This was funny, just admit it Sup Forums

This was funny, just admit it Sup Forums

>This was funny
Yeah, and I have a chance of getting laid before I turn 40.

I remember this once we had a class end early and the teacher decided to let us watch videos on the projector and someone put this crap on
And a girl busted out laughing like it was the most hilarious thing she ever saw and I looked at her and I looked at the video and then I looked at her and to this day I can't shake off that word feeling, it's like seeing someone laugh at a math book or someone adding salt to their coffee it just doesn't make any sense

The fact that you were in a special ed class would explain that experience of your's

I was subscribed to this fuck for three years

what an arbitrary deadline.

I've never understood what the appeal was, even as an ass tarded child.

Hey, Apple.
I witness a murder every fucking week in this kitchen. The God comes down and puts his next victim through complete torture, then he fucking eats them like Armin Meiwes. I've seen victims split open, disemboweled, crushed, eviscerated, and I'm so desensitised to it that I can't help but crack jokes at their expense. I'm fucking insane, Apple. God uses a knife to deliver the death blow, and you know what's super fucked up? The knife is sentient. He's an accessory to so much damn bloodshed and he can't help it. He lives in fear. Every day of his fucked up life. Pear, Passion, Marshmallow, Grandpa Lemon, Midget Apple, Grapefruit, they've all lived, even the fucking leprechaun. Well, he might be a delusion, he has died more than once. I live every week dreading the worst. Am I next? Are my friends next? God only knows, Apple. He fucking knows.

When I was 12, maybe.

Reminder that literal babies who grew up with this trash are now old enough to post here without being banned.

This is millennial's ALF. Just an idiot screaming bad jokes which trick you into laughing because he's screaming.

I teeter on saying it's better than ALF because god damn all Reagan era sitcoms are shit. People complain about "liberal Hollywood" but it was the exact opposite in the 80s and ten times worse where instead of young people complaining it's middle aged people complaining meekly.


>Annoying Orange premiered as webtoons in 2009
>Almost 10 years ago


You better not be talking shit about "Married, With Children"
Though it gets less funny when you realize that you're starting to relate with Al

>adding salt to their coffee
fuck i laughed

>we elected this man as president


That was the 90's, stupid.

Huh? I could've sworn it was from the same era as Alf.


>the whole Annoying Orange series is literally just an orange laughing at the gruesome murders of other food
It's like an Oompa-Loompa watching Sausage Party

Eh Its good for a giggle for when you had a few tallboys or packed a few bowls

Is it even intended for children?