And I thought his parents were irredeemable pieces of shit before

And I thought his parents were irredeemable pieces of shit before.

Other urls found in this thread:

And we thought you were an autist before.

youre complimenting him

These people are scum and you know it.

You're right. Calling him an autist is an insult to autists.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to call him that wouldn't be a compliment.

That's not what an irredeemable father would do. An irredeemable pice of shit would beat Calvin for breaking his thing, then beat Calvin again for crying because being a pussy is a worse offense than breaking a thing, then he would leave to buy cigarettes and never return home.

You... you need to talk about anything, user?

I know this is bait and all but I'm genuinely annoyed at how many fucking threads there have been trying to shit all over Calvin and Hobbes. Have you people nothing better to do than to shitpost about one of the good things we have in this world?

And on the off chance this ISN'T bait, nice cherrypicking of events. I suppose you conveniently forgot about the very next fucking strip wherein Calvin apologizes for breaking the binoculars and his dad immediately apologizes for shouting at Calvin. I suppose the fact he yelled at all is indicative of a shitty parent, right?

>abuse is fine as long as you apologize

Never reproduce.

They're just going through raising a six year old, all the happy and trying times it brings with it.

every parent says this.

nah, an iredeemable piece of shit would beat their family then leave before the child is old enough to remember them and call them out of the blue once their 18, then proceed to send texts where they lie about several things and "wish" to now be part of their life

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, shitposter-tan. You're not going to get Sup Forums to change its opinion on one of the most beloved strips in history.

and then beat them

I bet you'd raise weak children

Calvin was tossing the binoculars to himself on concrete and apparently disintegrated them. His dad overreacted, yeah but he was upset at the time.

I don't think there's any evidence that Calvin's ever been *beaten* or anything (spanked yes, but that's not really child abuse) and his mom certainly reacted better when the kid accidentally put the station wagon in a ditch, backwards

For all the shit Calvin's actually done, I think his parents show commendable restraint apart from times when the Dad grumbles about calling the orphanage or this "we should have gotten a dog" running gag that just feels like something he persists in bringing up as kind of a venting technique... The kid's antics are so extreme that it's unrealistic to think that his parents wouldn't say something they'd take back in an instant.

Then again, in later strips his mom is never shown to think it's funny that Dad talks about the dog joke. And she was the one who entirely handled the carwreck situation, has been seen to talk to Hobbes (albeit in his plush form) to where she even called out for him when he got lost, so maybe you could argue that his dad is a tremendous asshole. Calvin's mom loves him, even if that is strained, but he certainly has different expectations and takes less steps to bond with his kid.


nah, i wouldnt give them the chance. you may have my number somehow but im sure as hell not replying to you

I think the whole point of Calvin and Hobbes was a subtle commentary on child abuse.

He probably quit when after 10 fucking years, not only were people not getting it, but actually praising the characters as some kind of loving family.

You're either a troll or an idiot. I can't be bothered to reason with either.

where's the abuse?

The dad is just stressed and working all the time so we don't usually get to see the brightest of sides from him but whenever we see him relaxed he seems like a genuinely decent guy like the camping trip or when he's watching the sunset. Honestly from what we've seen of him outside of just being the tired dad I think a lot of Calvin's free spirit smart ass personality comes from his dad.

Congratulations. Not only are you the reason he quit, you're probably the reason he gave up on humanity and became a recluse.

Was Calvin /Our Guy/?

One of the strips with his mom made me think she was a bitch. He was trying on weird sunglasses at the mall and his mom flipped out instead of being like "that's great but I'm not buying it put it back" like a pleasant person would. She must be constantly on the verge of throwing a tantrum, that's not a good parent.

I think that it's a strip coming from a very real place. Parents do that kind of shit to their kids all the time. Lots of parents do not like their children, and emotional punish them all the time. Worse, even when they do "good" they still "punish" or resent them and then that really screws the kids up.

