What is the definitive Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne)?

What is the definitive Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne)?

I want a Zoom family team-up
>Bart's clone
>Black Wally's dad


You forgot Cobalt Blue.

>tfw no Zoom Corps like Johns hinted at

>the definitive


Reminder we were basically going to get this before DC fucked up the second Johns run and forced him to turn Flashpoint into the reboot.


I want him to force my face into his crotch and then vibrate his dick through my skull killing me instantly


Yeah, what happened to that plotline of Zolomon approaching Prof. Zoom and telling him they can help each other?

Where is Zolomon in nu52 anyway?

Stop posting your shitty CW webms over and over. He's not the definitive Zoom.

What kind of name is Eobard anyway ?

I love how butthurt you get.

The 25th Century kind.

>I love how butthurt you get.
I've never responded to you before.
BTW, that CGI is complete shit.

>I've never responded to you before
Sure, pal...sure...


I'm a little confused by the names.
There's: Reverse Flash, Zoom and Professor Zoom?

And Eobard Thawne is usually known as Reverse Flash?

Eobard Thawne: Reverse Flash, Professor Zoom
Hunter Zolomon: Reverse Flash, Zoom

Eobard used to be known more as Professor Zoom but now it's switched.

you mean Reverse Flash?

Basically fused with every other major speedster villain

>Eobard used to be known more as Professor Zoom but now it's switched.


I would say it happened because the show never fucking called him Professor Zoom, but I think it happened before that. People just thought Reverse Flash was cooler I guess.

Holy shit, someone used my reaction image

but then why does booster gold have a normal name

Eobard's parents hated him and gave him a weird name.


I've seen you post these clips from you little teen drama show, I'm sure other people besides me called you out for it.
It's a good smug reaction image.

*in other threads

Dropped plot.

Because DC has completely shit the bed when it comes to the Reverse Flash names and identities.

His brother was Robern. I think the Thawnes just aren't right in the head.