The absolute state of Doctor Who

>History is a whitewash...

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Science Fiction

And the British taxpayers have the privilege of funding such excellent entertainment.

DOCTRESS Who, shitlord.

>there was a time I was envious of BBC conent.

It feels good to be redpilled

Rather those people than pic related

>Watch only Attenborough & Top Gear
>Think BBC is great
I was the same

why the fuck do people watch this show? its boring as fuck. just like harry potter, what is the fucking appeal?

>Top Gear
is Top Gear still around anymore? I remember that his ratings went to shit after the feminist change.

Tbf the show is forced to do it because the BBC has actual quotas for showing a certain number of minorities/women in every tv show. It's not just doctor who. Feels bad how cucked British TV is though.


When is the episode where they visit the BBC headquarters in [insert decade here] and it's just full of people raping children?

Yeah but nobody watches it. Clarkson, Hammond, and May do The Grand Tour on Amazon now.

You're supposed to get up and clap during that part.

is it as good as Top Gear was?

Hey rebbit


Neither was Top Gear near the end desu.

No. They changed the name to The Big Tour or something and went to the U.S. on Amazon.

Never seen it myself but I haven't heard amazing things about it, Top Gear was getting a bit stale towards the end of its run with them though.

So why aren't there any pictures of London's streets filled with black people from before the 60s?

I mean this picture was taken like twenty years after that webm takes place, what happened to all the vibrant PoC?

*saves your country

well that's also true. I might watch a couple of episodes of this new show out of nostalgia. I have aa free amazon subrsciption after all.

Half of them are black.

>History is a whitewash...

Doctor Who's Steven Moffat on diversity:

>“And we’ve kind of got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that. We’ll say, ‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.’ And, outside of the fiction, it’s about anyone feeling that they can be involved in this industry as an actor, a director, a writer… It’s hugely important, and it’s not good when we fail on that. We must do better.”

Why do (((they))) project so much?

Old time Photoshop to remove the blacks, that's where there is so much negative space.

It's pretty good. The banter seems obviously scripted at times but other than that it's still a decent watch.
Hammond's looking a bit rough these days though.

>3% of the UK is black
>35%+ of BBC acting jobs goes to black people
Fucking racists.

Why are there more diverse casts than GOT

Meanwhile in Classic Who