What i would have done with TLJ

We open on Leia on the cruiser, with Admiral Holdo there as well. She talks about how the First Order's new dreadnought, commanded by General Hux, is a big deal, and unless they take it out, all chances of winning are gone, and how they've traveled deep into First Order space, far away from the resistance strongholds to destroy the dreadnought. The plan is for Poe to approach the dreadnought in a lone X-wing and pretend to want to defect to the First Order, and stall long enough that they can use a "de-calibrator." The decalibrator is a one time use machine that fires an electric signal which de-calibrates a ships weapons so as to render them virtually useless until they can be re-calibrated. Once the de-calibrator is used, Poe will then inform the first wave of bombers and fighters to jump in and attack the the ship, with the fighters defending the bombers from tie-fighters while POe destroys the weapons on the dreadnought. However, Leia can only communicate with Poe, because too many communication signals would get the First Order's attention and ruin the element of surprise. So the plan is put into place, and works perfectly, up until an armed bomber is hit, wiping out almost all the ships. Now with only one bomber left, Poe tells Leia to send in more fighters. Back on the cruiser, Holdo thinks that will only kill more people and tells Leia not to send the extra fighters, and to instead order a retreat. Leia does, but Poe doesn't want to retreat, and argues that this is their only chance, so he shuts off communications and tells the few remaining ships to keep going. The fighters are picked off, and the lone bomber is eventually destroyed, and Poe has no choice but to return to the cruiser, a failure.


Next, we cut over to where TFA left off on the island, with Rey offering the lightsaber to Luke. Luke accepts the saber and they go to Luke's home on the island. Luke explains that he left the map as a test, so that he could find out who was tough enough to help him defeat the First Order. He does a test to see Rey's base amount of force energy and is happy with the results. He tells her that he has been looking for someone with as much force sensitivity as Kylo, so he can create an equal match for Kylo. Luke says he can't fight Kylo himself because he is older now, and Kylo is more powerful than even him. He offers to train her and she accepts.


We cut back to the cruiser, with Finn waking up. We then cut to Leia striping Poe of all rank. Poe argues that he could have succeeded if Leia had sent the reinforcements. Holdo takes over and tells Poe that the only reason she doesn't have him completely removed from the Resistance force is because Leia convinced her to not to. Poe is now disgraced, but convinced that he was right, and that his risks could have paid off. He now wants to prove himself. As he is walking, he runs into Finn and they have a reunion. Poe catches Finn up on what has happened. Poe tells Finn that they have to destroy that dreadnought. Finn goes to Leia to ask her what she is going to do now. She tells him that she has decided to retreat back to Resistance controlled space. Finn asks her why she is acting so differently, remembering her as a more fearless leader. He says that she is a coward, but Holdo interrupts. She reveals that she convinced Leia to retreat. Finn asks her why, and she reveals that when she was a child, the Empire came to her village and slaughtered everyone until the Rebels came. But instead of staying with her, the Rebel soldiers left her alone in her destroyed village. She explains that now, she is committed to protecting people, and that she doesn't take risks with human life. Finn counters by telling her that she can't win a war without attacking and that she has to take risks to get reward, but she has some soldiers escort him out.


On the island, Rey has her first force meeting with Kylo, and is initially angry at him, but they begin talking and she understands him more.

Meanwhile, on the dreadnought, General Hux gets a transmission from Snoke. Snoke is enraged that the dreadnought came so close to being destroyed. He tells Hux that he is coming to the dreadnought to oversee its operation, since he no longer trusts Hux with the responsibility. He tells Hux that this is his final act of mercy, and one more screw-up will result in death. Snoke tells Hux that the Resistance had to have a cruiser to get so many ships into First Order space. Snoke tells Hux to find it.


Back on the island, Luke begins to train Rey in combat, without the use of the force. She objects, and says she should be learning how to use the force. Luke tells her to be patient. As they train she gets better and better, and he begins to teach her the fundamentals of the Force. She is annoyed that she isn't actually using the force and that he's just lecturing her. The two have a mock battle, and Rey is very aggressive, and overly violent. That night, while Rey trains by herself, Luke contacts Yoda's ghost. He tells him about his excitement at Rey's blood-thirstiness, convinced that it will help her defeat Kylo Ren. Yoda warns that it could be an issue, and that she may turn to the dark-side, and that her head strong qualities may make her hard to control, and that her independence may preclude her from following orders. Luke argues that her independent thinking will keep her from being swayed by the dark side, like Kylo Ren was. Yoda tells him to be careful, and not let him create a new enemy while trying to create a hero.

