What the fuck is this bitch's problem? Is she bipolar or something?

What the fuck is this bitch's problem? Is she bipolar or something?

She has PTSD, whiny kids trigger it

She had an abortion and Calvin reminded her of that.

Calvin is a mamas boy that needs an spanking.

She needed money for college, and tried dabbling her hand in babysitting a brat. She's a hard worker willing to deal with a lot of shit for a paycheck.

Childhood's when you idolize Calvin, adulthood's where you realize Rosalyn makes more sense.

You didn't post the context

What context? That's the whole strip.

I mean the other strips before it where Calvin has been giving her shit non-stop for years.

is there porn of this

She'd been a demented cunt since the beginning. me thinks she needs that $8 dollars an hour to support a smack habit.


The whole reason she keeps coming back is cause she charges extortion rates on the family. With the way Dad complains, it has to be at least $20 min.

She knows she can, since she's the only person in the town who can/will babysit Calvin

Since the first time? You mean the one where she was trying to be nice and he locked her out of the house? Yeah totally demented.

Five Theories That Will Change The Way You Think About Calvin And Hobbes

I recall her locking him in the garage.

>is there porn of this
No Exceptions.

While I've seen porn of calvin, hobbes, and susie, I can't say I know of any of the babysitter

Nigga the entire point of Calvin and Hobbes is that he's overly energetic and has a wild imagination that causes him to run away with absurd shit, his parents are constantly exasperated by him and they barely tolerate his shit because he's their kid, that Rosalyn demonstrates half the patience she does with Calvin, who, as a reminder, is an insane prick with no empathy for other human beings, is laudable. Calvin needs to be screamed at occasionally because he really is sort of an asshole.

That's not really fair, Dad is the kind of guy that would complain if it was a dollar above his initial offer.

There was only a single positive one, where she plays superhero with him and wears a mask. It was kind of cute.

She also played Calvin Ball once

Its almost as if adults are constantly annoyed at Calvin for being a shithead

She IS is Calvin's mom and Calvin's "parents" are raising him because she's a friend of the family. Didn't you ever notice that "mom" and "dad" aren't blonde?

Rosalyn is just Calvin's mom in a wig now that I look at it.

me thinks the one with issues here is you

Calvin's dad is the kind of guy who would complain if the cost of ANYTHING was higher than it was when he was a kid in 1961

She's the GOAT at Calvinball.