I'm surprised you're on Sup Forums at all, David Willis, creator of "Shortpacked!" and "Dumbing of Age", much less on Sup Forums. I thought our alternative opinions on your views regarding parentage was too unusual for your tastes.

>raising your voice when you're upset is abuse

What kind of weak faggot are you?

I'd argue he is both.

How is that irredeemable? It's not even unreasonable. He yelled because his kid constantly breaks shit and stopped when he saw that he was crying and actually sorry. Not seeing the issue, and I'm usually the one to call out fictional parents as being abusive.

Calvin once hammered nails into their table because he was bored. She probably just didn't want him mindlessly destroying something that she'd then have to pay for.

no, they don't like themselves. because their kids are a part of them.

Most parents are garbage because most people are garbage and dont have a fucking clue what they are doing and usually resent even having a kid after the novelty wears off and they realize their social life is fucked.

If you're an adult and are regularly driven to hysterics and screaming fits by a six year old, you might be mentally ill, a dimwit, or both. And you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.

The worst thing is that I can't tell if you're baiting or if you're just such a spoiled and coddled millennial that you genuinely think parents that ever get angry are horrible.

have you raised a six year old? calvin is a little faggot.

Someone made a theory that Calvin was Rosalyn's son and his "parents" raised him because they were relatives of Rosalyn with no children of their own.

The fact that you were raised in a trailer park and had Pa hurl whisky bottles at you doesn't make it normal.

This is true, but I don't think Calvin's dad falls under that, at least in the OP.

How is this "regularly"? The kid broke something expensive. Yelling at him and then stopping when he shows remorse is completely reasonable, especially considering this is Calvin who normally shows no remorse for his actions and no consideration for others. What the fuck would you do, give him a time out for 5 minute?

In the strips immediately after this one Calvin's dad apologizes for yelling at him, admits that he overreacted, and comforts Calvin by assuring him that it wasn't really that big of a deal. If raising your voice and apologizing for it is your definition of irredeemable you have a fucked up worldview.

The fact that you keep making the same fucking thread after people point out repeatedly that you're a moron is also not normal.

Poorly veiled fetishism

Vore shows up in that newspaper strip from time to time but I doubt the artist has the fetish. It almost inevitably crops up in any strip that has animals in it.

Ah yes, the infinite wisdom of a sensitive user. Tell me, if you had a six year old as rambunctious and destructive as Calvin, and he broke something expensive of yours, what would you do?

Calmly sit him down and explain what he did was wrong? Let's say you did, and he "took it to heart". Then let's say he did it again. And again. And again. And again, because one talk is hardly enough to fully control a child's wild antics. Based on your idea of what "good parenting" is I get the impression you'd let him keep breaking shit because you wouldn't want to "scar" his poor little psyche.

I'm sure you'll make a great dad one day, user. I mean, assuming you ever find a woman who is willing to procreate with a quivering pile of jelly too terrified to discipline a child.

I wish more parents knew how important it is to apologize to their kids. So many people I know have parents who would consistently scream at their kids and then act like nothing happened 15 minutes later, and it made for a fucked up relationship.

Even if you feel like your kid doesn't "deserve" an apology, they're still developing emotionally and they really need the reassurance. Plus it teaches them how to properly apologize, and that screaming at people isn't a good way to approach conflict.

You forgot that he would later blame Calvin for it or pretend it didn't happen or it wasn't so serious at all and you are just exaggerating

This is why you're a faggot and your kids will be faggots


Waterson was never afraid to have Calvin's parents be human but they were always pretty good folks.

>it's a "there's no middle ground" thread
this time we got a match up between the "never discipline your children" team and the "physically abuse your children" team

I want this guy to get his own tv show

Try having kids before giving your opinions on them, underage fag

The only times I can remember Calvin getting physically harmed by his parents is him getting spanked when he snuck up behind his mom with a firecracker (or inflated paper bag I think) then laughed her reaction, and the occasional time he annoyed the fuck out of his mom by literally screaming at her so she tossed him out the front door to go play outside.