On the cruiser, Finn tells Poe that the plan is to retreat. Poe is angered, and the two decide to come up with a pan to defeat the dreadnought. Poe asks Finn if there is a way to destroy the dreadnought remotely.Finn tells him that it is possible, but would require them to disable many safety protocols. Poe asks how they would do that. Finn says that they would need to have access to all of the ship's functions, and only General Hux would have that access. Poe asks if it's possible to hack it, but Finn tells him that it is possible, but the security is incredibly high, and virtually impossible to breach. Poe tells Finn that he has a plan.


Meanwhile, Snoke arrives on the dreadnought, along with Kylo Ren. Hux informs him that they have found the cruiser, and Snoke orders him to give chase.

On the island, Rey connects to Kylo through the force. They talk for a bit and begin to have more of a relationship.

On the cruiser, Poe contacts Maz Kanada and asks her about any hackers she knows. She offers some people, but Finn tells her they need the best. She tells them about a guy on a casino planet who is a master codebreaker. After the call to Maz, Poe and Finn hatch a plan. Finn will leave to the casino planet and get the master codebreaker. Meanwhile, Poe will stay on the ship and start a mutiny so that he can make sure no one stops them once Finn returns with the hacker. Finn agrees and leaves with BB-8. After he leaves, Kylo Ren leads a tie fighter team that attacks the cruiser. They destroy much of the ship, and Leia is killed. Eventually, the cruiser is able to make the hyperspace jump to escape. Holdo takes over and continues to retreat. The dreadnought follows them and fires at them, very slowly weakening their shields. Poe protests, believing that the shields will eventually fail, and that they must try to destroy the dreadnought again, but Holdo ignores him.


On the island, Rey talks to Kylo Ren again, and they become even closer. Rey begins to believe that Kylo can be redeemed. Luke begins Rey’s first lesson in the use of the force, and has her sit on a rock and feel the force. She moves to the dark side until Luke snaps her out of it. Luke recontacts Yoda. Yoda reminds him what happened with Kylo Ren, and we flashback to Luke’s training of a young Kylo, Yoda explains that the warning signs were there, but Luke was blind to them, and transfixed by how powerful Kylo was. But soon, Kylo attacked Luke. Kylo had more base force power than Luke, so after Luke trained him, Kylo became more powerful than him, and he defeated Luke. Snoke had been in contact via the force with Kylo Ren, and slowly corrupted him. Yoda says that Kylo was swayed to the dark side because he had no willpower, butt Rey might go to the darkside because she has too much.

Finn goes to the casino planet with BB-8 and have some comic relief moments while flying there. When they arrive they find the codebreaker playing some space gambling game. Finn tries to talk to him, but is forced to go to a lower table. Now he has to win his way up to the hacker’s table, hijinks ensue.


Back at the ship, Poe begins to drum up support amongst the soldiers for a mutiny. Here would be lots of interesting espionage stuff, haven’t figured out specifics.

On the dreadnought, Kylo Ren asks Snoke if he can take over for General Hux. Snoke says no, because he prefers someone dumb he can control to someone smart. Kylo is enraged by this and turns on his lightsaber, screaming that he is more powerful than Snoke. He threatens to kill Snoke. Snoke says Kylo won’t because he is weak-minded. Kylo is susceptible to the insults, revealing his low self-worth. He returns to his room and throws a temper tantrum. He comes in contact with Rey again and the two are now very close, with lots of romantic tension. He explains his anger in Snoke and tells Rey about how he met Snoke and how he thought that his parents feared him, and that he thought Luke was only helping him due to his immense power. Snoke brought him in and acted as the father figure he was missing.

On the casino planet, Finn reaches the master codebreaker’s table. Finn asks him to help him, but the codebreaker refuses, worrying about how it might impact his reputation, since he is in First Order territory. Finn offers to play him for it. We have a Casino Royale style game sequence, and Finn loses but BB-8 tells Finn that the hacker is cheating. Finn exposes him, and the codebreaker is kicked out. Now with nothing left, and his winnings stripped, he decides to take on the job when Finn pays him the money he got.


