So most of us have seen Wonder Woman by now, right? How do you rate it Sup Forums?

So most of us have seen Wonder Woman by now, right? How do you rate it Sup Forums?

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When compared to other movies, 6/10. Average blockbuster with great score and drop in quality with third act.

When compared to the rest of the DCEU, 9/10. Villains didn't make me cringe, great chemistry between Diana and Steve, story makes sense

>story makes sense

This. It was nice to see a three act structure from DC again even if the last act was a bit weak

It was not as good as Guardians of the Galaxy or The Dark Knight


By DCEU standards 10/10
By capeshit standards 7/10
By movie critic standards 6/10
By marveldrone stands -10/10

- story makes sense
- during downtime it's lightens up and has some humor.
- hero wants to save people
- main leads have strong chemistry
- amazons are believable
- weak villians
- child Diana and native American were bad actors
- ending was little rushed
- beginning has some Snyder dialogue

>-hero wants to save people

Meanwhile the Germans are potrayed as subhuman and she slaughters dozens of them without abtting an eye.

>When compared to other movies
Such as?

Nobody likes germans, not even german people

Forrest Gump, Die Hard, Independence Day, etc

Think of three movies that have nothing to do with dc. thats it.

>Meanwhile the Germans are potrayed as subhuman

Nice meme

Haven't seen it, are they really? Are they just faceless bad guys or do they actually kill civilians and do shit like that?


the final act was the weak and so were the villains. Wonder Woman's kinda superficial and incredibly naive. and her rather aggressive nature and solving her problems with her fist/sword is kind of unfortunate.

best DC's ever done since TDK though. way better direction than the last three pieces of shit they put out.

There is a meeting of the German generals where they are discussing peace talks. Only the one guy and Doctor Poison are evil. Meanwhile the British generals are shown to not give a fuck about their men and Ares is masquerading as a Brit

It was a lot more fair to the Germans than I would have expected. Sup Forums just decided that the Germans would be shown as Nazi's so they're desperate to twist the film to match their narrative

Who's ready for Cheetah?

Movie was fine until the 3rd act where it completely shat itself and died.

No in fact more of the German high command are nice than the British(seriously one just flat out says he does not care if his men die). It's just that the main bad guy kills the German high command to prevent peace.

>Why did you give them a gas mask it wont work!
>they don't know that
Fucking awful.

solid 7
well above average
very much enjoyed it

the moral of this story is GET SNYDER THE HELL AWAY FROM DC MOVIES and they'll be good

Pretty standard cape shit

>the moral of this story is GET SNYDER THE HELL AWAY FROM DC MOVIES and they'll be good
No they will be close to watchable. I would not say this was a good FEELM.

>evil laughter
nah, it was funny laughter, they thought it was a hilarious joke

No, the Gemrans are presented as rational people who want the Armistice. The British however, not so much.

Also, the lady next to me whispered something very telling when she saw the German soldiers remove their masks/helmets at the end of the final battle.
>"They're just kids."

That's when I knew that the movie came through.

that was cute as fuck

>one just flat out says he does not care if his men die
Lions led by donkeys.

literally a "nothin personnel" moment. gave me a chuckle.

There was no fucking humor there though.

>making the Germans evil in WWI
This is actually the most annoying thing about any WWI setting.

They didn't make them evil though.

Think there's a movie about the French in WWI executing soldiers for not suicide rushing an mg position or something.

>So most of us have seen Wonder Woman by now, right?

No. I really, really doubt that's true.

Actually watch the film

Gadot is the worst part.

I'd say it was Ares.

I thought it was okay nothing special
My biggest criticism is that Wonder Woman's character arc is better much the the equivalent to a sheltered rich kid going to Africa and realising that bad things happen

7/10 which is higher than I would give most marvel movies

Top fucking zozzle.


