How does killing Aku IN THE PAST also kills Ashi who was born from Aku's goo IN THE FUTURE?

how does killing Aku IN THE PAST also kills Ashi who was born from Aku's goo IN THE FUTURE?

like when the gods killed the original black mass but that one piece that got away survived and became Aku. why didn't that happen with Ashi?

You're basically asking why killing a father in the past also erases the daughter from the future.

There's only a dozen other threads discussing this exact same thing.

I thought that too, but it doesn't really matter because it's fiction and therefore Genndy says it doesn't work that way in his story for whatever reason. I guess if Aku didn't goo those women in the future then Ashi never had his goo in the past and therefore didn't exist.

If Aku dies before conquering the world there's no cult. Without a cult there's no Ashi.

You know, that mass of darkness has always had my attention. The first scene of the birth of evil seems to imply it was the darkness that preceded the universe, and the gods vanquished it with the light of creation, in the same way that the antrophomorphic Aku, created by man, was vanquished by the strenght and goodness of the human spirit. As above, so it is below.

because whatever morsel of Aku that would one day become Ashi in past-Aku died along with the rest of him, erasing any trace of Aku from the future
you should be asking how undoing all of Aku's evil doesn't also undo Ashi's Aku-derived portal to the past that enabled the undoing of all of Aku's evil
the answer is Genndy's a hack with a rabid Sup Forums manchild defense force

like how the T-800 blowing up cyberdyne and the terminator chip prevents Skynet, but the t-800 remains unaffected in the past.

tfw no implications of a samurai jack multiverse

This, but I would liked a parallel time effect, allowing Ashi live as much time as jack spend in the future, just to disappear when Jack was an old man, and then forgetting all about her, because of never existing.

Hey yeah....
I guess timefuckery is a stupid plot premise no matter how you look at it

numbers comfirm Genndy/Jack is fucking shit.

this is a good get.

has no one seen bttf?

Maybe you people shouldn't over analyze it too much, and just admit it makes a good plot point since all almost everyone yearns to know if it is possible

Fucking Austin Powers is the only thing that approached time travel properly

Time travel has so many possible interpretations and bullshittery involved that it's pointless to gripe about.

Very few pieces of fiction treat it consistently in their own work, and even when they do (say, Harry Potter) fans with OTHER ideas about time travel ignore the rules and claim it is a plot hole:
>why don't they just use the time turners to save Frodo from Darth Picard?

It's only stupid if you think about it, and it's stupid to even start to think about it.

it had it at all so no it didn't

I unironically love that the harry potter universe has conspiricy theories that voldemort used time travel to cuck malfoy. not win the war or kill his enemies but to cuck a follower

the only explanation I can think of is that time in Samurai Jack is linear, not circular so undoing something in the past erases all traces of its "possible" future (ashi, scotsman, whatever.) and replaces it with a new future starting fresh from the point the timeline was altered.

this is fucking bullshit, Jack shouldn't have gotten back to the past thanks to Ashi Ex Machina. in fact the whole plot should have been rewritten from the moment Aku dropped that line about all time portals being destroyed.


I'm not going to call a retcon (Jack going back) for the sake of drama (ashi's death) a good plot.

you just posted from a series with even stupider time travel

At least Jack still held a blessing by the gods. Probably. An immortal samurai, waiting patiently though millennia, until Ashi is born again. If she died in this timeline, wouldn't her soul reside here? Or be undone with the rest of her. Oh well, Jack has to have faith.

>how does killing Aku IN THE PAST also kills Ashi who was born from Aku's goo IN THE FUTURE?
Because of causality. This is a very simple to understand concept.

>I guess timefuckery is a stupid plot premise no matter how you look at it
It can be fun but you really have to bend your suspense of disbelief to the point of breaking.

>cartoon made for children outsmarts nerds
Jesus Christ, this is ridiculous. I'm going to go to Sup Forums to take the edge off of this, that's how bad it is.

pretty much;

Rick and Morty covered it only once and the creators of the show claimed that it's too complicated and horrifying to attempt it.

Just stick to Dr. Who logic and roll with it.

that would imply that every piece of Aku is part of him, and therefore is affected when something happens to Aku, the source.

so why didn't that happen with the goo that would become Aku when the black mass was destroyed?

No, it implies that a person cannot be conceived without their father existing at the time of their conception.

