What did he mean by this?


Retards conflate anime weebs with Sup Forumstards since there is some overlap

Guess we all gotta like fat bitches anything else is a deviant fetish

Alt right traps and blacked.com too. They’re just fuckin fags


why the FUCK would i date a white """"""""""""woman""""""""""" asians and hapas are 10 times easier to deal with

>Alt Right
I still dont know what the fuck this means

Honestly I thought Louis would focus on the autistic NEET angle rather than the weebs

he's just putting out small teasers about the topics he will be covering in his new "Alt-Right" documentary

it's a tough world out there and you need to act fast to be the first to do it, Louis Theroux and Michael Moore are head-to-head competing who will finish their documentary first, and win all those sweet indie awards.

evil, it means evil.
just like all the previous things they meant as evil.

>asians and hapas are 10 times easier to deal with

anything not a nu male


Alternative Right wing to the traditional republicans
That's how polarized american politics is, if you aren't part of the traditional 2 party system, they have to invent a whole new term just to classify you

We're all alt-right!
We're all alt-right!

Bet whoever wrote that article did some research on /r/hapas

>not pictured: the asian male who drew this

Umm chop off your penis sweetie


new-age umbrella term utilised by the MSM to label and relegate anything further right of shapiro tier cuckservatism


Sup Forums memes hijacked by kikes and re-packaged without the race realism

Retards. There, now you know.

image references goatse

The last true defenders of White civilization.

I'm assuming this is fake, like the Sam Hyde interview.

I mean, the article. The Alt-Right absolutely does have an Asian fetish.

Not that it's a fetish. Asian sloots are just superior.

The Jews fetishising the destruction of the white race

This is a mural under the eiffel tower.
Notice black man white women
Black people are covering the genitals of white people
The whole thing is a star of david

>What did he mean by this?

Anything liberals, leftists and conservatrives don't like.

Late for work? Alt-Right hacked the traffic.

Someone complained because you flooded the country with cheap labor to clean your toilets? Alt-Right.

Someone asks if it's wise to invite in millions of psychotic backwards religious fundamentalists into secular countries? Alt-Right.

Someone doesn't like Star Wars Part 8 or Ghostbusters: Ladies Edition? Alt-Right.

Evil people that dont want mass immigration of 3rd world child rapists that do nothing but take benefits and commit crimes

baby phase of a fascist movement that will revolutionise the world

anyone who is not a shabbos goy.

It means "I had sex with some actresses when they were drunk and I'm desperately trying to virtue signal my way out of the inevitable accusation campaign".

I see also black women and white men.

>louis theroux

Loosely defined umbrella term that lumps together neo-Nazis, white supremacists and men's rights activists with internet "trolls" and anime/video game nerds.

Literally the media's version of "stop liking what I don't like".

And anyone who disagrees with the left at all, ie not liking ghost busters


>Asian fetish
A fetish is the sexualization of something that isn’t inherently sexual. The fuck is this retard even going on about?

non-religious conservative gen y/z

race is not inherently sexual

Asians aren't inherently sexual because they are insects.

>Sup Forums
>No film
>No series
>No show

>tv awards show alongside 90% of all entertainment media chooses to politicize itself
>Sounds good

>Surrounding discussion becomes political but with opposing views

I've explained it for you at least.

It was coined by the very people. The ones interested in that dumb "Dark Enlightenment" stuff. But considering most Sup Forumsacks came during the election (when Sup Forums's traffic quadrupled), it's no surprise they don't know about it.