These planets were really, really close together

These planets were really, really close together...

Other urls found in this thread:

>JJ making shit this bad
>People scooping it up as "oh hey its pretty good"
>Disney ruining EVERYTHING during TLJ because TFA started the shitstorm of killing the franchise

TFA literally caused TLJ like HPV causing cervical cancer

tfa was decent though

What makes you think that?

TFA sucked chode

I hated that stupid fucking weapon how did the bolts hit so fast when they were fired from a whole other solar system

Experimental hyperspace technology for sending laz0rs across the universe, its really l33t

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Abrams pulled the same shit in Star Trek. How does he find work?

It maybe the dumbest super weapon of any movie I've ever witnessed

So amazing it even brought all planets from different part of the galaxy close together for convenience.

How did they see the system being destroyed all the way from Maz's castle???

Does J.J. think you can look up at the sky and see planets in other solar systems?????

Say whatever you want about not liking Ep8's story, but at least it wasn't full of braindead retarded shit like that, has some original aspects, rey isn't as much of a mary sue, and Finn isn't as much of a spastic meme lord

Nose privilege.

>Abrams pulled the same shit in Star Trek.
No he didn't, Spock was standing on Vulcan's moon.

>So amazing it even brought all planets from different part of the galaxy close together for convenience.
No, the Hosnian system is one solar system, they're not planets all over the galaxy, it's just one solar system. Presumably, the camera is supposed to be far enough away from the planets that we can see multiple worlds at once.
>How did they see the system being destroyed all the way from Maz's castle???
>Hosnian Prime and all other planetary objects orbiting the system's sun were destroyed by a phantom energy beam[2] upon the firing of the First Order's Starkiller Base superweapon in 34 ABY.[3] Due to the nature of phantom energy, the destruction of the system was visible across the galaxy[2] through a rip in sub-hyperspace.[9] It was witnessed by those present in Maz Kanata's castle on the planet Takodana.[3] The beam caused Hosnian Prime's core to ignite in a pocket nova, and temporarily became a binary system.[2]
>phantom energy

I didn't think any new Star Wars movie could have a superweapon that could top the Sun Crusher from the EU for so goddamn stupid, but Abrams found a way.

How did they create a laser smart enough to split into smaller lasers capable of targeting planets across star systems?

Isn't this too stupid even for Star Wars?

>Spock was standing on Vulcan's moon.
>Delta Vega
>Vulcan's moon


>Due to the nature of phantom energy, the destruction of the system was visible across the galaxy[2]
What is "phantom energy?" Is it possible to learn this power?

A weapon to force the parent star to go supernova or die out killing off all solar life would of been better
>Phantom energy was a state of dark energy. When the Starkiller Base superweapon released the quintessence it had collected within its core, it was transformed into phantom energy, which would follow the line of egress that had been provided by the weapon's technicians according to planetary rotation, inclination, etc, through a hole in "sub-hyperspace", until it was intercepted by an object of sufficient mass. When the beam of phantom energy interacted with a planet, it ignited its core, creating a pocket nova.[1] Large amounts of phantom energy could create temporary rips in sub-hyperspace, which allowed the Hosnian Catacylsm in 34 ABY to become visible from across the galaxy as it happened.[2]

>"Impossible. Although we know there is more dark energy in the universe than anything else, and that it exists everywhere around us, it is so diffuse that it can barely be detected. Let alone concentrated."
>"It can be, and it is."
>―Admiral Gial Ackbar and Finn[src]
>Dark energy was a form of energy that permeated the entire universe and was more abundant than anything else in the cosmos, but was very diffuse and difficult to detect. Harvesting dark energy as a power source was thought impossible until the First Order discovered a way to collect a form of dark energy known as quintessence to create the Starkiller Base superweapon, which could destroy entire star systems.[1]
>Quintessence was a form of dark energy.

