Be master coder

>be master coder
>don't code a way to pause the private server you made
>don't code a way to teleport your avatar incase you ever get stuck somewhere
>don't code a system that turns off the server when you're not in it so the npc-slaves you created don't rebel
>don't code your npc-slaves to be incapable of rebelling
>don't code it so your npc-slaves can't use the ship when you are not around
>don't code it so the ship can't access fucking instagram
>don't code it so that an update won't delete basic fucking commands like 'exit game'

>spend 3 days writing the code that lets you turn people into spacebugs on the fly

What a stupid fucking episode.

>player gets banned for hacking
>their controls are disabled
>they can't exit the game or communicate with anyone
>they die silently, in their chairs
How has that company not been inundated with lawsuits over this?

maybe the update was supposed to fix this

Wow, really? An episode the majority of which takes place in a virtual reality based on Star Trek in which digital versions of people created from scraps of their human counterparts DNA are trapped inside a spaceship by a villainous coder bent on getting revenge for how people have treated him in real life... was stupid?

Are you sure?

Better hope you don't have any mods installed when the update hits though, because it will delete your ability to access the menu and quit for some stupid reason.

Why is the ending heralded as a good thing? They're in a procedurally generated MMO (read: 2 levels that repeat over and over) where they'll either get griefed to death by players, die to some roaming NPC, or get deleted when the servers go down.

> Install a mod.
> Game updates and doesn't recognize the old files.
> Your monitor becomes stuck on a black screen and your hands fuse with the keyboard.

>being forced to play no man's sky for the rest of eternity

I would rather be a spacebug desu.

Better than the alternative.
It's not really explained how much you can do in the virtual universe, but if it is anything like San Junipero, I doubt it would be that bad.

I think the writers are saying its a full functioning world inside the game so you could live your life inside. Unrealistic of course that a game could be that good but it the twilight zone, anythings possible. Plus they got their sex organs back so they can fuck for eternity. Imo black mirror really lost the concept of what black mirror is about.

So when Meth Damon logs out and logs back in does he just appear wherever he was last in the game or does he automatically appear somewhere on the ship. If it was the latter, why didn't he just do that instead of trying to chase them on his own ship. If it was the latter why didn't the crew just wait until he was logged off and then pilot the ship 20 billion miles away and leave him floating in space.

I wonder what kind of cpu you would need to run at least 9 fully sentient A.I.s as well as an entire procedurally generated universe 24/7.

>Why is the ending heralded as a good thing?

Who the fuck said it was a good ending?

I guess Charlie predicted Intel's security flaw.

Maybe he uses cloud computing.

They needed his phone controller thing to do anything. I forget why exactly, but it was definitely explained away somehow why they couldn't do it while he was logged out.

I think he was referring to the characters seeming very happy about the situation at the end, rather than sad that they had been trapped inside a virtual space reality for eternity.

Why the fuck did he not shut off the Internet after the first message? Why the fuck did he not exit the game and turn off the Internet after realizing they were heading towards the update

Why the fuck is this and Black Museum the worst episodes of the series and pure sjw propaganda?

>be master coder
>have no need for a game-wide pause function because all in-game actors obey your every command
>have teleportation available to you through your ship, preserving the canon of your fanfic universe, and the ability to leave and reload the game if that's ever not enough
>want the server to stay running when you're not in it because this is part of the torture of your NPCs
>have to steal code from human genome to replicate personalities, no reason to believe that you or anyone else is capable of programming personalities, only copying and pasting them
>actually do code it so your npc slaves can't use the ship when you're not around, but fail to forsee a loophole that they eventually exploit
>code it so only you can access instagram, successfully block your slaves from accessing this and successfully lie to them about it, again failing to forsee a loophole that they eventually exploit
>don't code the update at all, don't realize what it will do with your wonky homebrew code

>spend 3 minutes shitposting on Sup Forums instead of paying attention during the episode and applying even the smallest bit of brainpower

What a stupid fucking idiot. Is this the state of Sup Forums, really?

>Why the fuck did he not shut off the Internet after the first message?
Because that would be admitting that he had briefly lost control. The whole place existed as a way for him to be and feel absolutely in control.

>Why the fuck did he not exit the game and turn off the Internet after realizing they were heading towards the update
Same reason. The smart thing to do would be log out and fix things from there, yeah, but his need for absolute control blinded him. He had to win, and he had to win his way, otherwise he wasn't in control anymore.