Honestly he has good parents, he's just a brat sometimes. Given the stuff that an occasionally smart kid puts them through, they're pretty lenient and usually just send him to his room.

Honestly, Hobbes hurts him more physically than his parents ever do. Or he hurts himself? It was one of those things I tried too hard not to think about.

My dad never apologized to me even tho he was borderline monstrous at times
My mom constantly apologized only to do the same thing five minutes later, apologizing to her was just another way of getting what she wanted

>justifying child abuse

Thank you for proving my point, as well as further reaffirming my stance that Sup Forums is full of absolute psychopaths who should never, ever, EVER have children. There is absolutely zero reason to ever yell at a child, and if you can't control your emotions around your children then you shouldn't have them at all.

I don't have kids but even I know that there are ways to convey your displeasure with their behavior without having to "punish" them (which is something that all good parents understand, that "punishment" is never the answer to their child misbehaving). I absolutely would sit my child down and explain what they did wrong in a calm, rational manner, because I know they would understand. Children aren't dogs, they are smart enough to understand when you're upset and can be spoken to on equal footing, so all yelling will do is make them think you're going to physically hit them (which, given your general attitude, seems to be a justified fear).

>Either Hobbes broke the wall between reality and fiction or Calvin got creative with some extra fabric and needs more help than we thought.


it's not the SCREAMING that's necessarily evil, but not finishing the transaction. That's what so many people mistake; discipline is needed but so is reassurance. Neglecting either leaves the child confused and unsure of how to act.

>Playing with bamboo sticks in the house even though dad told me not to
>It's fine he's watching TV loud, he can't hear me
>Swishing it around and swordfighting with it like usual
>Dad rounds the corner
>His eyes get big
>Drop the stick and sprint up the stairs on all fours towards my room
>Hear him chasing me, push door to room closed
>He slams it open
>He has the bamboo stick in hand
>Smashes the stick on the door frame and throws the broken halves at me and leaves
>"Throw that away and clean your room."

My dad doesn't drink anymore but that day put the fucking fear of god into me.

>i don't have kids


Apologies put you in a weak place, assure them you still love them and then reinforce why you were upset, sure but never apologize.

>family values

Who is Rosalyn?

The strip after the one you posted has Calvin's dad apologize for shouting at him too you cherry-picking shitter. How about instead of shitposting about a classic comic strip and spewing your shitty armchair psychology you go neck yourself you coddled faggot.

How on earth is that a point against what I just said? Or are you so out of arguments that you've resorted to just saying "LOL" to my posts to try and discredit me? Because that makes you look like the foolish one, if I'm being honest.


That's it? My Dad hit me with the belt in the middle of the night while I was sleeping because I touched his bag which contained perverted films.

there's some things about raising children that you'll really only get when you have kids yourselves or work as a teacher

The babysitter

>yelling is abuse
jesus christ what's next? you're gonna tell me staring is rape?

Calvin's mentally ill babysitter. I recall her story arc ending with Calvin flushing her medication down the toilet or something.

Better than the Fight Club theory.

It's a point because you don't have kids and yet are trying to use some sort of moral high ground on how kids should be raised, when in actuality if you raise your child by coddling everything they do, you raise some spineless fag like yourself who can't take someone shouting at them.


Her science notes, actually.

That's stupid.



That's bullshit for it's ok to be an abusive assholes to a kid because you are under stress
Guess what? If your kid is bad it's your fucking fault because you raised him that way
>But I gave him food and a roof
Yeah, guess what? Kids are naturally selfish and asocial it's your fucking job to teach them, if you did nothing and your kid spent all day Alone or you just put him in childhood destroying medication then don't complain when you can't fucking manage him, all those other better kids out there are the results of competent parent but what do you care anyways? It's 18 years and he is out, he is the one stuck dealing with your mistakes for the rest of his life not the other way around

I don't need this shit

something you need to get off your chest, user?

>projecting this many daddy issues and being this unable to take responsibility
Oh man, I hope this is b8. You are beyond fucking sad.

