Bright question

What happened to this elf?
She is alive but she is now some sort shrine?
And I find it extremely convenient William smith was a bright

watch the movie nigger.

Tikka used the wand and some sort of spell on her, seemingly trapping her in the wall.

And Will Smith being a bright is just part of the story and ties into the themes they were going for of it being "a time of prophecy" and all that. It was definitely part of them gearing up for a sequel.

I just did.
Tikka shoots her with the wand and she becomes a living art piece.

It's stupid that the wands only work on elvish command words, completely undercuts what they established five minutes earlier as being boundless power.

It's Willard Smith, dumbfuck

If there have been human brights I assume that there are spells for humans as well, they're probably just not as well known considering the rate of human brights is far lower than elves

His name is actually Willard Smith

Do you not understand magic? Fucking humans these days

have you never heard of magic you autist?

Can't explain this so shout magic.
I didn't see this in harry porter so I'm gonna need something better than that.
And how Tf was Williardiams smith ions a bright?

Okay. We have confirmed it's magic.
Is it good? Is it bad?
Is it comfortable? Euphoric? Is it embarrassing?
Quit being a bad kid and think
Citation needed

>Citation needed

mommy elf slit her neck

did you even watch the movie

you dont have to think idiot, its magic, not science. thats literally the point of magic: its not natural, its supernatural. you dont have to explain shit. if it could be explained it wouldnt be magic

Apparently you didn't. Because she did slit her neck.
After she spent sometime as a living shrine embedded in a wall.
>thank you for being 12

>harry pottering me this hard

Hop on over to the Star Wars threads kiddo

A lot of the lines meant to convey world flavor are way too direct. Paraphrasing, but Smith says something like, 'bunch of elves, being rich and ruling the world!' when talking about elftown, and some line where he explicitly says "Dark Lord" and can't even hide the awkardness of saying it. They really should've called him something else, dark lord is about as overdone and cheesy as you can get.
The fantasy elements and urban setting also felt too separated. I never really wound up feeling like there was a semi-forgotten magical history to the world. Probably the closest was in the absolute kino of a building with the orc boss. They really needed to have stumble over some more hidden/derelict fantasy locations beneath the contemporary city appearance.
I think orcs could've done with being a little more exotic, too. Not in looks, but maybe in accent and mannerisms; they're supposed to still be clannish and rich in tradition, after all, and they just act like typical ghetto thugs. Emphasizing the slavic origin a little more might've helped, since slavs are still fairly exotic to westerners.

jfc lay off the fucking weed you mong

thats exactly what i said

Go watch the movie

you clearly didn't

when the other elf shows up and sees her she slits her throat for failure

You found that out by reading it here. Why did Willard not kill her or detain her?
She was an assasin chillin in the wall and nobody thought to detain her?

i watched it xmas eve, soy

when will showed up it looked dead and didnt move at all till the other elf showed up

now that they got rid of problematic Landis will the sequel be the most inclusive movie ever, listening to every twitter whiner there is?

This movie was fun !