What did she mean by this?



she was a slut and they stole her meal ticket. the photos they looked at but didn't show us tell us she's into some kinky shit.

id steal that bitches pussy



"I have to say this bizarre line because it's in the script."
It's one of those author statement lines that no character would actually say, regardless of who that character is. It's just too stupid a line to take seriously.


is that more common in british english?


sounds more fitting to me and would make the delivery less awkward imo

Because having her face removed and forever gasping for a breath she can't have in a world of complete darkness can't compare to losing your vajayjay.

it was a weird line since her pussy was the only part of her he didn't steal.

I think Daly took their rude bits because he was threatened by the idea of these copies he created banging behind his back all over his precious spaceship


holy fuck

what movie is this?

Hack Mirror

get him to the greek



Bendy Boy: Journey to Googoo Valley.

seemed like a mix of crossing the line and a red fucking flag.

Reptilians are real

Nigger Island

black mirror 4x1

this activated my almonds

Females only power is the vage in this day of age


For real, dude would've turned half her body into berginas.


So let's say you were transported to a scenario like the crew.

Wouldn't you be pissed if you couldn't jerk off? Or fuck the hot girls? You know they'd want to fuck you after a while of being stuck there.

Just watched the first episode and got really mad at how bad the writing was,
Second one was barely ok,

Is this season that much worse than the first ones?

I am going to watch the old ones again to be sure

>the hot girls

Only the new girl was hot

The black and slavic ones were bangable. You could have freaky monkey sex with the black one.

Sounds pretty good to me; it's mind-to-mind, no sex to get in the way, right? You could actually get to kno
Actually no, that's hell

What's bad about the writing? I won't see the episodes for a while so don't worry about spoilers

Her pussy was inside her all along?

also, how could transform the girls into fully functional live monster things, as If he had the DNA of a imaginary monster?
Wasnt this the material needed to create a clone? Or just a miniature toy could do?

Not even worth mentioning the personality and memories coming from fucking DNA, even a midlle schooler cant eat that up

The whole episode had random lines that were very clearly meant to be humorous.This is one of many of them.

It's a typical Brooker "hopefully this will make the audience laugh" line.

He doesn't dna to create everything. He uses DNA to create perfect copies of people. If he wants to create something new he obviously wouldn't need dna.

Star Trek 2 Wrath of Pussy


>the villain irl is a masive beta and literally hitler on his virtual world. It is so over the top that makes it unconceivable to be the same person and how he could be so submissive IRL

>villain creates digital clones of people inside his virtual reality using their DNA. The clones have the personality and all memories of the person. Using just the DNA.

>during the final space chase, villain ship is "already at maximum speed" and cant get to the escaping ship. It is repeatedly said he is literally a god in his world, why does he have to follow rules like that all of a sudden?

>a software update creates a wormhole on the villains universe, and going through it leads to the online vanilla version of the game.

>near the end, when I was already skipping most of it, someone says "the firewall is deleting the rogue codes"

>updating the game caused the villains universe to be deleted and fry his mind

>so many epic puns

I could go on If i remembered all of it and had watched more than 60% of the episode

>it’s another soy cuck writers take a cringe-inducing jab at Trump episode

>the villain irl is a masive beta and literally hitler on his virtual world. It is so over the top that makes it unconceivable to be the same person and how he could be so submissive IRL

What? Incels act like tough shit online all the time. Why wouldn't that be applicable in a universe where Daly is literally a god?

wow you really got my brain juice boiling

>you can make the Prime Minister fuck a pig
>but virtual male-on-female rape is crossing the line!

imagine if she was a man and said "stealing my foreskin is the red fucking line"

Because he's standing up to literally the exact same people (Well they aren't really people but the script portrays them that way).

he is made to seem harmeless, coy and good hearted irl, If inside he is really that evil, at least some of it would leak if people treated him so bad as it happens on the show, they really step on him

>Daly returns to ship
>walton is pulling up his pants
>Nannette is straightening her hair and wiping her mouth
>They're smiling sideways at each other the whole time

Why DIDNT he give them genitals tho? Guy was such a beta he created a whole reality just to get kissies.

I was expecting the big reveal to be that the new girl was the only one who he made with a vagina because she was gonna be his rape slave

But I guess that would be too dark for a show that has a child being shot into space in front of his father in the same episode so I'm just supposed to believe that this sociopath who can't get laid IRL wouldn't want to fuck his slaves in his VR world where he's God

Season 4 went really hard after the reddit audience


My biggest issue with the writing is we never truly see what happened to Daly in real life to cause him to resent everyone at work so much and vice versa. Sure he's withdrawn and creepy but Walton literally treats him like garbage.

This line made me cringe soooooo hard

They treat him like shit even though he's the golden goose who makes all of them rich, of course he's gonna resent them. Combine that with the fact that he's also obviously a psycho.

It was Walton and Daly and it looks as though Daly showed no interest in leading. Not everyone is cut for leadership, so Walton took charge.
Company would be nowhere near what is was if Daly was in charge. No goals. No ability to meet deadlines. The gaming public would crucify them.

So presumably the clones he created are deleted too when the update comes in?