In this case, killing Aku in the past means that Aku does not exist in the future and prevents that future from happening. Aside from the obvious logical questions that this brings up, this means that if that person doesn't exist from the point they are killed or destroyed into the future where they would eventually sire an heir, they cannot sire that heir, as they do not exist to do so.

Simply put.
Killing someone's mom before they were born would mean the person could never be born. Likewise, killing someone's father before they impregnate their mother has the same effect. Because of causality.

Of course, this causes other logical inconsistencies.

You cannot go back in time to kill Hitler. Because you already did, and altered the past, where you are, where you're about to travel from. Therefore, you can't kill ye Hitler because it's already been done, because it happened in the past, events in the past have already happened. Therefore, if you cannot do something that has already happened, you cannot change the past. Therefore, you don't.

And Hitler remains unkilled. Changing the past doesn't make any logical sense.

>dragon ball's time travel prevents retcons.
yeah, so stupid

changing the past didn't solve Trunks's problems, unlike Jack who gave everyone in the future the finger jut like that, you'd think the noble samurai would think twice about dooming his best friend the scotsman to erasure.

No the reason rick and morty doesnt do time travel is its too on the nose for a bttf ripoff

I meant zamasus whole deal

Welcome to time paradoxes. I mean, Ashi ceasing to exist should have also undone Jack in the past given that her very existence was what allowed Jack to return in the first place.

Or you follow bttf rules amd if you do something thst erases you tough shit you still get erased like future biff after he gave past biff the almanac

>prevents Skynet
but it didn't

>Without a cult there's no Ashi.
Without an Ashi Jack doesn't get back to the past.

BttF is a great movie. That said, the logic still applies there and doesn't make any sense.

But it's still a great movie despite that because you can understand the rules it plays by and is internally consistent. Mostly.

Correct. You've found out what other people have known for years:

The more you think about this the more you're going to hate all time travel related stories.

>how does altering the PAST change things that happen in FUTURE
are you stupid

Time travel isn't real ergo you're a fucking idiot if you try to apply "logic" to something like that which is made up and inherently illogical. Just accept that the time travel within the show is consistent within the world of the show and move on.

Some of the time travel beliefs allow for passable story telling, like pre-Zamasu Dragonball where travelling to the past doesn't fix the future, but merely creates an alternate universe where the future you came from is avoided. The same goes for ones that make use of predestination in order to wrap things up in a neat bow.

you know what's funny?

how everyone agrees that the best part of season 5 were the first 3 episodes, they were about Jack fighting some assassins/bounty hunters/ninjas/whatever. something jack did plenty in past seasons. but everything else after those 3 episodes is considered trash.

the only thing good about S5 Jack is what was more in tune with old Jack.

At that point user you might as well ask "How could there be a future if there was any chance of Jack going back and killing him?"

Just accept that time travel can retroactive and proactive effects.

BttF more or less follow the same rules. Except you go to the new timeline you created in BttF whereas in DBZ you stay in the one you're from.

just so people stop bullying your favorite cartoon and pointing outother flaws, right fag?

I think Jack's ending's main problem is how fucking rushed it is. The people in the future never even knew or understood what would happen. They gave their all to save Jack and he left without any time to say goodbye, or them finding out what would happen to them, or any actual kind of reaction.

Genndy should probably have cut Jack and Ashi's wedding to give everyone else reaction time, and have Ashi disappear as soon as Aku died. Jack goes home alone to a family who doesn't even realize what he's been through.

It didn't change in post Zamasu dragonball either.

The reason they thought it did was it's literally Beerus' ability to kill you in "ALL POTENTIAL TIMELINES" yes there is literally a timeline where a Zamasu who never did anything wrong died because of Beerus' ability.

My only complaint is that, by the logic the finale puts forward, Jack should also have disappeared, since there was no Aku to create Ashi who would send him back. yadda-yadda-yadda time paradox.

Beerus didn't erase Zamasu, that was Zen-Oh.

>everyone agrees

You think Sup Forums agrees on something.

That's adorable.

>the only thing good about S5 Jack is what was more in tune with old Jack.


Jack was ripped outside of time by whatever Aku did. It is why he didn't age. Ironically Aku helped create the one enemy that could completely defeat him because he could gain strength in the future and then return to the past with that strength without creating a paradox by defeating Aku.