I voted for Donald Trump and there is nothing you can do about it?

Should have been her diabetes medication, but I guess Watterson isn't know for killing off characters.

>Trump voters have daddy issues
explains a lot


I had an abusive father before my mom divorced him when I was age 7. One of the very stark memories of him etched into my mind, to the point where I can recall the bedroom paint color, the time of day and light coming into the window, the carpet, his face, hair, and clothing... Happened when I had just turned age 5.
My mom and dad bought me a 3 speed bicycle for my birthday. It was less than a few weeks later when I had stripped or broken the tiny shifter chain for that old model. He went to the bike store, bought me a new one, showed it to me, and mentioned the bike would be fixed after lunch. After that, the new tiny chain went missing and he blamed me since it was seen last in my presence.
He told me that I would get a paddling if I didn't find it before sundown. The paddle he used was his hardwood fraternity paddle from college with greek letters inset on the face. I was frantic and looked everywhere. I even looked in the cat box. I knew if I didn't find it, I would be bruised and hurting for days.
I couldn't find it. He had the paddle in his hand as he came to my bedroom. He told me drop my pants and bend over the bed. I was in rock solid tears. Just before he started hitting me, he stopped and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the tiny chain and with a smile of pure mirth on his round face, he laughed and said "Son! Silly me, it was in my pocket the whoooooole time!" stretching out the word like we were in a Disney show or something.
He said he was sorry. He's in a VA hospital right now with Parkinson's and advanced kidney issues and will croak soon. I'm getting a LOT of cash from the will. I've been a grown man for decades and that's still how I see him when I visit - the apology, the face of mirth, everything from that day and before.

So yes, apologies from parents stay with you for decades later. They're pretty fucking rare.

Because you know exactly what happened because you were there to see it right?
For all you know my dad could have been a convict who was in and out of prison yet I'm the one.with issues and you are not the one projecting right?
Child abuse is never ok, there is never a justification for it. The only people who do are bad people, you don't know how they really treat their kids when they are alone at home and nobody is watching

To be fair I also hate my mother and I collect sexual things that shouldn't be sexual in my closet

I hope this is bait, I fear for our future if it isn't.

His dad didn't even hit him

I'm sorry your daddy beat you and you needed meds for your ADHD but simply shouting at your kid when they really mess up isn't child abuse you autist. Thankfully you'll never have kids to coddle and turn into spoiled little brats

Child Abuse. Sexism. Why isn't this guy in jail?

>daddy almost spanked me!

I know, right. He didn't even lock him in the dog house or throw beer bottles at him.

>be a stupid kid and break some expensive shit
>get reprimanded by parents
>"b-but I already f-f-f-feel bad!"
nah, op, you take that shit cuz you deserve it
gotta learn that your actions have consequences

I disagree, apologizing doesn't put you in a weak place. It's as much about demonstrating proper behavior as it is reassuring your kid. It's not as if you have to get your kid ice cream with every apology, it's just a simple "I'm sorry" and that's that.

Not to mention that an outburst isn't always justified by something your kid did. If you're 2 hours into trying to fix the A/C, and your 5-year-old walks in and tries to ask you something, and you snap at her so loudly she starts crying, apologizing is probably the best thing to do.

>manipulating someones emotions to feel superior
shit u must be a woman

user just because he avoided it once doesn't mean there weren't other instances

This was actually the realest shit to me. My parents were pretty much exactly like Calvins (particularly my dad).
I could relate to breaking something and then trying to hide it soooo well. I don't think I got the full shouting contest except maybe once, but I'm sure I got a stern talking to a good couple of times.

And I mean, maybe getting mad isn't the number 1 in the 101 pareting book, but I think it conveys his dads (and parents in general) frustration when your kid does something you made VERY clear that they shoulnd't do. Parenting is a hard fucking job, mate. And for your retarded comment, imagine raising Calvin, of all kids.

NAYRT but it's a pretty fucked up thing to do to a kid anyway

I will coddle your kids, how about that?