Do we really have to pretend to love average movies now because Trump?

Do we really have to pretend to love average movies now because Trump?


Movie didn't even approach average, I guess all the mudsharks out there saw it 20x in theaters.

Can you enjoy a movie and not agree with its politics?

Different question

But why?

>someone's feelings about personal experiences are now "politics"

terrible timeline.

The personal is political.

If you want to be part of mainstream western society you are going to have to pretend to believe a lot of things that obviously aren't true.

Pic unrelated, Get Out was a masterpiece.
t. patrician who has seen more than 200 movies.

yes you can, but whether i agree with this films politics or not i think its pretty average/bad

seeing 200 movies doesnt mean you have great taste. if you want to claim this to be a masterpiece then explain why

What does Trump have to do with this?
Or is everyone on all sides just obsessed at this point?

Pic related.

It's politcally charged to the max. That doesn't make it a bad film. Politics in movies are fine as long as the "right" kind of politics doesn't lead it to be critically acclaimed, for it is a fundamentally average movie objectively. It was passed around like a hot potato from critics who felt obliged to give it a high score because of the political climate we have in this "post Trump world". Apparently.

Funny how people think this movie addresses racism in some way. It doesn’t though. The old people actually PREFER black bodies, you dumb fucks.

>being this asshurt

That's just one part of it.

>It's a new black director making a movie about blackness

Average comedy flick
Move along


Do we really need another movie about whities doing white things?

racism isnt just about the negative traits of a race.

Everyone who compares modern Western ideology and East European communism is fucking retarded.
t. lives in former commie country

But in thAt case you can say affirmative action is racist. People don’t say that though.

Can you admit a movie is bad even if you agree with its politics?

Call me naive but I don't buy into the whole "reviewers are liberals therefore they like shitty movies if they push their agenda" but god damn how can people say this is a good movie?
It's so poorly written.

What are the other ones?

More than we need blacks doing another black things movie.

The genius of George W. Bush Jr. brought us the term ''racism of low expectations'

>moobie hat blak peeple
>can nut put aside pursonel beleefs 4 moobie
>it now bad

Sure. Because I'm white I like watching those movies. If black people want movies about black people doing black things they should make them, instead of waiting on other people to do it for them.

Fetishizing Blackness is racism... orr something, probably.

I actually do need more.

maybe the majority of ppl dont think its racist or unfair but i do, and if more ppl knew what affirmative action did they probably would too.

name 1 (one) joke

not on Sup Forums

can u stop being such a faggot, this guy didn't like the movie and is expressing why he thinks other ppl like it. why do u need to strawman soo fucking hard instead of explaining why the movie is actually good.

They do and you Sup Forums faggots just cry about them

>Get Out is about racism

Get Out is more about how rich progressives fetishize black people while not really caring about them. It's more about using black people for your own gains.


Oh, so like the NBA?

movies, arent exclusive to fucking race, if a black person makes a movie all races can criticize the movie. same as with any other race making a movie. stop focusing on race non stop its making u a faggy bigot inside.

i'm just pointing out that tribalism has replaced nuanced discourse of policy. you guys take the current circumstances for granted, but the existence in other places and other times of more than 2 parties pretty much disproves the need for this bullshit.

and the NFL

Oh, so like rich white girls dating rappers?

that's a quip at best

you're a quip at best

I liked it.

well... uh.... you're momma

nah. Racist is only used to denote negative things is all.

It isn't about Le Drumpf you mongoloid. It's about dem libruls you hate so much. It's literally about how liberal treatment of basketball americans actively alienates them and paints them in a different light from everyone else.

Name a single satire movie that has fantastic social commentary about american race relations while being really enjoyable.

>ywn see how Get Out would be received in a vacuum

Non-white people shill it as the best movie of all time because it btfo of white people and it makes them feel special telling white people that they shouldn't see it.

Racist people hate it regardless of quality because it's a movie about a black person.

White people are divided between cucks who are bending over backwards to praise the film (Ignorant that their behavior is the exact form of racism the movie attacks the most) and pussies who don't want to be confronted with faux pas they may have committed in the past.

Every idiot has an opinion based merely on the premise and not the quality of the film itself, and Sup Forums has never showed me otherwise.

Or democrat politicans

You just make yourself be right by saying that anyone who has an actual criticism of the movie just didn't like it because of one of the reasons above.
>This movie has bad writing
>You just didn't like it because it's about a black person

You've just convinced yourself that you can't be wrong.

are you trying to claim that your own blindness means communist countries didn't implement wrong-think thought crime policies?

But lads, you still haven't answered whether there's at least one movie out there that you liked but didn't agree with its politics

give some examples of good movies that involve any side of politics, and we can let you know if we like tehm or not.

Aren't the whites in Get Out all dems and libtards? The movie isn't attacking Trump at all.

i didnt agree with all the politics in v for vendeta (but the context the film frames them in makes it hard to argue them in the film) but i still liked that movie.

>duhhh strawman iz Sup Forums boys onlee defens to critizm

It was more of a statement on liberal hypocrisy than anything else.

you literally tried to imply that because the movie had black ppl in it that was the reason he didnt like it. so i asked you to stop being a faggot, then u continue to be a faggot... ok

so can u get around to explaining why you think the movie is good yet.

Yes, they weren't subtle about it.

Why would you prefer something that is way more prone to cardiac arrests and diabetes? I guess that's something that old people are used to though