The Flash by Mark Waid Storytime

To celebrate it being 1 year since Wally West came back into the DC universe and since Wally west is replacing Barry in the CW show, why don't I story time the start of Wally's start as Kid Flash. Which is also the start of Waids Flash run which is considered by most to be the peak of The Flash series to many.

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I always love seeing it when the comics shows things in The Flashes perception of time.



So is there anyone on Sup Forums who hasn't read Waid's run yet?





Also a good way to remember how Waid used to be able to read

I've read as far as when Morrison/Millar took over but still haven't gotten to Chain Lightning, Future Flash stuff yet.

Write. Shit I guess I can't either anymore

I never read any of Waids newer stuff. I was going to but got told they weren't good at all. Honestly Waid is my favorite DC writer given what I have read from him and I don't want that tarnished.

I encourage everyone reading here to generally also go back and read the Baron and WML runs because it's very good long term character development. You miss some of that if you jump in here, though you should be fine starting here anyway.








This is why I think Flash will always work best in comic form.

In TV or film you're either showing how fast he's going from the perspective of an outside viewer, in which case you can't tell what he's doing, or from the perspective of the Flash himself in slow motion, in which case you don't really get a sense of how fast he is.

Comics being a series of still images lets your mind create both.


>Barry will never be your Uncle that saves you from your bad parents as a father figure

His Daredevil and Hulk were both good, it's his most recent couple series that really went off the rails. I attribute it to the "Slott Effect" of obsession with what people are saying about you on Twitter and the internet causing your writing to turn to shit.

His Archie stuff also is not bad but that's pretty subjective for most people.


End of issue one.
For those interested I made a Flash retrospective video to celebrate Free comic book day

Start of Chapter 2.

Early Waid Wally is quite a bit different from modern Matured Wally. It's something you only notice I think when you switch from one to the other.


It's a lot more noticeable if you read through from Wolfman, Baron, and WML.


Yeah I agree. Luckily I never felt like it was a sudden character change but instead a natural progression.

On top of that it's hard to say where someone should start. I think most will start with Waids run because it has the Year One and is the most iconic.












Thanks for the storytime, OP. My grandpa bought this story for me at the convenience store when I was 10. Back then, I read it every day, one of my most read comics from that time along with Morrisons JLA.

Oh man, how things that lie 20 years back can be so vivid again with just a glimpse of a comic book cover.

Thats pretty cool to hear about. I actually started
reading comics when I was a teen on Sup Forums getting reading storytimes. Now I buy books for my friends to try to get them into it.






That's it for now. Chapter 3 tomorrow. I figured if anons wanted to know why Wally has a decently sized Fanbase here this would be a good place to start.

>not starting with Messner-Loebs run

I bet there is. This place has all kinds of anons.

I'm new to DC in general, and I'm really enjoying this

Now I guess they're two boys and one girl in the Iris family. Charlotte doesn't exist, right?

This time I'm quoting the right pic

I hate how they brought Iris back using some BS time travel stuff. Honestly she and Barry should have stayed dead.

That hyperbolic-for-defusing speech is why I liked Waid's Flash.


this and watchmen are the exact style id like to learn to draw but goddammit it's hard.

anyone else prefer the simple panel layout and coloring to current styles?

i havent but id love to. this looks great. i might pick up some kind of collected volume of his work.

Barry... Barry is experimenting with his nephew.
Man, that's... somehow fitting.

Thanks OP

thanks OP

There's some beautiful foreshadowing in this damn run. I didn't even realize it now because I never went back to read Born to Run again (always thought it was a forgettable origin story) but even now you can see Waid teasing stuff for the future.

Yeah. Not that Charlotte mattered though.

Though Iris is no longer adopted so I guess that's something for the west family?

But poor Ira got retconned out to give Iris and Daniel an abusive father and horrible childhood. Fucking comic books, man.

Thank you, user. I am largely ignorant of this era.

>His Daredevil and Hulk were both good,

Really? I thought his Hulk wasn't that good. His Daredevil wasn't as bad as some people on Sup Forums make it out to be but it did feel like it was winding down in the last year or so.



Good thing Waids flash volume one just came out then.