Does the galaxy view the Sith as a threat or is it just the Jedi...

Does the galaxy view the Sith as a threat or is it just the Jedi? Because if that's the case then I would believe that the core conflict of Star Wars is actually limited to a few people.

You really have nothing better to occupy your mind with?

Dont you have anything better to prepccupy yourself with than posting in reply to OP?

You never seen any star wars movies? the only people concerned with the sith are jedi.

People even mock Vader in ANH.

It's just a series of average to trash movies, instead of discussing this fucking Autism you could read a book or watch a good movie for a change.

The OT suggests despite being an empire fighting a rebellion it doesn't seem to be effecting the rest of the universe much.

not really

The galaxy largely doesn't know what the Sith are. Even the Jedi think of them as an extinct cult from thousands of years ago during the prequels. As far as the galaxy knows, the new emperor is just a hard ass and he has some weird cyborg enforcer.

Where is this suggested?

I guess the sith are in favor of really shitty child labour laws and dont consider animal cruelty a crime.

At least thats what the new trilogy seems to say.

The Sith are a dark side cult believed to be extinct until Palpatine is discovered as the last Sith Lord. Most people in the galaxy would never have even heard of the Sith, most people had never even seen a Jedi

Then who is Snoke?

According to the wiki he's not a sith, he's just a powerful force user

So what exactly makes The Empire the bad guys. As far as I can see they're about order and command and surely they're good for the economy because they employ tens of thousands of people and order the construction of thousands of ships.

Does the country view the Trumps as a threat or is it just the Liberals? Because if that's the case then I would believe that the core conflict of America is actually limited to a few people.

The Jedi were authoritarian theocrats. Their attack on Palpatine was illegal, immoral, and based entirely on their centuries-old holy war.

This, how horrible is life under the empire for Luke when his family of farmers can afford a private jet, a convertible speeder, multiple droids, and tuition for the academy?

Could’ve sworn he called himself sith, I must have misremembered hard

It is also funny how the rebellion in TLJ is somehow down to a few ships when one would think they would get all the support in the galaxy trying to fight the apparent big bad First Order.

Maybe the First Order and the Empire were the good guys. They seemed to keep a watchful eye on crime and kept order. We're always told by (((them))) that they are evil, but I don't see any evil acts, only acts of war against an opponent that always fights them dishonestly.

> Jedi = Jews
>Palpatine = Palestine
Empire lovers are literal nazis

I don't think they've mentioned the word sith at all in the new movies.

Maz mentioned them in TFA, and Kylo mentioned them in TLJ.
And Luke calls Sheev "Darth Sidious".

Man, i really should start paying attention to these flicks.

I suppose it's all an argument over taxation