, why is he dead?


No one cares about shitty Harry Potter.

I have to agree. It's a shame he died because I would've loved to see him in the later half of the movies where Dumbledore has a lot more serious scenes. Harris was perfect at playing the kindhearted and wise old man, but we never got to see him fight Voldemort, or train Harry, or any of the scenes in the cave.

Richard Harris had the perfect twinkle in his eye, almost like Santa Claus. He was probably too good for Harry Potter. Dumbledore should be warm like Gandalf, or Kenobi. Michael Gambon just seemed mean and dead-eyed.

Probably one of the main reasons I only like the first two films.

I also remember reading that Richard Harris didn't want to play him because he didn't want Harry Potter to be the films people remembered him for. So he and Alec Guinness are probably good friends.

tell me, OP: how does it feel to have unwaveringly shittiest taste imaginable

I felt the same at first, but I can't imagine him in the harder hitting scenes of the later films.

wizard people dear reader >>>> harry potter 1

I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but I've seen plenty of Dumbledore scenes across the series and I believe both actors were perfect for the movies they starred in.

Well done Slytherin, well done...


I bought Richard Harris as Dumbledore the slightly demented but loving Hogwarts headmaster that all the kids adored.

I bought Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, the only other wizard who could go toe to toe with Voldemort and who Voldemort actually feared

I could never buy either of them as both.

Both were fine in the role. People will never forgive Gambon for the "DIDYA PUT YER NAME IN DA GOBLET OF FIRE?!?!" scene, even though that was the director's decision and not his. Gambon was just as calm and soothing as Harris when he needed to be, like when he talks about sleep in PoA when all the students are evacuated into the great hall. And he was great with the serious scenes. It's just that GoF as a whole was overacted, in all the other ones he's in, he's great.

does anyone have that google doc with all the HP fan fic links?

Literally never heard of anyone liking Gambon more.


Death is the only escape from the dullest franchise in the history of film franchises.

I could not have put it better myself. Perfect summary of my own views.

Gambon's a fine actor but his Dumbledore was shit. I guess with a rotating Director's chair nobody felt confident enough to tell him how he needed to do it.

Well done Richard Harris
Well done Richard Harris