
Back at it! Thanks for reading!

>this will lead to yet another friendship fusion improvement meeting and johnny will definitely get those velcro light up shoes he's been pining for as a tax write-off

I'm so glad he was able to reattach his wrist in order to give us this.

I know he likes huis transitions like in pannel two, but they mostly hinder the lisibility.
It works in specific occasion, like that pannel with the celebrity from Max youth.
Here and on the few pages from before it feel unecessary.

This is a mess.

that second panel is a mess

The layouts on these last few pages are so impossibly bad it feels like he's trying to make them bad.

Cramming all these actions scenes into one page (between these last few pages) was a mistake cause it's clearly turning into a jumbled mess, panel 2 is proof of that. Also who wants to bet he goes on "wrist lockdown" again this Friday because Zack still can't develop a strong drawing arm?

>again this Friday because Zack still can't develop a strong drawing arm?

That isn't even his problem, just make a fucking buffer of pages ready to go instead of doing it the night before.

>Makes action scene
>Constant pauses
Way to kill the mood, faggot.

I'm assuming he was originally planning it later, but even Zack must have realised he can't let this story drag into the school year, it's taken 6 years to get to this point. My Great-Grandchildren will be drawing a pension when he gets to a Paranatural Christmas special.

>previous action sequence drags a single battle out to "when are they getting off namek" levels
>new action sequence crams multiple battles into as few pages as humanly possible

Lemme guess, Johnny will gradually see whatever black stuff that Ed's spinning. DUN-DUN.

I'm still pretty bitter at Zack making Johnny more susceptible to spectral happenings this early. I actually really love the idea of such a hazardous force get into the head of a menacing yet likeable threat...but doing so at the beginning act within 4-5 in-comic days, when we've seen so little of his mischief that would eventually be so deserving of the possession? And now he gets so "deep" and "introspective" about how his gang rolls, whether they're good or back? C'mon!

Damn, the perils of mobile posting...I meant: "whether they're good or bad". Oh, and apologies to for my post's deletion, I was redoing it to have more clarity to my points. :(

>whatever black stuff that Ed's spinning.

Fucking hell, did you actually manage to pick up that was Ed in the last panel on your first try? Because I sure as shit didn't. I had to look at this shit so many times to figure out what's going on.

at this point a new artist needs to take over
tired of waiting and then what little we get is an incomprehensible mess

Well, there was only three of them.

Yeah, Paranatural is turning into a total disappointment, more and more so the longer Zack's been working on it. First he quit doing the penciled backgrounds, then he switched to a shitty gradient, and the 40% chance there won't be an update have made me lose what interest I had in the comic. I'll check in about once a month, but unless something interesting happens storywise I've pretty much entirely switched over to K6BD, because at least when Abbadon delays an update it's because he's putting in a shit-ton of detail into a page.

Seriously, Zack has no excuse. Kelly Turnbull busted the fuck out of her arm, but she was back to doing her comic after like 6 weeks and still does weekly updates even though she's swamped with animation work.

To be fair i busted my wrist too and it really is taking time to heal correctly. I fucked up in december and am still feeling the after effects. Drawing for long periods have been getting really annoying. Not unsufferable, but the pain is distracting me.
Though yeah, given the amount of details and efforts he put in a page, i don't understand where the wrist overusing could come from. Maybe he does a shit ton of storyboard before? But that seems unlikely. It's not like he draws a lot beside his comic, otherwise he'll put some of that shit on twitter or something.
He's probably just a lazy mess.

I remember reading this tweet when he posted it and thinking "haha, just you try, I like your comic too much to stop reading" but boy is he trying

So... When do you guys think Zack Will break up with his girlfriend, man up and make paranatural great again?

Given the fact that she's shitting fan art to excuse his breaks, i doubt it will happen soon.

I have to laugh at how he ruined his own comic just to spite some meanies on the internet.

I still can't believe he's making 1730$ on patreon, for what is mostly six updates per month.
That's nearly 600 for a half-assed, backgroundless page. Just how gullible are those people?

I feel like this is the ultimate proof that Zack does not understand composition or choreography.

When you draw a physical confrontation, panel size and count are directly related to speed, importance and intensity. Is Osamu Tezuka and Hugo Pratt often had a few establishing shots leading to pages with many small, quick panels to detail a swift conflict. Akira Toriyama and Jack Kirby would use huge panels punctuated with smaller ones to indicate the sheer might of a character and stakes of their conflict. Zack's composition is devoid of intentional framing choices and reads like a string of emulated shots he likes.

Like, almost half the page is a series of descending diagonal panels. The point of this technique is to have multiple panels of relatively equal importance while creating a dramatic motion. Pic related. Zack's panels have absolutely no meaning relative to the technique being employed and his most prominent panel in the sequence is the least important. The exact same effect could have been achieved with two panels: one big rectangle of Johnny getting shot in the leg and a rising inset of our "mystery" character leaping over Johnny and RJ after the fleeing fatso. The current version is just full of extraneous panels that take away from the action and layouts that are just disorienting.

His wrist has been fucked for years though. If it was recent I could understand and forgive but he took a week off mid-hitball, and he'd been complaining about it before then. As far as I can tell he must have some form of crippling arthritis for how much it troubles him so.

In bizarro world:
>Goals: become completely unpalatable to the middle east
>i'm sorry, it's just that a LOT of people there have beliefs I find intolerable, and if I'm tolerable to those people...

>Astro Boy doing a seppuku and writhing with agony on the floor
Welp, this is going to haunt me for days.

I'm sure you didn't have any ill intentions posting that, user, it's just that the picture is so unexpected.

>indirectly protecting/defending tumblr

Just admit it Zack: you have pandered to them so much you don't dare change anything about your comic.

I honestly enjoy the attempt, but this was not a well thought out composition. Partially because he's not that good at drawing.

It's okay, he just LOOKS like Astro!
Between his origins and the darker periods of the comic, you should be used to Tobio-looking kids getting brutalized.

Who else would it be?

It's Black Jack. He might be okay.

So Zack should fuck up his only way to make money because user is impatient?

So, on a time scale, how far off are we from a shota ghost blowjob?

>nothing but talking for months
>when action happens, it's condensed into a simultaneously occuring clusterfuck
Zack really deserves to be called Zack the Hack. This is some incompetent bullshit.

This fucking panel composition reminds me of Drill Jill, and not in a good way. How is a faggot who stopped drawing backgrounds and is whining about is wrist 24/7 managed to draw this busy as fuck bullshit.

Zack is a manlet that can't even hold a pencil without hurting himself.

I wonder now what the majority of Sup Forums, or at least just Sup Forums would espouse that would be intolerant to him at this point. I'd assume with Sup Forums that everyone from the point of pure Sup Forums to centrist views makes less then 50 percent at this point.