Why do people keep saying Batman should rape the Joker? Explain this theory to me

Why do people keep saying Batman should rape the Joker? Explain this theory to me.

its not a theory its an in-joke

It's simple, the Batman can't kill the joker because it goes against his code of ethics, but he can do something even worse, which is raping him.

If he merely apprehends the Joker, then Joker will inevitably go back to business as usual sooner or later. If he kills the Joker, then he has crossed over to the dark side and become as bad a Joe Chill. Batman needs to rape the Joker because it is the middle ground between the two, an effective measure that still isn't going TOO far.

He would never have the self confidence to do all that shit after he raped him.

In blackest day

In dark night

No rape shall escape my sight

Let those who worship jokers might

Beware my power

Jim Gordon's light

>worse than death

Rape is less severe than murder. And anyone that thinks otherwise is a retard. In murder, you actually fucking kill someone for fucks sake. They're DEAD. FUCKING MURDERED. Which beats rape by a mile. Stupid liberals.

Basically, we're making fun of the guys who are obsessed with Batman's refusal to kill Joker.

>Rape is less severe than murder.

Let's see if you still feel that way with a dick up the cornhole, "tough guy"

The feeling of almost being murdered causes more PTSD than being raped.

Friendly reminder to kill people after you rape them so they don't have to suffer a fate worse than death. Fucking the corpse after killing the potential rape victim is also more acceptable than just raping them.

yes but they have to live with rape.

what would you rather have, salt and barbed wire shoved in your urethra for a 100 years and kept alive and conscious (the sheer shock from pain would make you lose consciousness) via magic....or a quick painless death via injection?

>Joker does crimes
>Batman doesn't rape the Joker
>Joker continues to do crimes
It's simple logic, really. Batman should rape the Joker so he wouldn't do crimes anymore.

>inb4 some edgy numbnuts writes an elseworld where Batman's solution to his villains actually is tapping the shit out of them before sending them to jail.

Less severe yes but unlike rape you can spin murder in to a good thing

Don't have to kill or rape him, just break his spine, remove his arms legs tongue and lobotomize the Joker and he cant cause trouble any more.

I don't think Millar is interested in Big Two work anymore, he has a couple more dozens of movie scripts to pump out at the moment.

That's the most retarded analogy I've heard yet. How the fuck is that urethra shit supposed to be on the same level as rape? Rape happens a set number of times, and afterwards it's PTSD.

He just thinks he's worth more than what DC and Marvel are paying their comics creators since he's been getting so much money from movie deals. There's nothing they could offer him that he wouldn't turn his nose up at

The trauma of rape is no way as bad as getting your urethra salted for 100 years. PTSD is better than being dead in all cases

This. I always appreciate our progressive thinkers who tell rape victims they're better off dead or should have been killed.

I see the SJWs have invaded this thread again.

I dont know about you faggot but someone would have to kill me first if they want to rape me.

I hoped you get raped.

Would the Joker be brave enough to commit crimes if he knew the local vigilante was a rapist?


>PTSD is better than being dead in all cases

Remember kids, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent rape, you're completely powerless, rape is inevitable. If anyone tells you that you have the control to protect yourself from violation, they're attacking you, and are probably rapists themselves.

It's simple OP, Gordon's computer has run the math. Rape is the only way to end Joker's reign of terror.

>Being single for so long you start to buy your own bullshit

>PTSD is better than being dead in all cases
>people literally commit suicide because of it

You misread the post

With PTSD you can choose to live with PTSD or to kill yourself and be dead, being killed dead you have no such choice. Being alive with PTSD enables both options, the dead guy can't select to live with PTSD after he's already been killed.

Its a meme you dip

>Choosing to live with PTSD

You really are underage

Well if you're going to make suicide and PTSD synonymous then we're really not arguing a damn thing are we?

>Batman rapes Joker violently one night after beating him into submission
>Week later
>Joker in fetal position, covered in bed sheets
>Harley runs into bedroom screaming about when he wants to attack Gotham again
>Joker flinches violently and nearly breaks down in tears as he tells Harley to close the blinds and leave him alone

Why is BTAS Gordon always the subject of this joke?

>Batman you must rape the Joker!
>Yes! Rape me Batman! Look me in the eyes while you do it!