Watchmen Pt. 4

Prior threads are here.
Finishing Silk Spectre up tonight and then moving to different titles. I'm thinking Nite Owl after this.

Other urls found in this thread:,fl_progressive,g_center,h_450,q_80,w_800/18j0vaww75u8kpng.png

Starting this guy from home so bumps are super duper appreciated.

Fun Fact: I just got glasses today and I feel like I look like completely different person. How long does it take for that feeling to go away?

Loving this cover.










was wondering where you were yesterday bro








Went out with a couple friends and didn't get back to really late. Didn't wanna trust my internet connection to autopost because it always screws up when I need it. Iapologize for the inconveneince.








God dammit, Laurie.

I know some might see it as pretentious, but I really enjoyed this last page.


I never noticed how much Bruce Timm's signature looks like "bitch."

On to Nite Owl and then Dr. Manhattan. Not as strong as the prior two series, but I feel JMS' set of issues were the second best with Azarrelo following and lastly Wein.

God dammit. Now it's all I can see. Like the Resident Evil 6 logo looking like someone is blowing a giraffe.,fl_progressive,g_center,h_450,q_80,w_800/18j0vaww75u8kpng.png
















bump for interest.


Thank you so much for the Bump. I have no way of doing it on my own.












thank for the storytime OP













what's up with Dan's suit looking different?













Thanks for the storytime professor. I loved the Minutemen mini. Hit me on my guts in a deep level.










