So if you go back in time and kill your father...

So if you go back in time and kill your father, you don't cease to exist until you realize that you should no longer exist? I didn't know that it worked on Looney Tunes rules.

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if you go back in time and kill your father you continue to exist as normal because time travel is dimensional travel

I'm starting to believe the ending was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen or some kind of meddling.

If it's DBZ rules, then all you do is create a different future while yours still sucks.

If Jack went back in time thanks to Ashi and she no longer exists that means Jack never should have been able to go back to the past.

But then if he didn't go back to the past, Aku never died and thus Ashi was born and she helped Jack go back to the past.


The loop closses itself, its just that we see the beging of it.

Jack is send to the future all the thing in the series happen and then ashi send him back to the past moments after Jack is send to the future.

In this new loop Jack kills Aku in the past ashi dissapear, so this time Jack is send to a pacefull future where is easy for him to find one of the many portals that he couldnĀ“t use because of Aku. He goes back to the past kills Past Aku and the loop closses itself.


Hell, countless shows use BTTF time travel. This complain is stupid.

Why are people so retarded?
why do everyone thinks their headcannon set of time-travel rules apply to every work?
it's not loney tunes or dbz's or back to the shit rules, its Samurai Jack rules, don't be so retarded people

and you create a plot contrivance that you can base two online punchy action games on that can barely qualify as fighting games

Aku has always bean one part eldritch abomination and one part Bugs Bunny. Makes sense his daughter would disappear like that.

Wait, wait. Bugs Bunny isn't an eldritch abomination?

So, when do we get a spinoff show following Ashi as she tries to find a portal to cross the dimensional barrier back to Jack?

She ceased to exist not from being from another time, but from being half Aku. It took her that long because she was still half human.

If you go back in time and kill your father nothing happens because time travel isn't real.

Ashi vanished because she no longer existed, except that the palace was still decorated for a wedding, everyone there remembered her, and the robe she was wearing was lying on the floor so she definitely did exist.

Time travel is fucking retarded, especially when the writers don't give a shit.


Back to the Future spends has him knowing about the fading away for two hours.

Ashi just suddenly blips away out of nowhere after they've been in the past long enough to set up a fuckin' wedding.

The problem isn't that it happened. It's that it was too rushed.

> It took her that long because she was still half human.

This is fan-fiction.
She took that long because Genndy wanted a forced bittersweet ending. If anything she should've survived because she IS half human.

also if shes displaced from the cause and effect shouldnt she still be in existence because the new cause and effect wouldnt effect her

i mean if the actions of the old cause and effect are still around then she should be too or everything would erased like ashi getting jack back in the first place itd made since if the deities were responsible for it so they wouldnt have an immortal who doesnt belong and would be born twice in the same timeline (using gods means you can have the excuse that everyone is destined to be born)

Time travel is impossible anyway, so the only "rules" governing how it should function are completely arbitrary.

I wish Aishi had gotten a robe


Jack is the Doctor.

It was bullshit when Gurren Lagann pulled it and it's bullshit now

I agree it was rushed, but we do see Ashi collapsing right after Aku is killed, and then there's that moment before she colapses where she blinks heavily, with a tired face.
I think the intention was implying she is trying to keep herself from fading (while hiding it from Jack at the same time), until she exhausted. Aku and Ashi have time powers after all, along with other never fully explained magic.

So is Jack in a loop? Since Aku sent the new jack back and the old one showed back up? Will new Jack go through the same shit or does the Old Jack killing Aku create a new timeline?

chick in dragon ball went side ways in time and nothing happened the fuck you want?

So if you go back to the past and destroy Aku, thus undoing the future that is Aku, how did you get back from the future that now won't happen?

If you go back in time to kill your father you will fail, then in your last moments of life you will remember how your father told you a story of how he killed someone in self defense,that or you were your own father all along.

>It was bullshit when Gurren Lagann pulled it
Not really. Nia was a Anti-Spiral creation and ran out of power when there were no more Anti-Spirals.
Also look at the extent of crazy shit Simon did for her up until that point. Can you imagine how much more things would escalate if she stayed around?
It's even implied in the end Simon could have found a way to save or even revive her, as Spiral Energy can literally make the impossible possible. But that kind of going against the natural order would just end up leading Simon into full Spiral Nemesis path, endangering the whole universe and proving the Anti-Spirals right all along. That's why he ljust accepts Nia's death and steps down from pilotiong reality warping giant robots.
I really can't understand why some people want the show to ignore its own conclusion just to have a happier ending and TTGL ending isn't even sad, can't you faggots take something even a bit bittersweet?

Quite a conundrum.

No, thay loop is actually closed.
Jack is sent to the future that is aku, goes through his journey, gets back to the past and kills Aku, only then undoing the future he was sent to.

There would only be a paradox if Jack got back to an earlier moment and killed Aku before the moment he was sent to the future.

that's a nice art there OP

So call Zeno to destroy it.

Time travel is always stupid

it depends on what youre looking for i like it if it creates a neat premise like samurai jack or if its thought procoking like zybourne clock

It's still a paradox since the influence from the initial Jack will differ from every subsequent looped version of himself. Every time he defeats Aku through the loop, a new, unique timeline is created.

This still means there's a timeline where Jack and Ashi escaped through the time portal, leaving behind Aku and all the rebels at his mercy.

>literally says to jack that she felt that aku's essence was slowly disappearing
Was that subtle enough for you