Make a case for why a bisexual Wonder Woman is a not a good idea

Make a case for why a bisexual Wonder Woman is a not a good idea.

Bissexual people are disgusting.

Lesbian Wonder Woman.

Make a case for why we should pander to less than 3% of the population.

Only completely braindead people think it's not a good idea, so you're not gonna get any good responses except "b-but gays are ebil sinners :((("

double aids

Do you hate women fucking both men and women?

I can do it just one word.
Just one:



I hate bisexual people, because I'm too dumb to like things that differ from me.

You mean you're intelligent enough to realize that different doesn't always mean better.

She's meant to uphold ideals

The whole thing about her being the world's best known female superhero, making her also bisexual makes her largely unrelatable.

Why is it a good idea?

No, I'm so dumb that I always think something different is automatically worse. I don't have the mental capacity to think differently, and I'm too full of myself to consider otherwise.

Good for you I guess.

it would be redundant as all women are inherently bisexual anyway.

it doesnt always mean worse either

she should be. she grew up on an island ONLY consisting of women. Look at how many men turn into butt bandits once they end up in the pen with only other dudes. homosex is often a reaction to isolation

that a sex is an emotional thing for women. they use it to re-enforce bonds and settle arguments.

not all women of course, but for many

Having sex is just the patriarchy's way of controlling women.

Make a case for why we should pander to 97% of the population?

You'll get a bunch of sales and could use the money to fund your gay projects while keeping normal people happy.

amazons don't reproduce

they should be asexual

>Implying 100% of that 97% cares about WW being Bi.