What's the Sup Forumsnsensus on Madagascar?

What's the Sup Forumsnsensus on Madagascar?

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sequels are better

People liked Gloria's fat conspicuous ass.

For me good enough to watch once. The penguins were the best bit.


The first movie was fine.

Penguins of Madagascar (movie) was the best thing that came out of the franchise.

We can all agree that it's better than The Wild, right?

the rare series where every successive film is better than the one that preceded it

possibly because the writers changed each time

The first was one of my childhood go-tos, I don't remember much about the second, but I thoroughly enjoy the third. Haven't seen PoM, but I've heard good things about it.

While alot of the pop songs/referential humor got annoying, it managed to make enough good jokes and likable enough characters to become decent-ish.

The third one was surprisingly great too, but that may be because I had low expectations due to it's marketing of "BAPADARRADARRA PAPA CIRCUS" which made me wanted to kill myself.

The third one was seriously the best one? I never watched it out of spite because of that POLKA DOT AFRO commercial that played every thirty seconds on every channel.

Yeah, pretty much

Honestly I have no idea why they advertised it like that, that's literally the worst part of the movie and it doesn't even last long, overall the movie was good.


what about the tv show?

Argue with dat booty.

First movie sucked.
Second movie was decent.
Third movie was surprisingly pretty good.

God the makeout picture was so fucking hot

Third was good but unfortunately outdated because of the whole controversy of animals and circuses

first was fine the sequels are just money grubbing

Can confirm.

Nice meme

It's pretty bad but I like it for some reason.