Can we talk about how successful Samurai Jack has been viewers wise...

Can we talk about how successful Samurai Jack has been viewers wise? Samurai Jack managed to get the same viewer numbers as a show like Steven Universe despite being shown during a much worse time slot. I bet Adult Swim feels dumb for only ordering 10 episodes of this. Do you think this means we might get other long dead shows or more original action cartoons on Toonami?

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Big O when

>Furi Curi gets 2 SEASONS announced
>SJ only gets one
>No Megas XLR
>No Big O
Hopefully SJ being successful will change that.

Actually Samurai Jack did better than SU because SJ has the 18 to 45 year old demographic while SU is mostly watched by kids. The 18 to 45 demographic is worth a lot more to advertisers. In other words CN fucked up by not making more episodes.

Megas XLR is owned by the US Government or something now, because of how they used it as a tax write-off. It'll never happen.

why do you feel the need to lie on the internet user?

>Less than half the views of a Pewdiepie video

Really makes you think

That is more of an example of how bad TV is doing compared to online in general and not SJ itself.

Toonami was already talking with Hasbro about their new shows. The next Transformers cartoon is based on the older-skewing Generations line, which is basically the 80s cast in New forms, so it would fit well on that block. Lord knows Micronauts would fit well.

PewDiePie is a literal Nazi, who the fuck cares about that shitlord or his little fans?

I'd much rather have more sym bionic titan
>So here’s the ugly truth from what I understand, and I’m neither a lawyer or accountant so my understanding could be off – Megas was written off as a tax loss and as such can not be exploited, at least domestically, in any way, or the network will get into some sort of tax/legal trouble.

>Effectively Megas has been put in Carbon Freeze, shot into the heart of a sun, and the entire universe around it has been imploded. We’ve been trying everything and anything for the past ten years to try and get things going again – from buying the rights back, to licensing to a sanctioned reboot and the answer has always been “No way.”

I fucking hope that this lets adult swim commission more animated shows that are not comedies.


The masses are asses my friend and lets plays are about as low brow as it gets.

To be fair, that's not everyone who watched it. It's only people who have ratings boxes.

>Adult Swim doesn't want to take a risk and only orders 10 episodes of one of the most beloved and highly anticipated cartoons in CN history
>Season 5's biggest issue was pacing from having to cram a 15-20 episode story into 10 episodes
>It STILL manages to have crazy good ratings

AS managed to screw themselves, Gennedy, and us all at once.

Good luck with that, this is what we're getting this summer from [as]. Lazzo doesn't give a shit about quality.

It's not AS' fault for the pacing

I would've taken the movie over this season.

The popularity could revitalize for sym bionic titan. if its like this season tho I say thanks, but no thanks

>No Megas XLR
>No Big O

Both shows got shit ratings when they aired on CN.

it is in a way tho

>tyler the creator
They are giving this hack another show. I certainly am not going to watch like I should not be watching Mr.Pickles.

SBT was also written off.

They COULD get it back, but it ain't likely.
The network's treatment of it kept the show from gaining much of a following.

They use the ratings boxes as a sample and then extrapolate the whole number.

>Furi Curi

They only invested ten episodes into the last season of Samurai fucking Jack, which I shouldn't need to remind you has tons of critical acclaim in addition to being AAA grade nostalgia-bait.

With more episodes, Gennedy could have told his story properly, which would have solved the pacing issues that left a lot of us unsatisfied, and gotten themselves however many extra weeks of 1.3+ million viewers.

Pewdiepie generates millions of views within 20 minutes of posting his videos?

Not to mention the sheer amount of people that watched on streams because fuck cable.

Megas is written off for taxes
Big O needs the creator

>Megas is written off for taxes
Could they not simply pay whatever is needed to the government to get it back?

Moral Orel was cancelled and it's never coming back.