Now that we all agree GOTG2 was pretty flawed, how would you fix it?

Now that we all agree GOTG2 was pretty flawed, how would you fix it?

>how would you fix it?
Cut out the jokes undercutting dramatic moments

That's all

Less quips

There was no need for ego to give mother quill a
Starlord should have turned against him regardless

I liked the flim a lot, it's one of my favorite MCU films. The only issue I had with it were a few of the jokes being too juvenile. If Gunn is at the point where he's left with jokes in the script like Drax talking about his nipples or turds, he should consider looking for a second writer to help with humor.

Strongly disagreed, that's my favorite part of the whole conflict.

Ego was going to cover planets in the blob that destroyed everything and she would've been killed by it

Ego didnt want to return to Earth. He killed his only reason to do it.

>that scene where the movie straight up turns into a cartoon

I liked a lot of the jokes in the movie, but some of them should have really been cut.

Don't have them go and kill Ego, a literal god, with ease.

Escaping would have been far better because it is all that is needed to stop his plan, keeps the Guardians as outlaws on the run from powerful beings and planets, and it avoids turning fighting a planet into literally fighting one guy standing on the planet.

Every baby Groot scene needed its duration cut in half.

The one between Drax and Mantis during the funeral was weird

The one between Rocket and Groot right after they gave Yondu the aero-rig and space suit was unnecessary

The PAC Man could be removed or not depending on how you felt about it

I think those were the worst offenders

get bent mugga that shit was straight out of a jim starlin comic

I thought it was interesting that it established Ego did actually care about Peter's mom, and thought he might settle down, stay with her on Earth, and abandon his other prospects. But he was still crazy and evil, and saw that as a bad thing so he killed her to end his temptation.

He had to choose between his cosmic purpose or his personal one. He knew that the temptation of the personal one was too great, even though the cosmic one was more important in his mind

So he destroyed his personal purpose

It wasn't with ease
It took them knowing his exact weakness and a team effort to deal with him
Like he didn't know about the bomb until the last minute (how did he find out about it anyways?)

It wasn't easy but they got close enough that they had a shot.

The other big thing is that Peter was tapping into the same god-power as Ego so he was able to hold him off where they were getting beat before

More Fleetwood Mac

>thinking the end goal is stopping Ego's plan and not resolving Quill's daddy issues

I like that this movie squared everything away and didn't leave much hanging. The first movie was about resolving Quill's mommy issues, the second was about resolving his daddy issues. Now he's his own man, no shadow hanging over him, and something of a burgeoning father to young Groot. And he only had to commit patricide along the way. That's damn good character development.

Can't wait to see what they do with him in Infinity War and GOTGv3.

the PAC Man was a quality laugh.
Not killing Ego at all would have been fine. He was literally as old as the universe, would have been nice to see another cosmic entity kill him instead of just a bomb. Really makes me concerned that they'll just blow up Thanos after he has the infinity gauntlet in the same way.

I went into the movie expecting to hate every Baby Groot scene, but I honestly didn't mind him that much.
Also he got less screen time than I was expecting, but that might just be because they got all the Baby Groot toy advertising out of the way in the beginning.

>It wasn't with ease
Yes it was.
All they knew was that his core was at the center of the planet, they had no preparation or weapons to speak of outside of the batteries and a ship that Rocket had literally just crashed into the planet.
Despite the Human body only being a minuscule outgrowth of Ego, a being capable of creating matter from nothing, he couldn't do shit once it was destroyed and once he got it back had a giant rock fist fight with Peter even though the body has no reason to be focal point.

I didn't hate the baby groot stuff, but repetition gags like the 'bringing back the wrong object' thing can quickly go from funny to overdone.

I agree.
I liked most of the Baby Groot scenes and jokes but then they just went on and on until each one got stale.