Superhero Movies Problem

Anyone else misses how Superhero movies used to be only about the SUPERHERO of the title? No random namedrops, references, Tie Ins nothing. Just a movie about a single superhero. The people who are complaining about Iron Man being in the new Spiderman movie only have themselves to blame. If it weren't for you fucks who keep crying for MUH CONTUINITY we could get more movies like we used to without shoehorning other heroes.


It's mostly a marlel thing

Capeshit movies without continuity are even more shit than regular capeshit movies.

Now its a thing with DC movies too

I don't think Wonder Woman will have any of that.

Sounds like you're going to enjoy DC's Wonder Woman, in theaters June 2nd!

Best Supehero Movies with focus singular charters (for the most part).

1. Spider-Man 2
>Peter's emotional journey of debating between what he wants and what he needs.

2. Hellboy
>Straight up fantasy/fi horror with fantastic characters.

3. Batman Begins/The Dark Knight
>Another story that focuses on the hero's journey from beginning to his end (ish).

4. Superman vs. The Elite
>No Justice League. No Batman. Just Superman trying his hardest to deal with a new strain of "Hero".

5. Watchmen
>Definitely not a film for everyone but this is another work distincly separate from the main DC universe. There are callbacks but all are tied to the history of that universe and backstory of these characters.

C'mon, man.

>I don't think Wonder Woman will have any of that.
but user, this is iron man 3 - wondy and bruce are talking about her past

Also Iron Man 1 was another focused story before it became a part of something larger.


Yes. Absolutely.

All super hero movies /should/ be individually focused on the main character with no other hero guest staring.

You can still have crossover movies, like Secret Wars or something. But only do the interactions there.

>more movies like we used to

But those sucked, and foreshadowing new to casuals, but long beloved by fans, characters is always joyous when done well.

Take off the nostalgia goggles,friendo.

None of those hold a candle to even the luke-warmly received modern Marvel films.

Cameos don't ruin movies, bad story-telling or uninteresting characters do. References don't take you out of anything unless you're autistic and can't stand not being in the know but hate putting in the effort to find out.

The Guardians of the galaxy are doing it pretty good if you ask me.
I fear the day they mix them directly with the rest of the marvel universe :S

>Dark Knight doesn't hold a candle to lukewarm marvel movies
What the fuck are you talking about.

Btaman will make some time of cameo already confirmed

>I fear the day they mix them directly with the rest of the marvel universe :S
Isn't Avengers 3 and 4 going to do that?

I'll even one-up that argument - I never really liked shared universes in comic books. It bothers me that Batman is in the same universe as Superman, I don't really like how X-Men share a continuity with Punisher. I think it wouldn't be such a problem if every character had their own world in the "main comic book" and then a comic book in a shared world. But now they cram tie-ins, crossovers, fucking events and whatnot. Sometimes it's almost unnoticeable, like in let's say Rucka's Punisher run. But then suddenly AIM, fucking Daredevil, Spiderman on all that spandex brigade and it makes a jarring contrast. For me it really robs every character of their uniqueness and creates a whole cavalcade of continuity problems.

Especially when the X-men are hated in a world with Spiderman, Hulk and countless of people with weird powers. Thats one reason why i hope the Marvel NEVER gets back to the X-Men movies

Coherent worldbuilding is next to impossible with so many very different characters. Not to mention trying to keep track of power levels, who does what and constant reminders like "Superman/Avengers is/are doing _____, so it's up to me".