Why do retards take RedLetterMedia so seriously?

Why do retards take RedLetterMedia so seriously?

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What is this even?

third reich mike literally could not be any more based

what the fuck? I love reddit letter media now?

He looks like he smells like vegan food and extra chromosomes

Lokks like Walter Benjamin to me.

>when twitter is the only validation of your existence

He gives no reason. What a fucking bigot.

Soyboy Slayer Stoklasa

who is this fag, and what is his problem?

What did he mean by this?

what is wrong with these people

Very edgy.

>tfw you trigger people just by existing


Who is the best one and why is it Rich?

To be fair, you have to have a seriously high IQ to enjoy Star Wars: The Last Jedi etc.

RLM are liberals though. Are they just not liberal enough?

Even considering RLM as the meme they have become, what's revolting about them?

3 guys talking about movies. So?

I dont get this twatter guy, what's his point?

someone should reply this

he has zero argument so he's just making bald assertations

Marxists attempting to watch anything with even a slightly non-marxist bent is akin to a Conservative Father watching gay interracial transexual incest porn.

lol what a piece of shit

Yeah, Mike "Tina Fey is a liberal cunt" Stoklasa sure seems like a liberal to me.

Why do current year brainlets have to make every goddamn thing about their stupid fucking personal politics? No one that matters gives a fuck which kike that doesn't give a fuck about you or know you exist you support.

Life unworthy of life

if you're liberal but still laugh at off color jokes you're apparently still a white supremacist

So you're saying that this "revolting" guy is actually revolted to its own animal sexual attraction to the rlm crew? Interesting

>literally can't even


It is a cult

He also complains about there being too many white directors and so on. I have seen all of their stuff and they come of as quite liberal.

>gothic marxist
>down with value

Dear GOD

They talk about movies beyond "why isn't this told from the female/black perspective?" So, naturally they must be trumpfags

Why is Sup Forums always right?

Marxists hate liberals.

No, he was just point out that KK was talking about how diverse the cast of SW is, but then how all of the directors were (((White))) still.

what the fuck is a gothic marxist. well im a baroque fascist beat that.

That's a jew name?

Is that all it takes?

Im not really into politics, less usa politics, but have liberals run so much into their own assholes to view the world in gender and race terms only?

>Marxist is defending the product of a giant capitalist corporation.

Fucking hell. Soy did all this??

>literally too autistic to understand sarcasm
Goddamn, nigger.

Look at the twitter bio. This guy is a loon

>Not being a post avant garde Gregorian Whig

Psh, you've probably never heard of it.

No, but he's also not a reporter, just a brainwashed bugman.

You know, not being able to tell when people are being sarcastic or joking is one of the main indicators we use to detect autism in patients at my hospital. I can't diagnose you for sure over the internet but in my personal opinion, if I had to give you a medical diagnosis, I'd say you're fucking retarded.

What's a bugman?

this is some master level projection

He didn't state whether he thought there were too many white directors or not, he mocked some Disney/Star Wars-affiliated person for promising more non-whites/women behind the chair of Nu-Wars but every director ending up being a white male.

I know a guy who knows this guy. He's in his early to mid 40s, and regularly checks if his mail's been already opened because he thinks the UK government has him under heavy surveillance.

Hey now.

Ryan Gosling seems like a nice guy.

How come there are so many eternal adolescents around nowadays, if that's him on the picture he's easily pushing 50.

Goy turned against his fellow Goyim to further the Chosen's goal


I'm glad more and more people are putting these pricks into their place

Why are people nowadays so obsessed with publicly labeling themselves?

Why is a normie showing other normies an e-celeb channel?

irl nerd crew ANGRY

Dubs confirm it.

>A bloo bloo star wars is life! Star wars is love!

That RLM bit where they showed how obsessed these people are with Star Wars was pretty sad. It really is a cult.

I'm mostly curious about how did OP find this literal who's tweets? look at the retweets and responses. Just let him scream on the dark why even bring this shit here?

"be sure to watch The Last Jedi™ a second time!"
"Ah my laundry is done!"

>down with value
>marxist unironically believe in labor theory of value
What did he mean by this?

I think he just realised what a shallow corporate joke his life is. No wonder hes furious.

>Gothic Marxist
Is this a troll? This feels like a troll.

You can never be liberal enough with people like that.

It's like that one (completely right) speed runner guy that exploded into a speed running si shit speech that gets posted on Sup Forums a lot.

"Value" probably means something else in his own blend of critical theory where common words are given meanings that are completely incomprehensible to anybody outside their in-group.

I like how he lit the photo in an attempt to mask his doughy, unappealingly round face and it still doesn't work

I think they're deliberately apolitical, which comes off as unacceptable to a rabid leftist

ur dumb

Anybody else gonna hop on twitter and try to trigger this dude into offing himself?

Oh boy, I can work with that.

>death to people i dont agree with
i wonder if the irony ever hits these people, or if it does and they just brush it off


Today I will remind them.

Hello /snk/.

Checked. Libtard jerks to rlm confirmed

Is mike's sarcasm too complex for you to decrypt ?

Being neutral means you're implicit supporting fascism or something.

harloff is such a fucking retarded ape

> Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has come up with

Wait... People pay other people to play videogames badly but really fast? This is a fucking thing?

Most liberals are apolitical in North America. There’s a new species of social-media addicted, validation-addicted hyperpolitical liberal who are massively over represented online whose existence has created a young-conservative equal and opposite.


Why do you answer your own question in one sentance

What is his fucking problem?

Anyone else think Rich Evans looks a lot like Jeff Dahmer?

Marxists literally oppose all forms of liberalism.
The only reason they are infiltrating democrat politics is because they want to make use of their existing structures of influence to spread insidious class/gender/race warfare and weaken the people's faith in traditional values and western capitalism.
"Liberals get the bullet too" and all.

>just having a nigress sit there to purse her lips while the white man rants

come to think of it... I've never seen Rich Evans and Jeffy Dahmer in the same room...

Rich is a 19 year old actor made up to look older. He was born many years after Dahmer died.

believing (((their))) lies, Jeffery Dahmer was a fictional person created by the Warner Bros in order to set up for a lucrative serial killer cinematic universe coming to Theaters starting with Mr Gein? in 2020.

Rich Evans is a corporate patsy who's been wrapped up in their game so deep that if he speaks the wrong words the controllers pull the trigger. You can observe his tension on camera when he fails to say a word three or four times in a row, he stutters because he is afraid of death.

literally who the fuck is this

He's not wrong though. Red letter media is shit. Plinket was the only good thing they ever did and they ruined him with the shill review.

Imagine your entire legacy is an youtube review show with the word 'Schmoes' in the title.
Dude's got fucking figurines in the background, this is just embarrassing

If you're a man and your job is to sit around giving your unqualified opinion on movies, not only are you a piece of shit, but you're also distracting weak minded idiots (your only subscribers) from bettering their own lives.
I am continually amazed at just how many "normal" people in our society deserve to be in prison. Youtube, and by extension Google, is a cancer that should have been snuffed out long ago.

Thats just fetal alchohol syndrom


Looks like some pretentious twat who reviews blockbuster movies, and is angry that some drunks are doing better than him.

Oh, no! Some random guy on Twitter doesn't like RLM! How will Mike and Jay recover from this!?

Not some random guy, but a Gothic Marxist. Mike and Jay better watch out or he'll start a revolution of faggy goth kids.

Those nerd crew videos really got to him it seems