Why didn't every Jedi use a two-sided lightsaber?

Why didn't every Jedi use a two-sided lightsaber?

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Because some preferred to use normal lightsabers due to their fighting style

it's for aggressive hothead, not for calm ascetic monk fags

why didn't they use, like, light hoops that surround them entirely so they can't be hit

Why didn't they attach a lightsaber to the front of a ship and win every space battle

In AOTC Obi-Wan throws Anakin his lightsaber so he has an advantage against Dooku. If having two lightsabers is occasionally an advantage, why doesn't every Jedi carry a backup that they can pull out in case of emergency? Lightsabers are a dime-a-dozen in the prequel era anyway.

The went straight to 3-sided.

Why don't jedis use 10 light sabers? 8 can be levitated by the force.

Why not a gun?

>Luke have I ever told you about a glock 19? He was a good friend.

*blocks your path*

because they knew it was easy to broke when striking middle part

why didnt they just use ranged lightsabers? like a sort of laser gun?


In KotOR, fighting with two weapons and using on in your non-dominant hand was a hinderance unless you specifically trained to do so. Try writing with you off hand.

"A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense never for attack"

You have two blades, it means you're trying to kill people.

Why didn't every Sith use a two-sided lightsaber?


I think that's just because they can be more defensive with a sword, and take people out of a fight by just cutting off a hand or whatever instead of killing them, but it's probably more because people think swords are cool

How about a gun that shoots lightsabers?

You're completely better off using two weapon fighting in those games though



Why was there no lightsaber shields

>implying siths care about enemies

Gee, that "Stop a fucking lightsaber" technique might have been a good one to pass down to future generations

Why not use buckshot. Fucks up a person whose coming in close and is impossible to block with a lightsaber


Well it's kind of dumb when a certain spinning dark lord uses them, but Maul aside everyone else using a lightsaber is a former jedi

Only Jedi Consulars can use double lightsabers and we all know that is the worst class

Why didn't General Grievous use four double bladed lightsabers and Kylo Ren's lightsaber with his foot?

>Not spamming stasis and force lightning

Makes you wonder why they bothered with lightsabers at all.


You have to make it to level 15 somehow

Because those are retarded. Maul probably only used that thing for the novelty factor. It throws off Jedi who weren't familiar with the fighting style. Plus Sheev considered him expendable, so it didn't need to stay effective for very long.

Because it's stupid and the dumbest lightsaber design in the franchise. Also doesn't even work from a historical martial arts perspective. This fight scene was the WORST choreographed fight scene in the franchise.


At least Rian Johnson actually made the fighting somewhat believable even though there wasn't much of a duel.

You'd think they'd all carry a spare considering how often they lose it, but I would guess some bullshit psuedo-religious reason.

Just how much do lightsaber designs really branch off? I vaguely remember there being a whip one in the EU, and I think I've heard of fencing ones, but that's all I can think of

kill yourself rian


Rey will dual wield two of these in the next movie. Her main weapon was a staff, just imagine the possibilities.

That fight in TLJ was the worst uncoordinated shut in any Star Wars movie. You clearly see kylo has a solid form in TFA when he’s not getting beaten by a Mary Sue. All that form goes out the window and the two of them just swing the sabres spuratically.

>hating on a children's movie Phantom Menace

TLJ fight scene was GREAT. Nobody cares about your stupid sabor form EU shit. That has never been touched upon in any of the films. He fought the same way he did in TLJ with heavy wide swings.

Wouldn't using one of those like a staff just result in losing a hand? Honestly the helicopter lightsabers make more sense, and those are retarded

>He's too strong for me to hold with two hands, let me hold with one hand for 3 seconds to do something else

I blame Exar Kun.

>Normal lightsaber
>Lightwhip (hard to master, but can get around a normal lightsaber parry)
>Shoto (short parrying lightsaber held in off hand; good counter for lightwhip)
>Lightclub (double length; hard to handle)
>Dual-phase lightsaber (surprise your opponent by suddenly doubling the length of your lightsaber! finicky mechanisms make them unreliable)

>TLJ fight scene was GREAT
the absolute STATE of /tv

only woke post itt

what's a lightsaber made off anyway?