I'm a massive faggot by the way who can't keep a summary below 500 words.


Rey, on the island, feels bad for Kylo and goes to confront Luke. When she finds him, she overhears him talking to Yoda about her propensity for the dark side, and Luke’s growing distrust in her. Yoda asks Luke what he is going to do and he says that he can’t have another Kylo. Rey interrupts and attacks Luke with a lightsaber in blind fury. Cool battle scene ensues. Rey eventually loses to the more experienced Skywalker, but just barely. Luke cannot bring himself to kill her and she escapes with the Millenium Falcon, leaving Chewie behind.

On the dreadnougt, Kylo and Rey talk again and Rey decides to come to him. She offers to help him usurp control from Snoke, believing Kylo to be a good person. She arrives and fights her way to the throne room. There, Snoke reveals that he put them in contact, because he knew that she would come to see Kylo. He orders Kylo to kill her, believing his plan to kill Rey to have succeeded, but she and Kylo fight Snoke and kill him. After they defeat Snoke, Rey tells Kylo to come with her and live a new life together on the Resistance. Instead, Kylo sits in Snoke’s throne and orders Stormtroopers in to the throne room to kill her. She escapes and takes an escape pod away. Kylo gets in a tie-fighter and gives chase, along with many other tie-fighters.


On the cruiser, Finn tells Poe he is about to arrive, and Poe kicks his plan into action, successfully wrenching command from Holdo. Finn arrives with the codebreaker and they blow up the dreadnought. Poe is showered with praise and adoration, having solved the huge problem of the dreadnought, proving that you have to take risks to get anywhere, and running away doesn’t solve problems. Holdo realizes her mistake and forgives Poe, apologizing for not sending the reinforcements at the beginning. All is well in this plot, and Finn and Poe are happy.

Rey’s pod crashes on a small desert planet (more southwestern US than Sahara), and she runs from Kylo Ren. Kylo lands there as well and begins to search for her. We end as Luke and Chewie also arrive on the jungle planet, setting up the next movie where the final confrontation will happen on this planet.


i know i am

Why would you write this


this might be the saddest thing i've seen on Sup Forums in a long time

Unironically worse than the actual movie

why even respond and bump the thread

this actually pretty good

I don't think you needed that many words dude. No offense.

1) Make the distraction in the form of an interesting or silly story rather than useless chatter.

2) Make Luke still a dark and sad hermit but only because of reasons you'll find out later.

3) Add a scene exploring his Jedi Academy and how he was a great teacher.

4) He trained Kylo but Kylo found Vaders helmet and Kylo absorbed the force energies and learned a glimmer about who Vader was and decides to become a dark sider.

5) Send Finn and make Rose a red Twi'lek who is hot and sexy and bring C3P0 along because he's gotten the shaft

6) They are actually smooth about exploring CantoBite and C3P0 talks them in but droids aren't allowed so they put a restraining bolt on him and then its up to Finn and Rose

7) Later on the island, Rey impresses Luke with her raw power. Luke tells his story about why he won't teach her the ways of the force. Yoda burns the books and tells Luke that the Jedi was always the problem, that a New Order must form with Rey...mysterious but sets up the sequel

I like your ending better than mine.


>make Rose a red Twi'lek who is hot and sexy
instant 10/10

i didn't, but i didn't know quite how to summarize it and get it condensed.down anymore

Good stuff. I felt like the characters had an opportunity to be further developed especially Finn and you got rid of unnecessary characters. It linked back to TFA and you didn't destroy Luke Skywalker.

Personally, I wouldn't have done anything like what Disney is doing. It was a mistake to do a trilogy with the original actors as that the standards for such a film were ridiculously high. I'd just have started a new trilogy with a new cast.

Still, if your outline had been followed tlj would have been enjoyable.

OP, stop replying to your own thread

bruh, you are the OP, bumping your own thread, by accusing yourself of bumping your own thread. kys

It's not my thread....

Holy shit, actually fucking off yourself

i was making a joke because of what said. i was kidding

lol, faggot

...this is all the bad parts of TLJ but somehow worse and without any of the good bits. Congrats, user, you’ve slightly redeemed my opinion of Disney and Rian Johnson.

>good bits
explain yourself