The Official Funeral of Admiral Ackbar

Today we are here to pay our respects to a great Squid Admiral who has sacrificed himself for the greater good and got killed by an evil film director WITHOUT GIVING HIM A PROPER BAD ASS MOMENT OR DEATH SCENE, i ask all of you now to press F to pay respect to him and if anyone has something to say on the dead Squid you are welcome to say it......may you rest in peace admiral *salutes*

PS: Unfortunately we werent able to find the dead body that now is in space but this doesnt mean he doesnt deserve a grave.


>fat SJW cunt kills off Ackbar so he makes space for her self-insert OC dyke cunt admiral
>she dies in same movie



fuckin F

ikr :_(


Fucking F

>You know, our officers are dead
>Ah, hum ... Ackbar is dead too.

The song doesn't help it mate... Our childhood heroes don't deserve to go this way.

Fucking F you fictional beautiful calamari bastard.

Remember him happy

Can't believe I'm feeling tears rushing to my eyes. A smile worth protecting.


you are now aware that if it was Admiral Lando instead of Admiral Holdo the movie would have been 10x better and the shitty plot would be carried by Billy Dee's charisma instead of ice queen slay

>lever is being pulled
>a full-screen shot of wining smile
>followed by this

omg yes

F, you delicious bastard

OP Priest here

Guys this is a funeral be free to say something nice to our dead calamari friend. I will go first

"if only he realized that was a trap" :_(

he will forever live in my mind as a someone who never became part of Disney wars since they're not canon, see you on the other side space calamari cowboy


>that second when you realized that Ackbar was killed by a literally who first order pilot killed several seconds later


And then you autists would be complaining that they ruined Lando because he didnt trust Poe

what if it was Admiral Ackbar instead ??


Then we would have gotten a quip where some New Order officer yells 'IT'S A TR-' just before they explode.


LMAO that would have been awsome

>be ackbar's ghost
>meet admiral piett's ghost
>get given continuous grief about not having bridge deflector shields
>also not even trying to intensify firepower when fighters on obvious attack run


>Mon Calamari ship design avoid, purposely, obvious targets
>*Find the bridge immediately*



You mean Admiral Purple wasn't a tranny?

And he was a good friend

i thought she was one of those femnazis also WHY THE FUCK DIDNT SHE HAVE A UNIFORM pffsss fucking SJW's atleast give her a uniform



Superman's burial was pretty good

Will Ackbar return as a force ghost? will he inform them of a trap in ghost form and save the day?

i guess it was one of the best fictional funerals ever on a movie

Legends are forever

F.. You deserved better.

>Barely survive the explosion on the bridge
>battered and broken wake up to see the mess Admiral Gender Studies has made from a simple escape plan.
>Struggling to make it to the bridge you see the first transport get spaced
>a manly tear wells up in his one good eye
>no longer caring for his injuries or the immense pain he is in doubles his efforts to get to the bridge.
>getting to the bridge he sees Admiral Gender Studies literally doing nothing
>Akbar while scolding her to fucking do something another transport blows up in the back ground
>in a Rage at her lack action slaps her out of his chair
>Shocked at his lack of respect for her vagina pulls a gun on him.
>Akbar pressing a button the the console causes her to trip into him where he disarms and stuns her
>he then turns the ship into the line of fire taking shots ment for another transport.
>turning his ship into the Supremacy he pours on the speed diverting energy from the shields as the next few shots rip through the hull
>while Akbar doing a rousing speech about how heroes are important and how they of the spark that will burn the first order down basically the opposite of what Admiral Gender Studies said
>while she crawls towards the closest escape pod he looks at her gives her that fish smile
>"and we will both die Heroes today" he said as he releases the safeties on the core reactor while simultaneously charging the hyperdrive
>the ship barely holding together now very close to the Supremacy explodes is a spectacular fashion
>hugs can yell "it's a Trap" right before just to keep the tone of the movie the same

You will always be a hero in my headcanon

omg yes send this to that Faggot of Ryan Johnson please

F Ackbar was a real nigga

hes a squid not a lobster moron




damn right
here we go

As short as life may be, the memes live forever

At least they did not turn him into a cuck or a tranny.

F ;_;

Why do we care so much for a side character, mates?

youre like some kinda fuckin retard

ackbar was a neat looking costume that a lot of people liked. in the movies' universe tho he has like < 10 lines. why would people liking him in the real world have any impact on the universe?


May your spirit find peace and serenity in oneness with the Force, our dear Admiral. In more astute hands, your final moments would have come while springing a trap on your enemy.

Why didn't he just fly back to the ship? Why didn't anyone else that happened to be flying through space pick him up and carry him back?

apology for poor english

when were you when allahu ackbar dies?

i was sat at theater eating crab legs when sidious ring

‘ackbar is kill’




What's your fucking problem ? srsly

>accepting the mouse's bullshit as canon
oh no no no


F for respects to all the beautiful Imperial engineering that was lost

His death scene should have been him as the last remaining man on the (now disabled) ship. The large star destroyer then tractor beams the ship into a hangar (similar to the opening scene in a new hope). First order troops then board the ship and begin searching for survivors. A trooper notices a space nuke and other explosives rigged to blow. The troopers last words are "IT'S A TRAP!" as the camera flashes to admiral ackbar who detonates the nuke, destroying him and the star destroyer.


I just hate how unceremoniously he is killed off. He's a significant part of SW culture but he gets killed off without a single moment spared for him and all focus is out on Holdo who we've never even heard about in any other film

I just hate how they're using existing canon but completely ignoring it except for the occasional hamfisted cameo and shoving their own new characters in (Poe, Snoke, Holdo) who weren't even in existence in the previous films

In real life Ackbar would likely be second in command of the rebels after Leia because he has by far the most experience

Fuck I used "I just hate" twice in two paragraphs

Let the past die you filthy goy.


The new movies are obviously wedded to the idea that alien characters are glorified window dressing who exist to bring a little flavor to the background, and maybe exploit nerd nostalgia via brief cameos. They do not exist to be characters in their own right. The OT and PT took the same approach, but not to this extent.

I'm not going to defend the prequels but Chewie and Yoda are major characters who are aliens

The only alien character in the ST who has any significance is Maz but she was shoehorned into TLJ without any significance

Name one alien character from the ST other than Maz. You literally cannot

Fuck I used "any significance" twice in the same sentence now

I'm tired, alright?

Rose. Or if you're talking about illegals, Poe.

Ackbar is still alive and he will live happily ever after. NuStarWars is not canon.

He deserved better

>NuStarWars is not canon.
Yeah. There hasn't been a star wars movie produced this millennium.

>Mickey told me what was canon and by law I have to accept what I am told
Explain how, without Lucas blessing the new trilogy as official canon, anything Mouse Wars related is any less fan fiction than the old EU.

the people making these new movies give no fucks about the world of star wars and the people who's pockets kept it alive up until now. If the issue of unceremoniously killing ackbar came up at all it was laughed at by the higher-ups because from their perspective he's such a minor character. More likely, there was never even an issue made of it because the new writers simply aren't aware that Ackbar meant something to people.

*pisses on grave*

>all that expanded universe cannon that wasn't half bad
>ded, canonically

NuWars will never be cannon in my book

Too bad the Admiral couldn't Ackbar one last time