Previous Thread:

Previous Thread:
We've hit heroes of the future and far future.
But now for the Kirbython to reach into the past!
An unlikely hero from out of time and this fair world.
Kirby was asked to create a horror comic and so it is...

This is-
The Demon!

And here we go...with the fall of Camelot...

Which is surprisingly a common occurrence in the DCU.




Merlin really banked on how inconspicuous Etrigan's human form would end up being.

Jason Blood, Demonologist...cause cool is cool.



He's quick on his feet






Strong blood, that's all.






This can only lead to good.

That's a good rhyme


Part 2:
wherein it will be for another day
























Well, I'm sure there'll be plenty of adventures until then.

Part 3:
wherein there are more occult evils out there



















Woot, appreciate it!


No Problem.




Part 4:
wherein hoo doo?

Yeah, don't mess with Etrigan




















He just won't stop



Part 5:
wherein they can't not goad him on
