Nightmare before Christmass: Oogie Boogie

What the fuck was his problem?


No, seriously, what was his issues, there? What was his end goal in killing Sandy Claw and Jack? Was it just Tuesday and he was simply bored or what? Or had he higher purposes?

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Bugs are evil as fuck.

He's the boogie man

He was a humongous asshole.
He was so much of an asshole that a town where being a dick is social norm decided they were better off locking him up.

His end game is to be scary, just like everyone else in halloween town. That's the only thing he exists for, to be a scary monster. He's just a dick about it, unlike everyone else.

>He was so much of an asshole that a town where being a dick is social norm decided they were better off locking him up.
You think he was actually in a sort of Jail the Kids were sort of the warden of? It actually make sense.
Looking back, I am quite impressed by the quality of the French version song.
Not just for this one but the whole Jack movie

I don't know if it's just nostalgia influencing my brain, but I really have the feeling French dubbing was better in the past.

I can't stand the French version of Steven Universe, for example, were every damn song, who are excellent in English, are completely massacred.

But For Nightmare before Christmas, I can listen to the french version and be immersed by it completely, despite having now seen it in English. It still sound good.

Yeah, Boogie was an asshole. That was his whole character in a nutshell.

I think at some point they outright say he is.

I'm listening to 'Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws' and they actually say "We're his little henchmen and we take our job with pride". He might still be jailed given that his cave doesn't seem to have any doors, they drop food in through a chute, and the windows are barred, but they aren't the wardens.

He's a psychopath and a sadist, plain and simple.

What's the actual myth behind the "boogie man", though? I see it so often used in internet argument to point out scare tactics used by the opponent I don't event know who the Boogie man is in the first place.

Boogie Man or Bogeyman is a catch all term for ambiguous monster men that terrorize or take children who disobey their parents.

>Boogie Man or Bogeyman
Welp, here is a pun from that movie that had escaped me for years. i am finally catching it. thanks.

I always thought that was about Jack. They're talking about pleasing him or being beaten black and green by him. On the other hand they mention they might get some snake-and-spider stew, which Oogie mentions in his song but Jack never does.

>If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town
I think that's pretty straightforward

He obviously can't leave, but if he could he would either A) go on a killing spree, because murder amuses him, or (and this is only if you count the games as canon) B) try to re-instate Bug Day. And then kill people.

>or (and this is only if you count the games as canon)
Fuck no and fuck off, Boco.

He scared me as a kid

Hey, I said "if".

He just seems to be an antisocial hedonist who seems to play dangerous games because he's bored. He's basically just Scaramanga w/ no class or honor. He might be some kind of tech-genius though, considering how crazy his house seems to look.

He just wanted to do the best he could.


He was just a douche. I always imagined that he was down there because Jack and the mayor kicked him out of the town, and as long as he stayed in his cave they were even Stevens. Then the loophole was that Oogie made the kids take people down there for him to torture.

He was just doing his job like everyone else in Halloween Town, he certainly didn't deserve getting skinned and boiled alive

He's the Halloween Town equivalent of that guy who takes a joke WAY too far. Everyone else seems pretty content with just scaring people senseless: any harm they cause is usually accidental. The Boogieman kills people. So, everyone else told him to just fuck off to his dingy little fen at the edge of town and take his kids with him, and try to have as little to do with him as possible. Basically, he's HT's THAT guy.

He's Halloween Town's version of pic related.

Bilingual fag here, dub quality depends entirely on how much money they have, which depends on how popular they think it will be in that region. Some movies never even dubbed songs because it was too expensive which was always lame. Netflix shows all have dub tracks but some are good and some are terrible.

He was simply following instinct.

It's just what he does.

Is it true that people who didn't see that movie as a kid, when only later as adult, actually find it not that good?

I didn't see it as a kid, only caught the ending once as a teen, and I loved it when I first saw the whole thing way later. But I admit the visuals and songs were the main draws for me, and the writing was overall pretty mediocre.

So here's one.

Why did he look just like The Shadow on the Moonlit Night (or the shadow looked like him)?

Because that was him. He literally says his name:

So he's both? How does he project a shadow when he's stuck in that basement?

oups, never mind. he actually doesn't say it. But I am pretty sure it's the same voice actor.

>"'Twas a long time ago, longer now then it seems,... for the story you are about to be told, takes place in the holiday worlds of old,"
>The humans at the end are clearly living in modern america

Does this movie take place in some sort of meta future where the fact that it takes place in the year 3000 is only relevant in the opening line that places it 1000 years in the past?

At 1:15:
He is really good at shadow projecting.

>>The humans at the end are clearly living in modern america
I'd say the 50's though. For a child it's reallya long time ago.

He always seemed really tacked on to me.
Like, the script was mostly written and then Burton was like "Oh shit, other movies have a bad guy. We should too!"

All fairy tales take place "along time ago".

And so does Star Wars.

The french dub is top notch for this movie, both text and acting. Dubbing was better in the past, but way before tNBC. That's because it was normal for a movie to be partially dubbed (in its original audio) so people were doing it a lot.

Jack is the mischievous horror who wants to scare you, but not hurt you; Boogie is the horror without limits.