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Miss me with that Queen, Senator, Princess and Desert Orphan shit

Duchess Satine>all

Did she ever grip Obi-Wan's lightsaber?

I loved obi one in the clone wars...And yeah, her dying was as painful as asoka leaving. since those happened pretty close together i couldnt finish watching season 6.

Clone wars was such an over rated autistic show for children. Pathetic.

A bald assertion isn't an argument.

Fuck off, Kennedy.
Go protest or something.


Back to your precious threads about overpaid adults playing pretend for money and calling it "their craft" then, turbofag.

nah, that's why he's so upset but it's also why he never fell to the dark side.

I don't know what's worse
Filoni's pansy mandos or Traviss' mando sues

Say what you want about KotOR but at least they got the mandos right

I think they alluded to something happening the first time they met, but it's nothing we ever see (unless it's in some shitty book or comic or something)

The only problem I have with kotor is just that it in no ways feels like it's supposed to be thousands of years prior to all that other shit. That and everything I've heard about TOR anyway

The only Old Republic stories that really got an ancient and almost mythological vibe is Tales of the Jedi

Pic related is fucking Coruscant

Well she has a 'nephew' in his mid-teens who bears striking resemblance to a Jedi knight whom she first met about 14 years ago. And he also stated that had Satine confessed her feelings he would have left the Order.
But at this point it's anyone's guess.

>Luke, did I ever tell you that there was once a chick that I digged so much that if she had agreed to fuck me I would have left the Jedi Order even if it was just a one-night stand? She was called Satine, the Duchess of Mandalore, a leader who tried to make Mandalore a peaceful place. Sadly, a good friend called Darth Maul killed her in front of me because he was still butthurt about me cutting him in half that one time, so Mandalore fell into further war and conflict, but more importantly I'm still a virgin. She was a good friend.

They really shat on the mandalorians in the clone wars

>that shit eating grin
Also, nice bit of poetry at the end


It makes more sense than Traviss', taking the old republic mandos into account.
If they get repeatedly blown the fuck out due to being a bunch of warmongering retards who can never hold what they conquer, and piss off everyone in the process, eventually there's going to be division.

Lucas/whoever probably had plans for such, just in case they need Kenobi heirs ever to appear in some later film/tv

but then I guess Disney dumped it into some trash bin
until they run out of ideas within next decade and start digging into that trash bin

Jedi code is against attachment, not against having children per se, though they also seem to dislike the idea of "Force-dynasties"

>Tell me, is he the Chosen One?
>He is.
>He will avenge us.

Such a great scene.
But since this is still canon, why does Obi-Wan say that Luke is the Chosen One? Out of kindness or he came to believe so in his exile?


>Obi-wan switches to Qui-Gon's stance before maul strikes
>Maul tries the move that kills Qui-Gon

really was true pottery for people paying attention

Wonder what Coruscant looked like without buildings on it.

They should retcon Willow into Star Wars canon. Have it be the planet humans originated from hundreds of years before hyperspace explorers discover them. The original art for the cover of Tales of the Jedi #1 (before his haircut was altered before publication) was fucking Madmartigan with a lightsaber.

Given that the arc was basically “what if Obi-Wan went through the shit Anakin did”, chances are he did.
>assigned to guard a young and peace advocating political aristocrat, has an affair and later a Sith Lord uses her as a way to fuck with him

It wasnt even an argument to begin with but a fact.

>you are a ST sucker
Fuck you, your shit show was written by manchildren that never experienced life nor studied complex subjects.

Gendy’s CW was superior, at least that one had artistic value.

nice head canon. Obi Wan is pure.

Arent you the faggot that got triggered at some user that said Mara Jade could have been Obi-wan’s child?


CW was such a fanfic tier show.

No, but I was there.

It's a real shame that the Clone Wars writers got shunted away, had their budgets cut and forced to include dumb shit like helicopter sabers.
When they get let loose, they can do great work.
The bit of the end, for example, where Obi-Wan treats Maul the same way he treated QuiGon and Satine, manages to convey not letting the past rule the future far better than anything TLJ did.

>Clone Wars writers got shunted away, had their budgets cut and forced to include dumb shit like helicopter sabers.
nigger that was rebels

I know.
What I meant was that the writers who were on TCW got shunted onto rebels and then fucked over by all the dumb shit like pic related that got forced on them.
Despite all that, it's pretty much the only Star Wars product that still has people who give a shit about it on board.

oh, yeah fair enough. Was it all the same team as CW or were a lot replaced for Rebels?

My man
I would hope so

Pure slut.
He was drowning in mango juice every time he went there

The writing staff were largely the same, and a few of the VAs apparently have some input, IIRC.
It's just clear that they're being held back by
>Almost nobody dies
>Constant ghost focus, so they can almost never actually lose
>massive budget cuts
>forced to include toy adverts like the spin saber

glad I'm not the only one that thinks she was space cate.

goddam I hate disney

The Ghost crew focus and plot armour is probably the bit that kills it.
In TCW, the only people who had plot armour were those in RoTS, while everyone else was fair game.
They also could travel to different areas, or focus on entirely new people, so there might be an episode where they good guys lose. Or they could have had a bad guy vs bad guy episode.

The Maul and Obi-Wan episode would have been absolutely golden if Ezra wasn't in it at all.

Yeah, when Even Piell died it came as sort of a suprise, because he's relatively well exposed in the movies and other media, and I assumed he just wasn't there in RoTS for some other reason, but yeah, that was pretty crazy.