Ashi didn't have that attribute to her existence so she slowly faded away by Jack's defeat of Aku.

even haters admit that the first 3 were good. of course after is when the retarded plot came up and Ashi's forced relevance doomed us all.

He killed "present" Zamasu.

Zen-oh killed Future merge-Zamasu.

but Ashi travelling to the past with Jack wouldn't also turn Ashi to be unaffected by time and preventing her from going poof?

so it's different because she choose to go back and it was by her own will? that's some bullshit or a very convenient plot hole.

Killing Aku in the past erased the entire future. It's LITERALLY the final words of the original intro.
>and undo the future that is Aku

T3+ never happened, shut up.

why does Jack have such disregard for the people of the future he befriended and saved?

Because a few hundred people in the future doesn't matter compared to the countless billions that suffered under Aku's rule after Jack was cast through time

Ashi could really use a time ring.

I love terminator 1 and 2 as much as the next guy but they seriously have some massive fucking plot holes that you just gotta ignore.

I wouldnt overanalize it if it didnt tried to sell itself too seriously.
Give us a happy ending full of plot holes, sure, i can roll with that.
But give us a depressing ending supposed to play with our minds, then you better have something to back your shit up.

The ending we were given was drama for the sake of drama and made little to no sense.

Well the Samurai jack one is the simplest one of them all though, since it uses a 1 timeline approach to which everything has to conform.

Which means no alternate timelines, no alternative universes fuckery because of time. Its basically a timeline where paradoxes fix themselves.

So ashi could not exist since aku was her father and he was killed before she was born, so the timeline fixed itself by erasing her.

But the timeline didnt fix the fact that ashi was had a key role in bringing jack back to the past and to the death of aku.
If she got erased, there is nothing to save jack from suicide, get him his sword and return to the past. Therefore jack couldnt kill aku and logic goes to shit.

>a few people he met in his time in the future
>untold suffering of countless people for X years Aku was in power

The time traveller always is the one to create the paradox and the timeline always adjusts to it. So you could sort of BS that the one who causes the paradox is exempt from it since otherwise the paradox could not be created.

I'm just gonna call the form of Jack who's not affected by time travel "Timeless Jack"

Timeless Jack was unaffected by the paradox of Ashi traveling back in time, everyone from the future including Ashi was erased because that future never happened once Aku was killed in the past.

but wouldn't Ashi travelling to the past the same way Jack travelled to the future also make her be unaffected by the paradox, wouldn't that make her a "Timeless Ashi"?

It should, but it didnt, therefore she is not "timeless", and neither is jack, which makes him suceptible to paradoxes. And yet he wasnt affected.

so this was all hack writing.

and Jack not aging is a plothole.

After Jack killed Aku, the only bit of him that remained was Ashi. From within her, he gained complete control. Biding his time, he pretended to still be the Ashi who loved Jack, preparing to marry him so that he could use magic or shapeshifting to pretend to vanish right on the wedding day, just to fuck with him.

kek has spoken

shouldn't Jack also forget about Ashi?
if he undid everything, jack would forget the future that never happened

because you don't understand a concept as basic as time travel
it's not hard to follow a string of events

i'm sure someone already explained but rest assured, you are not good at this and should just stop thinking about it

He killed Aku before he ever split off into Ashi, dumbass. Completely different than your example.

You're not very good with time travel, are you?

>Not waiting until the wedding night
>Not shapeshift a big grinning Aku face between her legs
>Not shouting 'FOOLISH SAMURAI' right as Jack undresses AShi

>Aku waited until the samurai died of old age or sudoku'd himself
>Got amnesia in the future, either due to having to rebuild himself from Aishi's form or battling some spirit guardian, or maybe just fell and hit his head
>At the final battle, Aku remembers everything. Then laughs maniacally because the last person who could have harmed him is now dead.
>Jack is trapped in the afterlife and can only watch in horror

I'm just mad he didn't kill future Aku.

That leaves all of his friends in an alternate dimension with an Aku who can slaughter them fuck out of them.

Scotsman probably just watched all his daughters join him as ghosts.

I prefer Doctor Who's logic. If you paradox too much, you break time. If you break time, time monsters worse than the threat you're currently dealing with show up and wreck everything

>ow everyone agrees

But we don't.

Judgment day is inevitable.

>everything else after those 3 episodes is considered trash.

That's incorrect.

Also episdoe 4 onwards was more like old SJ than the first 3 episodes.

it's just a cartoon, bro.