It was good, but had some faults. I loved the pacing and general buildup of things, but the final act fell flat for me. Also, Wonder Woman was so naive, you might as well called her Starfire.

this DC can't make good movies the comics are just too terrible

Well that's basically the plot of The Book of Mormon and look how many Tonys that won.

I didn't say any of that kys.

A few things felt out of place like

"Gas mask won't work"
"They don't know that"
*Takes hit of super crack*

But good action, good setting, I love the idea of superhumans fighting in war time settings. Final Fantasy end boss was pretty damn dumb but much more entertaining than Doomsday.


That's probably inflated from a 7 because of how incredibly low my expectations were.

nah, Ares was good, going devil style tempter in the beginning then powerhouse by the end was good. The costume needed a cape but I'll be damned if him carving out the facehole in his molten helmet was great. That and him having Poison to be killed by Wondy was a good use for both characters.

>"Gas mask won't work"
>"They don't know that"
>*Takes hit of super crack*
That was Batman Forever shit right there.

Good to see that Ares is another Lex where you can clearly see retards are defending him

Gadot was the weakest part.

But on the whole I'd say she was fine

Why was he bad. exactly?

This might give away how pleb I am when it comes to movies (I basically only know capeshit and others I've seen on Netflix) but I particularly liked the dialogue in some places, it really felt like it came out from a comicbook, instead of Joss and Gunn's that are more sitcom like. I'm not saying either is better, but I personally liked it more.

So your tastes is just fucking shit

yes there was, at least from their perspective. are you autistic enough to not recognize what kind of laugh people have?

>humans are fundamentally evil because ww1 happened
>nevermind all the good things humans are doing during said war or trying to prevent it
>all i did was whisper the instructions for weapons which have no other use into specifically the ears of mentally unstable people

he's like the ultimate internet strawman accuser

Marginally better then most of MCU films and significantly better then everything else in the DCEU, but not remotely the savior of capefilms or whatever.

I don't watch movies, much less in theatres when they come out. But it was someone's birthday and I was invited. So yes, unless it has static pictures and dialogue boxes I have shit taste.

Honestly I've never been impressed with the depiction of various Gods in movies and shit. They're never powerful enough of visually interesting enough. But I thought Ares was cool as fuck.
Lame that we didn't really see Thewlis in the costume though?

>comic book villains acting doing comic book villain stuff

Only they weren't. It was just two of them and they were being manipulated by Ares.

Ares reveal scene was the best comic book villain scene I've seen in a while.
The CGI eye rape was another thing though.

He's the villain. He's supposed to be wrong.

You guys know Snyder helped write the film, right?Your whole "DC MOVIES ARE GOOD NOW THAT SNYDER IS GONE" schtick is invalid.

And I've seen a lot of people respond to this with "Oh so you're saying that Zack Snyder deserves all the credit for Wonder Woman?" And no, I'm just saying that his influence was still there and he was involved.

If you like this movie you are either a shill or retarded.

i-it's not gonna happen, right? I mean I know everyone said it would bomb and it didn't but THIS definitely isn't going to happen... is it?

they're introducing a new category starting next year - Best Capeshit


all the soldiers at the end stopped fighting and were just all happy to be alive.

I could see it being nominated for more than technical awards, like Makeup and Special Effects.

The Ares reveal really hurt the movie. Seeing Diana realize that conflict is more complicated than killing one person would've been great. I hoped for and loved the scene of her and Steven talking after she realized he wasnt a god. Sadly they fucked it up and had to have a god battle and make her a daughter of Zeus

it was shit. anyone defending it is doing so because it's a little better than other DC films or is a SJW feminist

Let's get Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway back to announce it. We can get the whole cast and crew of Logan and Wonder Woman up on the stage together.

Steve Trevor and the Island of the Amazons, was a roaring adventure. I wonder how Captain Trevor will escape that plane for the next movie. I'm sure it will be something.

The way they cut away from the inside of the plane feels like he was snatched by someone. Just too suspicious.