I see your DW and RAISE you.

Why doesn't every Jedi TRI-WIELD? Fite me fgts.

you mean the scene where he needs to be bailed out by mary sue? or the scene where hologram luke turns into neo? both of those were terrible

Plasma, duh.

Why cant the movies have these kind of battles

Why do Sith use lightsabers if they are evil and don't care about honor or any bullshit that the Jedi believe in to use lightsabers?

cant blame him for trying tho

Why doesn't every Jedi tri-wield HANDSFREE?

Because the prequels are trash. Beautiful Satan trips btw.

>tfw to smart too fight with lightsabers

They're shit. It doesn't increase your reach, but now you can't do thrusting attacks and have to watch out to not bifurcate yourself every swing. Just use two light sabers.

No, because Darth Vader uses a lightsaber

its considered too aggressive and jedi are pussies

>there are 3 red buttons on the lightsaber
>Maul isn't pressing any of them
How is this working? I thought the 3 buttons were for the two one sided and one two sided mode

Wtf ruined.

The same reason that no midevial soldiers ever used a shitty two sided weapon like this.

Real reply from the Darth bane trilogy...

Light saber staffs although novel provide an advantage to opponents untrained with the staff but more astute opponents knows that actually it's a hindrance. Where one blade goes the other must follow making it a very predicable blade to use.

Sith who use the double blade must finish their opponents before they figure out it's weakness.

Oh fuck, it has 4 buttons. What are the 4 modes though? Or it's just redundancy for safety reasons?

forgetting lightsaber tonfa?

Sith with one light saber can better parry and manipulate they lightsaber to hit their opponent.

Too bad TORtanic wasn't nearly as good as it's cinematics.

Never played anything the old republic related
I just though the trailers were neat

That looks really dangerous to yield.

99% of the time the, user would just end up cutting themselves in half.

How does that even work....

I heard the stories are pretty neat.

why doesn't everyone in goldeneye just use dual rcp90s?

Doesn't Bosk use one? I think the ceramic armor that is common all but negates projectiles.

only sith warrior and imperial agent could be considered good
though playing dark side jedi is good for laughs just because of how ridiculous it is

Wasn't there a Jedi in the Clone Wars cartoon that used four double bladed lightsabers? He had four arms or something.

He used two doubles, which isn't quite so retarded

I liked the beginning story for Trooper. Your entire squad betrays the Republic and you hunt them down one by one to either convert them back (Lightside) or kill them (Darkside)

Through the edgy respirator: "There will be no heart left beating"

I like inquisitor too, especially the first act.

have a few kino shitposting webms

this is true, sith warrior and agent are the most entertaining by far, with sith warrior probably being the winner I'd say. Jedi knight is atrociously bad and has no nuance whatsoever.


some do

>dual phase lightsaber

I'd just point it at my opponent while we're close, push the button, and let it go through their head. That's so fucking stupid.

noice, nothing better than seeing the jedi get their shit kicked in.


Too clumsy and random. Given that it was a more civilised age, I think they preferred a more elegant weapon.

because the movies are made by faggots and feminists who have no passion for filmmaking let alone star wars. this includes george-faggot-nigger-lover-lucas who made the prequels into shitty commercials to sell toys to kids.

pic related is rian johnson's gf. this is the kind of woman he "dates"...note the glasses.

>people actually praising TOR
Visually, it's a fugly mashup of TCW and that cancerous modern sci-fi aesthetic a la Mass Effect. The writing is "subversive", "mature" dreck that appeals only to the kind of insecure prick who enjoys Game of Thrones.

This is Darth Malgus of the expeditionary fleet to all available forces. If you are receiving this, you are now reading this in my voice.

Why didn't they all just use Force Choke?


The foreshadowing is right in your face.

>this trailer is 10 years old

when does this trailer take place or is this fanfiction?

fuck off Rian no one likes your movie

She didn't do that until both her hands were cut off though

Apparently 50% liked it.

Yeah, I hear you. It's why I like the first one when the Sith first appear and Darth Malgus kills his master more. Even though I do like the big fight overall.

Why not an Off-Center Double Bladed Lightsaber that splits into 2 to be Dual Wielded?