Everything you want to hear

>everything you want to hear
if you think she really loved K, you completely missed the point of her character

She didn't. It literally says she is everything he wants to hear and everything he wants to see. She was whatever he wanted her to be.

That's not what love is.

>if you think she really loved K
>not thinking that this shitty "did she love or didn't she" armchair philosophizing is inconsequential BS since all that matters is what's real to K and to an extent, Deckard as well
Sounds like you completely missed the point of her character.


>brainlet can't understand the concept of unconditional love

I don't get what you are trying to say fa.m
I'm just pointing out that "Joi loved K" is a objectively wrong statement

hear this?

If you really think K loved her, you missed the point of his character
They're all just cells interlinked any they both know it

absolutely destroyed

That's one interpretation of that scene but I don't think it's the best one.

To quote an user from a recent thread.
>I don't think Deckard's scene with Rachel coinciding with K's scene with the Joi ad is accidental. K rejects the new Joi just as Deckard rejects Wallace's Rachel because despite being mass producible, the experiences the originals had made them unique, and their emotions authentic. This causes K to realize that he has the same potential for humanity as Joi, and finally break away from his own programming -- to serve the LAPD or some other master -- and instead make his own choices. It is like Sapper said in the opening scene. You won't understand why a replicant would go rogue until you've seen a miracle. K's miracle was realizing how far Joi came from being just a product.

I wish I had a hologram gf

>K rejects the new Joi just as Deckard rejects Wallace's Rachel because despite being mass producible, the experiences the originals had made them unique, and their emotions authentic.
That pretty much puts into words how I've been thinking of it. Will save for future reference.

Just finished watching this for the first time. I thought it would be revealed that Wallace supplied Joi to K as an undercover so she could sell him out when he finally found Deckard, but she stayed loyal to the end. I was surprised.

thats right

>I thought it would be revealed that Wallace supplied Joi to K as an undercover so she could sell him out when he finally found Deckard, but she stayed loyal to the end. I was surprised.

That would be cheap action movie writing. I went to the film with an idiot who thought that Wallace not being killed means there's another film in the works. Also he thought the film sucked.

I wish I had a hologram GF and a hologram Black to holocuck me


i laffed for real

The point of the her character is to question what love is.
The point of her is to raise the question of whether her relationship with K was 'love' or not.

>That would be cheap action movie writing

That's exactly why I was surprised. It completely subverted my expectations for a movie made in the current year plus 2.

There was a period of time where the belief that he was born of a woman was real to him, it doesn't make it true

I think the answer is at first no, but by the end, yes
>i'm so happy when i'm with you
>you don't have to say that

>take me with you
>but without the connection you'll die
>i know. just like a real girl.

>[is about to die]
>I love you

Yes, Wallace could access her memory, but they can access a replicant's too.

All the experiences K has that create the existential questions that cause him to develop an individuality are experienced by Joi too as she goes around in his pocket. Joi and K evolve into individuals together.

*BUUUUUUURRRRRPPPPP* No love is real because we're all inherently programmed by biological inhibitions to reproduce and nothing more.

sorry but shittit and morty is right about this one.

I want to know what love is. I want you to show me.

>reality is subjective to the observer

>missing the juxtaposition of the Deckard and Rachel scene

I guess the scene should have gone like this
>you’re a good joe
>real human bean starts playing

She was programmed to love him so she loved him. Just because it's forced doesn't mean it's fake.

>Also he thought the film sucked.
Don't pretend this isn't a valid opinion.