What if there's other diamonds that have yet to be mentioned? Has it been confirmed there's ONLY four diamonds?

What if there's other diamonds that have yet to be mentioned? Has it been confirmed there's ONLY four diamonds?

Don't be silly, there's 8.

user, those are beryls. You couldn't be arsed to find a picture of diamonds?

If you combine them all, do you summon captain autism?

the Diamonds themselves confirmed it

No worse. You become an avatar of MooKekojack, the Chaos God of Autism.

Is the anime one supposed to represent all anime or just the lowest common denominator stuff?

>ever not lowest common denominator stuff

Is this a Power Stone reference?

You silly billy, those are the Cows' Emeralds.

>Steven chuckled.
>"You mean the chaos emeralds?"

Those are Chaos emeralds.

Where's that DAMN fourth chaos emerald?

there's a secret fifth one confirmed
my dick

Those look like chaos emeralds to me

Yeah, I thought this was a Sonic thread.

Why is there a full chaos emerald represented by Kingdom hearts? There's no memes. That's just a game.

(Before you say anything League of Legends represents the popular MMOs)



>tfw no matter how crazy a book or live action series fandom is, it'll never be concidered autistic but perfectly acceptable.
feels good

What would chaos emerald gems be like?

Those are all vidya-centered emeralds to begin with. It's a Sup Forums meme.

Also sorta the reason there's no things like SU or MLP, and why the animu-gem is vidya-centric/shonen jump.


yadda yadda yaddda