Post the year and an obscure screenshot from the most recent movie you gave a 10/10 to and others guess

Post the year and an obscure screenshot from the most recent movie you gave a 10/10 to and others guess.
Don't guess if you saw what I said in the last thread.


Lady Vengeance

1993 (for the full release in theatres)


Is that from 'how it's made' finger box edition?

no idea, but bump anyway


Is that Raven?

More of a 9/10 but I'll post anyway

Sorry, no sir


britain getting btfo the movie?


man bites dog

pretty shitty of you to make a trick post immediately into the game

that movie was garbage
fight me

What was trick-post-y about it? Am I not supposed to follow what the OP says?

it was released in the US in 92, but yes you did say the full release. but still, I'm not bad about it.

Oh, yea I wasn't sure which date to use since the Wiki page said it was just in festivals and stuff in '92. I never know if a movie's festival or theatrical release should be seen as the release date.


festival. it's the first time the public gets to see it and ultimately hype it up before national release.

Give an actual argument first




I don't fight with girls

Sympathy for lady vengeance
Die hard with a vengeance

what's eating gilbert grape

Die hard

damn, thought it would take longer




I haven't actually seen it, but is that The Girl on the Train?

no sir

Sympathy for Mr vengeance
No idea desu


Nah, still need to even see either Vengeance movie.

man from UNCLE?

idk but tell me what it is, looks cool


You got it. It's hard to pick a good looking shot that isn't iconic, they're so fucking distinctive

Yeah it's a really great looking movie, I remember stumbling across it randomly and being immediately hooked.


3:10 To Yuma

(excuse a youtube screenshot because i'm lazy)

Still haven't seen Three Billboards or Shape of Water but for now and possibly after them pic is my favorite movie of 2017

I've never given a 10/10 because I'm not a pleb.


Snakes on a plane?

Good Will Hunting


falling down