>Why the fuck is this and Black Museum the worst episodes of the series and pure sjw propaganda?
Because you have zero analytical skills, no business on a television and film discussion forum, and see boogeymen everywhere.

it doesn't matter because you can't get consciousness from lollipops and coffee cups

>have no need for a game-wide pause function because all in-game actors obey your every command
But they clearly don't. They all have free will.
>have teleportation available to you through your ship, preserving the canon of your fanfic universe, and the ability to leave and reload the game if that's ever not enough
Then why didn't he do that.
>have to steal code from human genome to replicate personalities, no reason to believe that you or anyone else is capable of programming personalities, only copying and pasting them.
It was already established that he can change the code that makes up the people on the ship at will, thus why he could remove their eyes and face, or transform them into bugs. If he can manipulate that code, he can also manipulate the code that makes up their personality.
>don't code the update at all, don't realize what it will do with your wonky homebrew code
The ability to exit the game is should not be wonky homebrew code.
He's running a modded version of the base game. Unless the v0.1 of Infinity was so shit that players couldn't physically exit the game once they started then the update wiping that control makes 0 sense.

You are an idiot. I can understand some of the mistakes being made out of sheer hubris, sure, but no world expert coder would make such stupidly basic errors. They should have just made him some nobody office drone that downloaded hacked servers off dodgy russian sites or something.

They were prepared to die to get away from Daly.
Now they get the opportunity to experience the game, fuck, cruise around and have adventures (ironically Daly's dream). And if they die, they wont really care because they know real them are doing fine.
Although as they are NPC's in the proper code (signified by the uniform change) they might respawn after death.

What would be weird is if the employees find themselves in the game.

shitty season overall

>But they clearly don't. They all have free will.
Yeah you don't understand how abuse and slavery work. The human being victimized still retains free will, technically, but through various forms of violence they are coerced into obeying commands. He had already broken all of the other crew members to the point where they did whatever he said, faked enthusiasm, told the new girl there was no way to rebel and that obedience was the ONLY choice. They were literally there for him to bend and break their free will to his command. It's like you didn't even watch the show.
>Then why didn't he do that
Maybe read my whole post, dipshit
>If he can manipulate that code, he can also manipulate the code that makes up their personality.
Why would that be true. Biological makeup and personality are not the same thing. That's why he can code his own monsters, but can't code his own coworkers. Jesus you're dumb.
>The ability to exit the game is should not be wonky homebrew code.
Maybe in the base game it's not, but with his personalized, altered privileges he must look an awful lot like a cheater. Or should they have shown him using an aimbot and then had a character say "WOW HOW DID HE NAIL THAT SHOT" then have another character say "HE INSTALLED SPECIAL CHEATS YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON THE NORMAL GAME" and then have them explain in small words and short sentences but explicit detail exactly what would happen if the game thought he was cheating? Then brainlets like you would understand and instead you could come here and shitpost about how lame it is that they overexplain everything.

Okay, one more
>They should have just made him some nobody office drone that downloaded hacked servers off dodgy russian sites or something.
Then how would they explain his unique capability to copy real-life people into the game? It has to be something only he can do, otherwise it would be known and people would be on guard against it, or just decide they don't care, which weakens the impact of all the horror they are subjected to. Good thing you're not writing this show, you can't see far enough ahead to avoid undercutting your own writing. But then again, you wouldn't be undercutting your own writing, because you didn't write any of this "highly popular across multiple continents" show.

>Biological makeup and personality are not the same thing
They're all code you utter pleb. It's not real life.

So if you know how to code one thing in C, you know how to code anything at all that C is capable of?
I almost can't believe the things I've had to explain in this thread. You fucks couldn't even get through one episode by yourselves, you need to come shitpost on Sup Forums until someone holds your hand through the whole thing, all while you cry and stamp your feet.

Jesus, just stop. It's so painfully clear you don't know the first thing about what you are talking about.

>Why didn't he just snap his fucking fingers and teleport himself on board the ship he was chasing and kill everyone or turn them into bugs?

>be so painfully autistic that you don't even give your sex slaves pussies because no one fucked on screen in your knock off Star Trek.

legit the most retarded thing i read today. well done.

Yeah why wouldn't a ban just make you auto-quit the game? Instead trapping you inside to kill you seems a bit harsh, but then again the main coder was a bit cruel in general so maybe it was intended
>fucking hackers REEEEE, DIE

>don't code your npc-slaves to be incapable of rebelling
That would go against the entire point. He wants to torture them, not versions of them he controls.

They thought they were going to die anyway. They get to live on through an adventure. Who cares if they will eventually be deleted? Everyone dies eventually.

That all you got, then? Run out of "plot holes" for me to explain to you?

Not much of an achievement, given the hour. I'll lose that honor as soon as you see your name in print somewhere.

It could be worse, they could be in No mans sky universe

>if you die in the game you die for real
woah really made me think
bravo brooker

It is hilarious that Sup Forums doesn't get that his arrogance is the whole point of the episode.

Jesus Christ you are a dumb fuck. Their personalities would have been written in the same language as all npc's created for the game to be compatible with the game. Someone who understands the coding well enough to heavily create mods for the game would probably understand how to edit a few lines of code in his SpaceGameMod/NPC/behaviour file.

