This is the single most kino moment in the history of cinema

This is the single most kino moment in the history of cinema.

Prove me wrong.

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thats not even the top 5 most kino moments in that film

Pippin and Merry did hardly fucking anything. Take them out of the scene and then it's good.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

Merry stabbed the witch king. Pippin did absolutely nothing except get Frodo stabbed on the weathertop, wake up the balrog on Moria, and almost fuck everything up with the Palantir

Not an argument.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

>"Should we be bowing too Merry?"
>"I don't know Pip."

Didn't they get the Ents to attack Isengard? That's something I guess

>Pippin and Merry did hardly fucking anything

-Tricked Treebeard into attacking Isenguard, removing Sauron's most powerful ally from the war
-Lit the beacons of Minas Tirith
-Accidentally made Sauron believe he had the ring, drawing attention away from Frodo and Sam
-Got Gandalf to save best boy Faramir

-Stabbed the Witch-King of Angmar with a morgul blade so he could be killed
-Distracted the Uruk-hai at Amon Hen so Frodo could escape

Both of them also fought and slew enemies during the Battle of Pellenor fields.

not in the movie but Pippin also killed a troll at the battle at the Black Gate

pippin is such a goof



He saved Minas Tirith, you dope.

I could watch this movie a hundred times, and still this scene will always bring a tear to my eye.

He saved Faramir
He also started the signal fire

>Sam's speech
>Theoden's speech
>I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you
>the goodbye
>Boromir's death

I cri every tim
>no cage
Sorry no

You haven't watched a lot of movies have you?


This. They killed several baddies each.

High Kino.