You get the chance to have a superpowered form, with super strength, flight, and invulnerability

You get the chance to have a superpowered form, with super strength, flight, and invulnerability.

BUT, the form is biologically a female in her 20s.

Do you take the offer?

Fuck, I'd take the deal if the form was a chimpanzee (provided I keep my intelligence of course).

This is Sup Forums, of course everyone does.

As long as it isn't a hentai...

Yes, because it would just be me but with superpowers

Yes. And only change out of that form for work.


>Becoming a slut

How does aging work? Like when I'm 80 is the form still 20? Will I have to turn into the form permanently at some point to stay alive?

That depends, how hot would I be?

Can't say, too many questions. Could I get pregnant? Would I be able to switch back and fourth at will or would I need to do something to accomplish this? Are there other supers or just me?

You bet your pasty white ass I would.

>You get the chance to have a superpowered form

Does that imply I can change back and forth? Like Shazam but I'm a girl?

Important question.

Yes. Hell I might as well stay in the form full time.

Can I change between male and female like how Captain Marvel can change between child and adult?
I'd still take the offer regardless,
just wanted to ask.


>super strength


>super periods
>losing the ability to drive
>lose my reasoning and accountability

For the sake of the world, I'll have to decline. I'd like to think I'm being a real hero here.


your telling me i have a CHOICE in wanting to be a superior being AND be a chick....


fucking waste of a thread

Time to become a magical girl.

>I keep my gender
>I'm younger
Hell yes!

Am I still fat?

Cause honestly turning into a super powered chick sounds easier than diet and exercise

you'll probably be able to still not work out because your so fucking strong and shit.

i mean, in the DC and Marvel universes, there are shit to train people like Supes, but in our world? there is nothing that could challenge a strength like that. maybe lifting mountains or something, but other than that, fuck all else would trouble you.

I'm sorry, is there supposed to be a downside here?

95% of Sup Forums wants to be biologically a female in her 20s, in the first place.

a pair of titties to play with all the time? hell yeah

If its kind of a transformation then fuck yes. No secret identity drama would happen.

If not, then yes.

Are you telling me I can be both a superhero for fun and a cam whore for money? You'd be stupid not to go through with this

The others want to be even younger.

so.. Super strength, flight and invulnerability
AND I get to be a chick so life can be easymode?

Is the female form just outer appearance or would I also have periods and such?
Because if it is the later then just turn into a male that week-ish time and you are good to go.

I see little to no flaws in this offer.
Except.. how fit and attractive am I as a female?

wait, is superpowered loli a choice?

>Getting cooties.

it'd be cute as fuck

Exactly, when Billy Batson is 90, is SHAZAM still in his 30s, Black Adam changed out and immediately disintegrated. BUT SHAZAM is called Earths Mightiest Mortal?

Don't need cars, fly there.
Assuming you keep your Intellect like Billy Batson, then you're all set.

well it looks like the superior choice has been made.

no shit, i would take pics of myself and jack off to them when i turned back

If I get to pick the female form then yes.

>You get the chance to have a superpowered form, with super strength, flight, and invulnerability.BUT, the form is biologically a female in her 20s.Do you take the offer?
that's Sup Forums dream

You mean, I get to transform back and forth?

If so, then yes.

If not, then no.

There's no downsides for me

I will stay in form forever.

Hell yes!!!!

This but,
Probably never have my own run.

Hell no.


>You get awesome superpowers

Dude, come on. No one with any brains at all is going to turn that down. Hell, the ladies in this thread don't have to deal with your "drawback" at all.

Yes, what type of question is that

My male form would now only become my form for getting around legal barriers that require me to show my ID.

OP fucked up. There's supposed to be a downside when you offer people a choice like this

I don't know. I like being a man and all.I would like to experience being a woman losing my virginity, or having periods, or getting pregnant, or sucking guys, etc.

Cool costume

I would, but the only downside would be if I'm captured by a villain or something. I mean, do I turn back into my original form if I'm unconscious? Something like this?

>"Aha! I've finally caught you! Now I shall drag your unconscious form to my evil lair and finally touch your boobs while you are slee--Wait. Why is she a dude now. What is this. What. No. This...FUCK. God FUCKING dammit. She was fucking DUDE the WHOLE FUCKING TIME!? Fuck this."

If I can turn it off, then obviously. If not, then it's tough, I like having a penis

>becoming a woman
i refuse
i like my dick

The absolute state of fat people in modern times

Yeah man, this sounds rad as fuck. And since you didn't put a mention on where the setting is, I'd just be some perfectly hot Amazon with super powers in this world.

>get cool superpowers AND get to switch to easy mode
why the fuck would I even go back?

Easy mode?

I think it's only a temporary form, like Captain Marvel is a different form from Billy Batson.

Only if my codename can be "Shazamazon".

There's an important detail not mentioned.
Do I immediately become a woman, or does my past history change so that I was always a woman?
I'd take it if all my friends and family didn't know I was suddenly a transwoman. If the past changed so I had just always been my parents lesbian daughter, then sure.


Am I pretty?

not exactly 20 year old but the premise has been done before.

even better(worse) the dude is actually gay and it's his chance to be biologically female. the only downside is he loses all his beauty salon skills.

seriously, that was his dealbreaker.


Shaz-Amazon or Shazam-Azon?

Yes please where do i sign?

Do I have to change back?

I don't care if I turn into a fucking cat, yes I'll take the offer.


Even if I had an aversion to being a female (and I don't), any sane human being would value superpowers above such an aversion. Especially if it is a form which is possible to turn off and on.

Yeah. I'll pass on that.

I hope you guys enjoy periods, mood swings and the ability to get pregnant.

Your loss.

So what's the downside here?

I can forgo the superpowers if that's more convenient for you.

That would be your own fault you know.

I'm a tranny so obviously yes

Congratulations. You are now Carol Danvers. Yaas Queen slay.

So there's no downside at all? I even get to make out with Spider-Woman and/or Abigail Brand?

Is the change permanent or not? Can I be a dickgirl instead?

So long as I'm not a rule 63 version of myself, if I'm a rando mid 20's chick I'd take that deal 100%.

>free praise because woman
I can do anything I want and literally nobody can speak against me lest they be called sexist

I mean, if I had superpowers, it's a worthwhile tradeoff. Plus OP specified that it's a form, meaning I can choose not to be a girl.

Sure. After you deal with Marcus...

Wasn't this a Dial H issue?

IUDs, user. And traditional birth control meds can help with periods, too. There are ways. Most girls deal with them differently, is all. Hormonal, though? Yep. But it won't be as bad as a teenage girl's, thank God.

And mood swings? EVERYONE has fucking mood swings. YOung men do, too. I don't know why people act like they don't. I think it has to do with the topics. Girls will have mood swings over things guys don't quite get. The same goes for vice versa, but girls just think "psh, boys" and either talk about it to their girlfriends or just hold it as a slight grudge.

Basically, as long as you retain your male-mind, you'll be fine. Females think VERY differently from males. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just science. If people think they're meant to be a boy or a girl, then, by all means, mutilate your genitals or whatever. I ain't gonna stop ya.

God yes.
I get to be a superhero, my secret identity is safe, and I get to masturbate at superspeed.

yes, some sexist construction worker gets turned into a sexy woman with electrical powers. The issue ends with her losing the dial to turn back and ends up working as a stripper. It was implied she was killed by another user of the dial, who could take on the powers of other users when he killed them.