>Maybe in the base game it's not, but with his personalized, altered privileges he must look an awful lot like a cheater. Or should they have shown him using an aimbot and then had a character say "WOW HOW DID HE NAIL THAT SHOT" then have another character say "HE INSTALLED SPECIAL CHEATS YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON THE NORMAL GAME" and then have them explain in small words and short sentences but explicit detail exactly what would happen if the game thought he was cheating? Then brainlets like you would understand and instead you could come here and shitpost about how lame it is that they overexplain everything.
Do you not know what a private server is? The fact updates appeared at all, in any capacity, in his own private server is fucking retarded.

Listening to /soc/ try and talk about this is honestly giving me a headache.

There's being an arrogant cunt, and then there is making decisions so stupid that it looks like you don't even know how the mod you created for the game you created even work.

Almost there, user! You'll get it, I believe in you.

plot holes: the series

>I'm smart because I can eat shit without asking any questions.

>Someone who understands the coding well enough to heavily create mods for the game would probably understand how to edit a few lines of code in his SpaceGameMod/NPC/behaviour file.
What makes you think it would be as simple as "a few lines of code'? They went through the trouble of making him need to steal DNA to put his coworkers in the game, why do you think they did that? He can't program personalities. They're too complex.

>same language as all npc's
Yeah, same language, but what do the NPCs in the main game look like? We never saw any. As far as we know the version released to the public is only populated by real-life humans.

> The fact updates appeared at all, in any capacity, in his own private server is fucking retarded.
Unless he wanted bug fixes without having to code them himself at home/schlep the code from work to home every time. But I wasn't arguing that point, I was explaining WHY the code would do what it did, not whether or not the code should appear in the first place.

>getting a headache
Wow, this really is too hard for you to understand. How embarrassed are you that a middle-of-the-road series like Black Mirror is beyond you? Go back to ABC Family, that's more your speed.


If you're really struggling, this post spells it out for you in the second reply.
I can tell you're new here so I'll give you a tip: try reading the whole thread before posting.


>as retarded as any star trek holodeck episode ever

So if Dayl was able to get the broken shuttle to work why couldn't he make it go faster? Also won't the company shut down when the see Dayl died via their game and Nanette be arrested since I'm assuming her DNA will be everywhere and there would be cameras in that lush Apartment.

This was still my favourite episode of anything I have watched recently. Can't complain when the pickings are so slim.

>Someone who understands the coding well enough to heavily create mods for the game would probably understand how to edit a few lines of code in his SpaceGameMod/NPC/behaviour file.
Yeah, probably. But possibly not. And I thought they spelled out "NOT" with the DNA-box thing.

>Because that would be admitting that he had briefly lost control. The whole place existed as a way for him to be and feel absolutely in control.
Damn, this weak writing.

>no man's sky
why are gamers so dumb and gullible

Isn't it funny that you can't see I'm trying to get you to ask MORE questions and study the context of the episode and you're still arrogant enough to divert that and assume I'm just an idiot?

Now work this parallel into the main character of the episode and you'll be half way there.

So keeping the theme of the episode consistent is weak writing? Gotcha.

One bitcoin miner

You take that back

>written in the same language
>Someone who understands the coding well enough to heavily create mods for the game would probably understand how to edit a few lines of code in his SpaceGameMod/NPC/behaviour file.

What is Black Mirror even about? Some episodes like Crocodile are textbook black mirror shit (grim and twisted), to the point of being mundane.
Others like Hang The DJ are much more uplifting, and have a nice ending.

>Indian boy can't hack the game despite being on the ship for years(?)
>Girls come in and hacks it within 10 minutes of being at the controls
also how the fuck does she hack anything when earlier it's established that the buttons just do whatever the captain wants them to do at the time

cloning people from saliva and shit haahah

>What makes you think it would be as simple as "a few lines of code'? They went through the trouble of making him need to steal DNA to put his coworkers in the game, why do you think they did that? He can't program personalities. They're too complex.
Programming a sentient A.I and editing one are very different things you absolute pleb.

>Yeah, same language, but what do the NPCs in the main game look like? We never saw any. As far as we know the version released to the public is only populated by real-life humans.
"Hey everyone, buy our super fun space game. Quests? Shops? Story? Why would you want any of that shit lol" Sounds like a fun game. And anyway the base game doesn't matter. Even if there were no NPC files in the base game to go off of, the computer in the ship would count as an NPC and it sure as shit wasn't made by DNA programming. If he programmed that in computer form scratch then he could edit NPC files of other NPC's no problem.
Unless he wanted bug fixes without having to code them himself at home/schlep the code from work to home every time.
And with this you've proved to me you have no idea what you are talking about. Let me give you babbies first lesson on how private servers work. They are offline from the main server and updates cannot reach them. EVER. If you want to update bug fixes/whatever. You have to manually find, download and install the update yourself. That fact the update appeared as some wormhole that npcs can fly through mean one of two things. 1) the master coder has no idea what he is actually doing in the most basic of things, which is a plothole, or 2) the update-wormhole is magic which is shit writing.