He ends up changing his surname to Jordan to stay undercover and fight crime Spirit-style. His great-grandson Hal is a promising dude.

>nice story
>Gadot and Pine are great
>I love Doctor Poison now
>Robin Wright
>No Man's Land scene
>that Ludendorff and Doctor Poison laugh

>almost everything in the third act
>CGI is really poor
>the slow motion thing seems dated these days
A very solid 8/10

And I really liked the score:

Native American dude was a good actor though. Between Autism Mode: 100%, THE ACTOR, Scotland's Finest, it was nice to have a character who was kind of down to Earth and amiably stoic.

I fucking loved that part. It was pure cheese

>Gadot's Commandos hugging unmasked German soldiers at the end
>The high command ready and willing to sign the armistice agreement

I agree with you so much.
I also dislike the Daughter-of-Zeus thing. They could make her some "Godkiller' or whatever even as a clay baby brought to life by Zeus. The affair thing is so unnecessary.
Actually I didn't like the entire "we thank Zeus for creating us all" thing.
But still 8/10

I'm ok with that. I like the New 52 origin story

>i like the New 52 origin story

Exactly. Seeing how WB's latest bowel movent is being talked about now is all the proof we need of how much this board is totally infected by Sup Forums, shills, tumblr-feminists, and practically everyone else on this planet that doesn't read or care about or care to understand comic books.

Diana's creation means a lot more for her mother than her.

I don't like the idea that it would just be an accidental pregnancy in the middle of an affair like in the new 52. I wouldn't mind it if it was just that she asked Zeus to impregnate her though because she wanted a child though.

it really tells you just how bad this place has gotten that no one is calling out these shills for what they are

And here we go

incorrect, not giving obvious bait (you)s means we're getting better

if you don't tell these freaks to fuck off they'll just keep posting because they'll think they're wanted

It's just background noise at this point

true, he was involved in a way that's mostly meaningless relative to his shortcomings (directing)

Seriously. This place has changed so much over the years. When the Marvel movies started taking off this place completely transformed and none of the mods gave a shit. Being allowed to talk about the movies here killed this place. Can't talk about video games based on movies on Sup Forums, can't talk about movies based on games on Sup Forums, (I assume because I don't actually go to those boards) but somehow on a board called comics and cartoons you can talk about movies and video games and tons of other stuff.

What the hell did Ares try to fight WW for anyway? WW had no reason to fight him at that point since killing him would not stop the war. If anything, Ares should have been stopping Steve from boarding the plane and not wasting time with WW.

How new are you? Responding to shitpost never works. Never

Wonder Woman was the one prophesied to kill him, she was a legitimate threat. And he failed to persuade her over to his side so taking her out then and there before she could have gained more experience or possibly fuck up more of his plans in the future seemed rather logical.

Yes? Fuck the G*rmans.

Better than all of the DC movies, minus all the Batman ones (obviously not counting 66 and Forever/B&R).
Better than the lesser X-Men movies, all the F4, Ghost Riders, DD, etc.
Better than the Webb Spidey movies, and SM3.

Vastly superior to any previous attempt at female superhero movies.

Better than the Thors and the Hulks.

A bit below Captain America First Avenger.

Vastly inferior to pretty much everything else, including most of the X-Men movies, most of the MCU, Hellboy, SM 1 and 2, etc.

Feelt like the entire last act was Snyder's work desu

I don't mind Ares being there, telling Diana that he didn't cause the war, and even the part where he was the biggest proponent of the armistice. But there wasn't really a need for him to turn into a CGI throwing things fight, he was much better as a spooky teleporting tempter.

Complete garbage.

I, too, read Gawker.

You what?

About on par with MoS and BvS IMO.
I was pleasantly surprised.

I thought the tone was going to be much lighter than MoS.

He has a "story" credit, which means they use some concept he came up with. If he had actually written the movie, he'd have a writing credit.