Premier Pulp Comics Feb 2013 Storytime

Hi everyone, I am going to story time an issue of Premier Pulp! Comics (before the relaunch to just Premier Comics).

This was made entirely by anons and special snowflakes like you, yes you!

Other urls found in this thread:

If you want to make comics, contribute, or just say hi you can come swing by our discord:
Here are other links I'm obliged to spam, so let me just get this out of the way so I can get to the sweet sweet comics:
subreddit is at /r/PremierComics/

There, shilling done, now get ready for some comix straight outta da underground internet highways, my dudes.


Oh shit this is ancient.








older than me mum
















































is nice, yah

>not even the one I'm in.

Well fft.

thanks for the storytime

which one did you do?

>which one did you do?

I went and checked and now I don't want to admit to it.

Funny how you remember being so proud of garbage.

We'll be sure to storytime them ALL so we can get the one you're in.

I like it. The three main characters have an androgynous look to them, so it isn’t obvious that theyr’e grilles in some panels. Gotta work on that.
Cute and silly. I do wonder why the bunny (at ) hopped off the panel when the conversation was continued in the panel to its right. It confuses me when characters have body parts phasing out of the panel when there isn’t a logical reason to do it in a storytelling pov/leading the eye in the desired direction. Might just be an issue with me though.
The lip shine kinda threw me off for a bit, thought there was something wrong with her teeth. I do love the storytelling here, simple and to the point. It tells you everything without having superfluous panels.
The sketchy artwork to this one contrasting the backgrounds gives it an interesting look.
I’m sorry but the art of this one is eerie. Feels really off. At least there was a nice ending.
Ladybug team always comes out with great stuff. There’s not much to say buuut is it just me or does it look like Diego is copping a feel of the Ladybug in a few of the panels.
This one’s just weird.

Be proud of that comic. It is your garbage after all. You worked on it.

Can you guys storytime them in chronological order?


This was good, thank you.

Thanks user.

Were they actually made on pulp or newsprint? Or just thought it sounded cooler.

It hasn't seen hard publication, but if memory serves correct the "pulp" is a reference to pulp fiction magazines.


Which were called that in reference to the cheap paper they were printed on cause back then they just wanted to sell people an enjoyable story not sell them collectables for them to hold onto for decades.

Honestly I'd rather have that compared to what we have now.

If I was an exec it's what I'd do.

Tons of pulp copies for $1-2.
High gloss and variant covers sold at twice the price or more for the collectors and hardcore fans.

thanks for the feedback

Well.... okay, tonight, after this thread dies, ill do a chronological storytime

>shilling you and your friends' art circlejerk for the umpteenth time

Gee imagine where you would be if you actually filled out applications to publishers instead of trying to get internet strangers to say nice things about your faggoty Tumblr creations.

go to bed pajeet