How do we fix tv news

How do we fix tv news

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He's right you know

Shoot him in the head.

>watching tv news
>watching tv


That statement actually is pretty fucking fascist

>mfw nobody's gonna do shit about it anyway
Don't worry lads keep those protest signs up he's gonna be impeached any day now lmao

>browsing Sup Forums

remove juden

I'm sorry, user, but you still seem to stuck in the denial phase

The fucking state of Sup Forums's reading comprehension

Fucking BASED!

he left a couple important ones out, CONVENIENTLY

Only the_donald still supports Drumpf

Why do Americans hate free speech?

Go back to honoring "equal time" the way some other countries do. Since anything that happens can be explained with different supporting facts as causes, several people should be able to say their piece and leave it to the viewer to decide where the truth lies. The network itself should remain neutral and/or only report on the facts of any event. Even then, omission of facts around an event could and should be construed as bias.

>attempting to be the big man in an argument about nuclear buttons stating yours is bigger
>despite the opponent has shown zero problem to actually push it
lmao a trumpy

Fuckin moronic idiot. This unpatritic traitor is a president. baka

Any day now

>Go back to honoring "equal time" the way some other countries do. Since anything that happens can be explained with different supporting facts as causes, several people should be able to say their piece and leave it to the viewer to decide where the truth lies
Today, a migrant ran over five people and stabbed four others at an outdoor market. Panel, what is the reason for this violence?

Panelist A:
>We haven't allowed enough migrants in yet, he doesn't feel at home and this encourages extremism

Panelist B:
>Poverty and lack of education is at fault for this, which is why we need to increase welfare spending on migrants by 300%

Panelist C:
>He's just retaliating against the white patriarchal system. If we really want to get serious about fighting terror, we need to crack down on racists and hate groups spreading their rhetoric on Twitter.

There you have it, folks, three equally balanced possibilities that you can decide on.

Lol I love these kinds of pictures


You think you can fight me?
Also I'm a fascist so I'm not triggered by you posting pics of antifarts

Uh-huh. It's not like the same people can buy up all the media companies and that the media can't be biased, is it? But now everything has to be viewed through the lens of Trump being literally fucking Hitler so it's fascistic.

Get that cunt off there for a start

We impeach the president.

This: Read that post one more time, retard.

Ugh. You're right of course, but thanks for destroying the little faith I still had in humanity.

Also, kys. Are these posts even parodies now? Phoneposters should leave.

I think it's more likely that one person is biased instead of a whole conglomerate of people

have the faces been edited to suit the amerimongrel meme?

I really wanna see this movie, though.

>more likely
I don't get this. This isn't philosophy, you know. You can actually read/watch the news and find out if it's biased, instead of talking about the probability.

there is no fixing it, just stop watching it

He's right

>Conglomerates are not likely to be biased
So...this is the power of soy...

This is exactly why “equal time” or the old “Fairness” Doctrine are infantile fantasies.

Grow the fuck up, children. There is no human being who is unbiased or who somehow has an “objective” point of view. And there never was. Pining for an era that never actually existing is just asking for a swift kick in the nads.

Donald Trump is only speaking the truth here: all of the organizations he mentioned are as biased and agenda driven as any other you could name. The difference with the ones he’s named is that they all pretend to uphold a standard of objectivity that doesn’t exist and never did. Being called out on this infuriates them to no end because being regarded as the High Priests of Faux Objectivity is their currency and lifeblood.

The emperor wears no clothes. They’re all political flaks relentlessly flogging an agenda just like every other chimp on the scene. They just happened to be ruled by a big fucking orangutan now.

The king is dead. Long live the king.