I gotcha senpai

Sucking the energy out from Starkiller base's star means fucking everyone on that planet dies anyway from sudden LACK OF SUNLIGHT

What a fucking spastic plan. gee whiz you sure got revenge on the Republic but now you lost an entire planet's worth of time, effort and personnel

>Had to asspull two new kinds of lethal energy and a whole new form of hyperspace to defend this stupid shot
bravo, JJ

Not to mention going many thousands of times the speed of light to travel the Galaxy in a matter of (presumably) minutes, but then slowing down immensely so as to be seen by the inhabitants of the system so they can be scared first

pretty amazing technology :)

>We want to rule the galaxy!

There's a weapon in this book that guts stars and squirts a giant stream of star guts at a planet, much cooler than Starkiller Base and almost 10 years older than TFA. I don't know how they managed to not take inspiration from things other than Star Wars.

People say this is ok because star wars is fantasy but the original trilogy always showed planetary systems accurately.

I also feel like firing that MASSIVE weapon while people were standing outdoors watching it is a bad idea

It seems like anyone on the surface of this planet would be blinded or melted or both, but maybe there's energy shields or some other BS

I'm really not looking forward to J.J.'s episode 8...

fucking kill me this is bad fanfiction


>but maybe there's energy shields or some other BS
The only people around were Hux, who had his back turned, and the stormtroopers, who were wearing their helmets.
>Hey, you know how the biggest problem with star trek is that the technobabble doesn't make sense but is nevertheless used to paper over plot holes when the writers have written themselves into a corner? Let's do that with Star Wars

>J.J.'s episode 8

I meant Ep9. Oops.

But you needed that shot of the nasty white supremist man being excited about using allegorical nukes!

This is just one of the few problems in the Trainwreck of a movie known as episode 7

>Tentacle monster
>Han and chewie instantly find the falcon after it leaves Jakku
>Han still wearing same outfit, same gun, same hairstyle, doing same smuggler shit despite being a fucking elderly man
>Rey is a mary sue that everyone loves and she never fails
>"How do we blow it up, there's always a way to do that!"
>Finn is a fucking meme used for comedic relief

Don't get me wrong, 8 had stupid parts too, but much less.

>8 had stupid parts too, but much less.

>solar system

please don't ever post here again brainlet, there's only one Solar System and we live in it

Hux was staring directly at this country-sized laser shooting out of the planet with his bare eyes.

It's excusable because like I said, maybe they just have UBER strong shields so the entire planet doesn't get fucked when it fires or something

>phantom energy
>pocket nova

These were rebel planets.

*one* dark energy exists in the real universe, although it's completely different.

Good God, that's so retarded...

Lol holy shit that's more babble than a Voyager episode

Imagine being the nerd in charge of writing up all this bullshit so it starts to make even an inkling of sense.

>Implying it starts to make even an inkling of sense.

what did this kid do to himself?

This. Just make a supernova bomb and a weapon system that fires it via hyperspace torpedo or something.

Die grinder accident

Here's the OFFICIAL explanation for why you can't just hyperspace ram anything to death with a starfighter. You need a sufficiently large ram to kill a sufficiently large target. The size differential matters.
>t. Pablo Hidalgo, the official lorefag who's paid by Disney to clean up after Rian's and JJ's messes

did he die?

Why is this being explained on Twitter?


>You need a sufficiently large ram to kill a sufficiently large target. The size differential matters.
Okay, fine. Then use a frigate or a slightly larger yet inexpensive ship. It still breaks the universe if the rebellion could take out entire fleets with the cost of a single antiquated ship.

>applying science to this
Its just a giant weapon that shoots an unknown energy matter to vaporize planets.

Fucking hell I used to work with one of these and it caught my sleeve and ripped the fabric off it effortlessly, it could of been like that photo.

You're a lucky dude, I collect pictures of industrial accidents to remind me to not be complacent.

Here's one of a guy who got pulled into a wood chipper, which I regularly use

fuck. good thing I see this only now.
I worked on one of those for 6 weeks and would have shit my pants.

>not using wookiepedia

FORCE = MASS x VELOCITY, the size of the ship doesn't mean jack shit if it's going lightspeed

Shot from such weapon would blow out all atmosphere, not to mention minor inconveniences like melting everything around it.

Why try to keep him alive at this point.... Man...

1) You spelled it wrong
2) That's where the links lead
3) Bozo

That's why I use them naked.

