Previous Thread:

Previous Thread:
Forever People continue their Earth tour,
Mister Miracle and the Furies further the fight,
Orion's secrets come rushing past the breakpoint,
And the man named Dan Turpin makes his stand...

This is-
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Saga, Thread #5

And here we go!


Dave, brave...but not wise.


Go on, Turpin.



Sequences like this are why I love Lightray.
Haven't said that enough, but it's true.


I'd like to see ya try!




This guy is tough as nails.







A face that Kalibak knows all too well!


Orion and Lightray are the best friends.




Part 39:
wherein assailed on all sides!



























Part 40:
wherein they crossover!

No problem.




























Part 41:
wherein it's time for Forager!














Lightray knows how to lay it on softly