It's even worse
>indain boy can't hack the game he has helped create for years
>girl who was with the company for 3 days can hack instagram from map screen.

The theme of the series is weak writing.

You really don't understand that human personalities are too complex for him to edit like that. Ok, fine. I give up arguing that point. You're wrong and you'll keep being wrong, that makes no difference to me. How about this, then; he would never edit their personality code because then they wouldn't be the same person he knew in real life and wanted to be in control of. He wanted to feel the power of breaking down the people who he felt had tormented him in daily life.
How's that for a plot twist? Not only are you too dumb to understand the answer, you were retarded for even asking the question.

What's the quest in Rust?
Buy from other players. Remember the only legit player we see in the main game? His only dialouge is asking them to trade, then saying "if you don't have anything to trade, why are you here? fuck off"
Fucked if I know, we barely saw the main game. Again, though, what's the story in Rust?

>Private servers can never connect to anything outside their LAN
Ok, I'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about, right.

>That fact the update appeared as some wormhole that npcs can fly through mean one of two things. 1) the master coder has no idea what he is actually doing in the most basic of things, which is a plothole, or 2) the update-wormhole is magic which is shit writing.
First off, they weren't supposed to be able to fly through it, they should have died. That's yet another thing they made explicit in the show that you seem unaware of. I'm not getting anything out of this, and at this point I wouldn't be surprised to find out you weren't even in the room for most of this episode. I'm not going to stay here and keep dragging you through every single detail of the show. You're just a fucking idiot who criticizes and complains before making the slightest bit of effort to add 1 and 1 to get 2.

Thanks for quitting before you embarrassed yourself too much more.

honestly, why do you guys watch this garbage? I see thread after thread about SJW this Jew that goyim kill white men BLACKED etc. And not just this episode, but multiple ones for Black Mirror. Why do you keep watching? If you truly believe it has an agenda why do you effectively throw your money at it?

you think i pay for my own netflix? fool

>implying being able to watch it's always sunny, peep show and star trek on demand, advert free isn't worth my 7 bongs a month

Nigga I wouldn't give a penny for Black Mirror on it's own.

even if you're watching it for free, why watch it? also even if you're mooching it still gets views which signals to netflix that the audience likes this content and that they should make more


Thats occurred to me as well, irl Nanette will think that whatever she did killed Daly and that she was manipulated into murdering her boss whom she admired greatly.

Are you kidding? I'm practically licking my fingers over here, it's SO delicious that you're too arrogant and stubborn to understand a simple episode about a man who loses despite being god because he's too arrogant and stubborn.

I actually liked S1 and 2 for the most part, and S3 had a couple of good episodes. I wanted to give S4 a fair shake.

With full memory of everything as well. You can't even explain it away as Daly coding their personalities, that woman knew the password to her nude pictures Daly knew nothing about.

I thought you were done talking to me? Guess I'm not the only one who's stubborn eh faggot?

Genetic memories my nig. Did you not watch that famous documentary: Assassin's Creed?

>I'm not going to stay here and keep dragging you through every single detail of the show.
>done talking to you
I don't know why I'm surprised. You've already shown that you have horrible reading comprehension. Take a look at the filename from my last post, you poor dumb fucker.

Its only 4 chan and tumblr that pick up on the sjw stuff. Everyone else just sees it as a tv show with some dark and weird plot twists.

Why are you so obsessed with me user?



The whole episode was fucking retarded, this whole series is full of glaring plotholes.


Best waifu coming thru

And yet still come back and watch it because I hope they can make another awesome episode like S01E02

It's not you, it's what you've been saying.
>This show is bad because
That's wrong. I'll explain why because I like talking about TV. That's why I'm here.
>Doubles down on retardation
This is a waste of my time
>Insults me
Ok I can poke you with a stick for a while, especially if you're going to walk into it for me

Be more interesting with your next post or I'm actually leaving

Just stared season 3. I liked nosedive. It was a nice upbeat derail from the grimness of season 2

What like you said you would last time. Sad.

kek the beta soyboys still triggered by a show made for women. like just turn your tv off dude hahaha just go outside

Utterly predictable

Failed. Bye. Shitpost in peace.

>show made for women.
Huh I got that feeling too

Bye again. Actually try to stay away this time. Though I know you won't be able to resist.

I enjoyed the episode overall but yeah, He's supposed to be some genius and he left a lot of options open to get himself fucked in the ass. Also I hated that his cerebral death was pictured like a good thing. This guy was sick in the head and needed professionnal help. Aside from stealing DNA, he didn't do anything legaly wrong.