So I was on the toilet shitting and then it just came this idea that Greg fucked Steven

So I was on the toilet shitting and then it just came this idea that Greg fucked Steven

Huh, guess you aint wrong.

>t came this idea that Greg fucked Steven

user what the fuck are you talking about?

Greg fucked Rose, not Steven.
Steven didn't exist until Rose died.

>So I was on the toilet shitting and then

why are you telling us this

But Rose and Steven are technically the same at least according to the million times other characters discuss it.

I love everything about this post

Steven CONSTANTLY identifies himself as being Rose.

>"Your mom was X"
>"I am my mom"
Steven has been recognized to be his own mom by every character in the show including himself, and Greg did indeed fuck Steven's mom, who is Steven, and thus he fucking Steven forcing Steven to have a sex change and behave like a child.

...Is Steven just Rose LARPing as an immature retard for her and Greg's weird sex fetish?

To let us know what he was doing

You fucking prude

Not really?
He might have her gem but they don't have the same body. So Greg didn't fuck Steven because Steven doesn't have the same body as Rose and also Stevens body is mostly human.

He might identify himself as Rose, but he doesn't have any of her memories, he has his own body and his own personality.

Keep trying Padparadscha. You'll predict the future someday.


It was the most interesting part of the post.

He pretty clearly thinks of her as another person. It wasn't until he went to Homeworld for the trial that he started trying to be her, and he did a shitty job of it during his testimony.
>I walked up to her and said, "I wanna fight you," and she said, "ok," and then we fought and then I killed her to death somehow and she was all, "oh no I am being killed by Rose Quartz," which is who I am. And, yeah, that's pretty much how it went down.

Bismuth makes it pretty clear that she sees him and his mom as different people.

Steven doesn't actually exist, and never did.

Its just rose fucking everyone up

Steven only did the I am my mom bit to save his friends.
Other gems recognize his gem, and don't know what a hybrid is, so they just assume that the gem is all there is.
Steven is a gem and a big ol blob of semen. The semen got there as a result of Greg fucking steven's mom. Thus there was no Steven to be fucked at the time of fucking.

>pretends to be replaced with snotty human baby to fuck with Pearl's clingy lesbianism
>adopts garnet as his 'cool mum' even though ruby/sapphire can't actually have their own kids like humans can
>is a fucking human baby yet fights better than amethyst even though amethyst is supposed to be warrior caste tier

But how could rose get Steven out of her stone vagina and have her gem

But still is rose in someway if you think about it

Yeah, but that doesn't mean Greg fucked Steven.

No idea, but what I do know is that Greg did not fuck Steven because Steven doesn't have the same body or memories as Rose.

Like Steven said, he's 1/2 Rose since he's 1/2 Gem boy.

sounds like shit wasn't the only thing falling out of your ass today

It has the same body and has her mother's gem that's why he have super powers

But, Greg probably cummed on Rose's Gem on one point, so his spunk was on a part of Steven...

I'm getting a mental image of Steven rubbing off some "dry skin" on his body

Is that a way to impregnate a stone ?