It's quite an ethical dilemma at that point but doctors have to save him if they can. I'm surprised they were able to extract him from the machine

The little ships have little shields so the big shields stop them

A big ship with big shields can go against another big ship with big shields because the big shields will break each other


Because Rian is a hack

Oh yeah!

shields have never stopped physical objects in Star Wars, ever

You could kill the Death Star by strapping a few (or even a few dozen) spare hyperdrives to an asteroid and hyperspace slamming it into the space station

>incremental-degree variances in vectors that grow into huge distances at supralight velocities might mean it's only a point-blank manuever
Is this supposed to mean something in a universe where ships regularly engage each other at point-blank range? And when Holdo performed the maneuver starting from where her cruiser was just barely out of effective range to begin with?

>No, the Hosnian system is one solar system,
good thing this was told in the movie. Even Aldreraan had more backstory. We knew it was a pacific planet home of Leia.
Someone that watched TFA as the first SW movie would have been utterly confused.

Oh my god.

Humans are so gross jesus christ, cant wait till we lose these goo suits for superior metal bodies.

Lasers are physical object, and torpedoes and bombs

Meant for

Asteroids are another matter entirely. They're everywhere, and are basically just giant heavy space rocks. I'm sure the rebellion could take control of some old facility for harvesting them and convert them into weapons of war.

Then why did they have to take down the shield around the second Death Star before Wedge and Lando and Nien Nunb could fly into it?

>lasers are physical objects
>just like torpedos and bombs

are you clinically retarded my dude?

how did they lift that onto the stretcher

>If you watch film #7 of a series of films you'll be confused

No shit, but I agree that the "state of the universe" was not even explained at all, we never get a feel for the scale/size of either the resistance or the first order until Ep8, and the new republic may as well have never existed for all we know about it

I would imagine a jack of some kind.

>Leia, Mon Mothma, we have a problem
>The Empire simply has too much production capacity. No matter how many ships we blow up, they'll always be replaced by 10 more. We can't win this fight.
>Hmm... Why not take one of our old Mon Calimari pillbug cruisers, empty it out, and send it hurtling into their critical orbital dockyards or production facilities?
Tell me why this wouldn't work.

Lasers are a physical object. What do you think they are, magic? Fucking brainlet.

>>If you watch film #7 of a series of films you'll be confused
The problem is that I had watched every Star Wars movie at least ten times prior to seeing TFA and I was still confused. In fact, I only get more confused the more I think about it.

The rebels wanted to control those shipyards so they could build their own cruisers.

That line really stuck out to me. I get the feeling Hamil said that a lot to him and to punish him he made him repeat it over and over again.

>Rian: Okay Mark time for the milk scene again we need another shot. Look at me when you are drinking it. Look into my eyes. Don't worry I'm sure you won't need to act to get the emotion I'm looking for. Perfect. Yes that look is just perfect. No We're not done yet. We're shooting it again. And again.

The series started with EP IV and yet it was auto-conclusive and self-contained.
One expects a reboot is done to attract more people.

Maybe they hide their facilities on heavily shielded worlds like we see in rogue one or in asteroid belts that you can't hyperspace through

Just start ramming imperial-controlled planets at hyperspace until they say uncle. Start with Coruscant.

TFA was a really really good first half with really shitty worldbuilding and action in the second half.

Yeah dude I'm sure that their asymmetric war doctrine would allow them to conquer all the way into the galactic core where these facilities are, and hold that territory consistently.

Watching Empire again fucking hell Vader naked me want to cum so much.

Because it's a space fantasy for children written by different people without any clear goal, just like your capeshit comics. There's no "war", not tactic, no strategy, no planing, no anything aside from advertising new toys.

>allow them to conquer all the way into the galactic core where these facilities are, and hold that territory consistently.
Luckily the Empire decided to collectively commit suicide on Sheev's orders in nu-canon so they don't have to.

Well clearly they have star cruisers so I'm not sure what you think you're saying.

No they didn't. They NR spent most of their time in the nucanon purging imperial remnants. Sheev left posthumous orders on many worlds for the governors to either defend their imperial territories to the last man, or blow them up so the rebels couldn't have them.

Wait so it's the Wave Motion Cannon from Yamato?