>its another episode where user gets triggered by a tv show because it reminds him of how much of a loser he is

>Gillian from accounting is stuck as a monster in the pre-update game

>obviously a psycho.
in his virtual world he clearly is, but irl he seemed like a depressed, social phobic, kind, good but absolutely spineless person
only normies look at him and think "ewww what a creepy psycho loser, of course he has his own sadistic kingdom to fulfill his fantasies"

huh, I guess thats why he was portrayed as playing guitar in his office during work, being a massive cunt to his partner and female workers

If only he was shown as being a good competent boss but a cunt to Daly, would the make the eps a bit less shitty

His virtual world persona was a reflection of who he actually was, he was just too beta IRL to act on any of it. The only place he was confident enough to be himself was a place where he was literally God and people had to respect him.

heh... they escape through the wormhole created by the update into the online version of the game
first guy they meet is le asshole teen gamer that threatens to shoot their ship
then they run away and start venturing into the unknown xD

Fat Damon was a fucking socipathic loser but he was too pathetic for me to root for his comeuppance to be brain death, and the dough eyed chick was too personalityless to root for her becoming the captain, especially because she's not real.

Walton caring about the deadline showed him being a good boss. Sure he could have been nicer, but the world isn't jellybean and oreo showers, there was a lot riding on the update (profits/reputation).

It's meant to be a dig at Trump. It's not meant to make sense as something anyone would ever say.

Also, this is now an ugly, toothy, horse-faced cunt thread.

he was the boss, people would respect him if he acted just a little bit like he did IRL, there was no need to hide it

all it shows is Walton ordering Daly to update in a certain date to please the players, and then a news about it being delayed, nothing on how important it was, how big, and how delaying would affect anything

>play videogame
>kill bad guy


>people would respect him if he acted just a little bit like he did IRL

Again, too much of a beta. It didn't help that his business partner was an alpha chad who treated him like an employee to the point that most people in the office didn't even acknowledge Daly as being on his level. If he already lacked confidence to begin with, that was just gonna make him into even more of a pussy.

It's clearly a flagship product from a largeish business with many employees.I don't need 5 minutes wasted on having the business legitimised for me, I can read between the lines.

>I can read between the lines
*I go to /biz/ and run my dad's store so I can imagine stuff up I can relate to and make up for bad writing


Black one was hideous, blue slav was kind of qt

>Walton is burning alive forever

That's why I don't get and I'm watching it right now. I can get stealing someone's detail down to the perfect detail, but you'd need a computing power on a different level beyond that to recreating personalities and memories to that degree. I don't think even trapped in vidya anime get this shit wrong.

eyes and teeth > black > slav

I was actually kind of hoping they would end with Aaron Paul blowing them up as soon as they got to the online game. Would've been a much more Black Mirror ending, to show that they were even more expendable in the online game than they were in Daly's.

But I guess it was more important to get that smug grin to remind us that our female lead is perfect and flawless.

That ending might have salvaged what was left of the episode, but it wouldn't change the fact that there were only 2 decent episodes this season

The way I see it with all of these "steal/copy" someone's DNA stories is that the only crime is intellectual property theft. Otherwise, anything you did to some non-living characters in a virtual space is just playing around.

It's still torturing someone

I kept watching it thinking they would explain it eventually, when I realized they wouldnt the whole thing fell apart, amazing how lazy a show can get once it is already sucessful

A red line is oft used on globes to represent the equator which divides the northern and southern hemispheres. It's a simple analogy with her pussy of course being her southern hemisphere.

That's why I can openly criticize it just there. I've seen way more than enough stuck in video game anime, but I don't think any had the concept of stealing one's entirely intact brain just from their DNA. That's the kind of simulation computing power than Elan Musk was talking about, which would require an advanced race. Now that I think about it, A.I. did that with David's human mother, but it was also aliens.

I don't understand why the hackfraud writers would think anyone can have emotional attachment to video game characters. It's not like they're real people. Why do I care if they're lives suck? They're digital.

So he'd program it so they only have bits while he's around. The entirety of Spacefleet was a power-trip from a sad loner who clearly wanted to fuck main girl IRL, it's ridiculous to propose he wouldn't fuck a digital clone given the chance.

The third episode is way better than the other two mate, I recommend watching it.

Crocodile was a steaming pile of pointless shit.

Please don't tell me you think BR2049 is kino

>muh magic flesh

>Hey Walton, next time we're on of Daly's stupid boring missions can you please get a hard on and let me grab it while he's doing his hero bullshit, it's the only way I can deal with the idea of kissing that pathetic slob

Why would he give Walton a dick at all? Why is this apparently everyone gets genitals or nobody gets genitals, when he can also turn them into space-crab-monsters?


kek ok you're the one that didn't clarify who got the genitals and just said they should have them, maybe calm your frustrations over a fictional sad sack not creating ficitional vaginas to fuck

You're the one who can't stop thinking about Walton's dick, calm your own frustrations by stepping out the closet.

Why didn't he just program them to be subservient?

Because it was more gratifying to force them into submission?

Because then their reactions would be hollow to his torture.

I think Jimmi Simpsons dick would be glorious user, dont judge