Moon Knight Complete Storytime

Continuing from Today's menu includes finishing the 2014 run with Bunn's arc, then going back to his origins in the 70s, and up until his appearance in The Defenders, maybe more if I have the time.

Other urls found in this thread:

This run goes back to Ellis's deal of episodic stories, however, they deal more with paranormal stuff instead of street thugs.


If you didn't noticed, the artist also changed, though I don't remember any particularly bad pages.


It also features Khonshu being benevolent and also a dick.









Remember to give a bump if you're reading, wouldn't want the thread to fall off before finishing two issues at least.

Are you gonna post all the Sienkiewicz volume?


I'm still not sure how were they using the ghosts, he just said that they controlled them like puppets.

Bunn's run made ZERO SENSE to the point that they haven't really even tried to reference it since.



I hope he does.

Damn, MK sure had some awesome creative teams across its editorial history.


Issue 14, in which another lot of blood is spilled.




The early 80s Moon Knight is still the peak of the character. The top... let's say 5-8 or so, issues of the Moench/Sienkiewicz run are better than anything Ellis did.








I sure am. After finishing with Shadowland, I'll start with the alternate universe stuff, and ending with Lemire's run.









>that dog face

Issue 15, in which Mark gets rekt and Khonshu's a dick.


Where the bumps at?


Thanks m8. The previous page got stuck at 11% loading for some reason.


Random fact: James Gunn said on Twitter, back in January, that he wants to make a MK movie, and that he even pitched the idea to Marvel Studios, but just doesn't have the time to do it.











You know shit got serious when Mr. Knight shows up with armor.

We can hope they assign the project to someone of his taste / trust and level.



And that is why people hate bullet sponges.





Between issue 15 and the last one with the sect, I could see Marc being so worn out and Khonshu so mad and despèrate to retain him that it could motivate all Lemire's run.

is moon knight real or not real


Yeah, I think so too.

He's real.
Now, Khonsu is too, but we don't know to which point. IIRC, during the AWC run, Hawkeye met him in some trippy dreamy scene, but I don't know if that run is stin canon. And there is the psychiatrist of Wood's story arc that we assume meet him, too. Now, is Moon Knight imagining things in his head all the time, or almost all the time? We don't know.

Who knows, he's crazy.

>Still, meets
And I'm not even sleepy yet.






so does Khonshu give him superpowers or what? why does he keep listening to that faggot


Pretty sure Khonshu does keep him from dying, but other than that, I'm not sure.


Not in this particular run, but he does have superhuman strength and shit in other runs.









He sure has some kind of unnatural physical resistance, And he does seem to be sensitive to the supernatural, which is logical, I guess.

Issue 17, in which it ends.

I also particularly like this cover.

