Just came back from seeing Wonder Woman

Just came back from seeing Wonder Woman.
I claim Dr. Maru as my poisonfu.

>waifuing Dr. Poison
Oof. Um, all you really have in that regard are the O'Neil a Luke runs.

You'll find that Wonder Rogues are horribly neglected.

Is poisonfu a sub-genre of waifus? How far can waifu cataloging go?

She's the only one. Unique. Mine now.

The Luke run is what makes her interesting imo.

Hey, it's the bad guy from Skyfall!

What about Poison Ivy?

I'm waiting for the modern Japanese Doctor Poison who would no doubt be revealed to be like her Granddaughter or something like that.

How do they justify her name in a WWI setting with a non-Japanese actress?

Totally different. Dr. Poison is a chemist and Poison Ivy is a biologist. That's like comparing Pepsi and freshly squezed orange juice.

I fucking love freshly squeezed orange juice.

I don't really care about the comic version. I liked the movie version better (what little there was)

Fair. That was a definite upgrade for her.

Also, I'm dumb. Dr. Poison was not in the O'Neil run, I was thinking of Dr. Cyber. I swear, like more than half of Diana's villains have a doctorate.

So let me get this straight. Wonder Woman has an retard slap fight with actual historical figure, General Erich von Ludendorff, who is enhanced by some kind of super-cocaine?

I'm still trying to understand what the fuck happened there

Don't forget that special effect at this face when he snorted that dust


Poison's being neglected now. Shes now Colonel Maru, leader of her own mercenary group literally called Poison

How crazy is she in the movie?

lol was he fucking real lmao

>what the fuck happened here?
Ares gave Maru divine inspiration to make a super-drug for the general, seems all pretty obvious to me.

Yup, and he made new friends after Dr. Poison.

so ludendorff was stronger than strong when they were young?


Not a lot. She seems to be quite maniacal but not overly so. Think a very very low key Joker, focused on making poison.
She's portrayed as somewhat tragic too, in the end sequence and her scarred appearance.

Well there's Petra from Deadly Class.

Also I haven't read Deadly Class since issue 22 (though I do plan to catch up, bought the fifth trade at my LCS last Wednesday). So can you guys be nice and not reply to me with anything that happens after issue 22?

the absolute craziest she got in the movie was when ludendorff trolled the generals with the gas mask.

she found it amusing at best. otherwise she's pretty sane.

that look on her face when she figured out steve was just lying to be attracted to her.

people can make good lewds of unmasked mileena. what are the odds of Dr, P getting some?

The actress has some good lewds

Yes, and still the movie is better than the Guardians sequel

more of this specific version of the character than the actress but i'm game for that.

>Yes, and still the movie is better than the Guardians sequel

I really, really doubt that. Even if you didn't like parts of Guardians 2 it was quite easily a director-lead piece of work with Gunn calling all the shots. I'm sure this will be good, but more along the lines of Guardians 1 good: novel and corporate.

Easy, she's a doctor.
And you call her Poison. Duh.

>Doctor Poison waifuing

holy shit the DCEU is magical

Any pics of her actual face?

It's not really inconcievable that someone like Steve would tap that. Any reservation he'd have would be based on her personality/willingness to create WMDs. She was clearly quite attractive before her accident that left her face scarred and even after, when wearing her mask she looks more exotic, not actually ugly.
But Diana was in a whole different league to every other woman.

The actress' or the character's? OP pic is from the end of the movie, right after she gets her mask removed by Ares to show Diana how broken humanity is. Obviously it has the opposite effect.
No pics yet as they would be major spoilers. Maybe when the movie hits streaming.

Did she invent Zyklon B?