Corto Maltese

I am an American trying to get into Corto Maltese. It seems my only option is a listing from 2012, with apparently some pretty terrible reproduction value, priced around 50 dollars online. I haven't found a single scan anywhere that was translated to English of the original work. I'm feeling like a really fucking dumb American right now.

What's a guy to do? Shell out cash for an inferior reproduction? I will if I absolutely have to, but I feel like Sup Forums probably knows a better way.

Talk to me about Corto Maltese, friends. What's good? What's your preferred way to read? You got any cool merchandise of this series you wanna share?

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Get the books published by IDW

This. They'll get to Ballad of The Salt Sea eventually, it'll just take a while due to legal shenanigans as a result of the 2012 shitshow

[Goddamint Sup Forums I've been trying to post this reply for the better part of an hour! Validate the captcha you double nigger]

I pity the english speakers who can't enjoy the pleasure of reading Corto (and Pratt's work in general).
Actually, good color prints of a decent page size are quite expensive even in Italy.

I guess it's a nostalgia thing, but I try to grab Corto from old prints from the 80s and 90s, the old yellowing paper and the smell of second hand books sort of perfectly complements the reading experience, for me.

One critic I have to Pratt's style is that he's not that good at drawing dynamic action. He really shines at drawing static, relaxed characters having witty dialogue with cryptic references to esoteric mysteries.

The Ballad of the Salt Sea is great, but currently I prefer his shorter stories. "Corte Sconta detta Arcana" (no idea of its english translation) is my favorite long story though.

Don't buy that shit.

Is the MC a JoJo reference?

Thanks for the advice friends.

What shitshow is this? Something about the executor of the estate?

Thank you for spoonfeeding me, will buy what's been collected here.

You say that there are color editions, but the IDW print seems to be in black and white. Can you give me some more insight into what you mean? I am terribly curious.

I meant colored italian editions.

While most of Corto's stories were published in black-and-white, most where officially republished with fucking watercolors by an excellent Patrizia Zanotti.

Image is one example of Patrizia's work I believe, I can't be bothered to take a picture from my books

I love how he draws shootings though. Have you read his older war comics?

It makes me jealous that I might never be able to read in these watercolors, but thank you for replying. I am sure I will be able to enjoy it in black and white

Yeah, the colors aren't bad but I always prefer Pratt in B/W.

I wanted to, they have an excellent edition in my lcs up for grabs but it's fucking pricey, i'm still uncomfortable paying 50-60€ for a comic book I'll read in a couple of hours.
It'll have to wait for a later time of my life, when I'll be filthy rich and money won't be an issue.

You can always watch the animation series.

What if poor and you wanna read it now. Are there any scans online?

>What's a guy to do?
Learn Italian. It's probably faster and cheaper.


>Corto Maltese 03 - Caribbean Suite (Pratt, 2009) (Scanlation-Extended, 2015)

>Corto Maltese 04 - Under the Pirate Flag (Pratt, 2010) (Scanlation-Extended, 2015)

>Corto Maltese 05 - Beyond the Windy Isles (Pratt, 2010) (Scanlation-Extended, 2015)

There's also "Corto Maltese 02 - Ballad of the Salt Sea (Pratt, 2011) (Scanlation-Extended, 2016)". But that one's 294MB. A little too much for me to upload right now.

Is that Raidou?

This user is okay. He's one of the good'uns

Thank you, friend.

Well, I'm glad we Latinos can get some pretty cheap Pratt any time we want :D

Oh I could get cheap (affordable, at least) but my boy Corto deserves better

>Fort Wheeling (2016)(Digital) (phillywilly-Empire)

anyone watched the cartoon based on it? i have blurry memories of it.