C'mon Bane, release me! as friends!

C'mon Bane, release me! as friends!

That's not Bane. That's Lock-Up.

nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask

That's true of pretty much all super villains.

This wouldn't have happened if Batman had just done as I told him!

Enough is enough commisioner
Now it is you who will be one who is raped

Tell me about lock up, why does he tell me about lock up

This episode pissed me off. Lock up did absolutely nothing wrong. The one guy who made Arkham a place that actually keeps criminals in, and he gets fired for being too mean.

Beating up mentally unstable people doesn't look good on the news

Letting mentally insane people constantly escape looks worse honestly.

batman does it and he's praised as a hero.

Abusing inmates is pretty fucked up, even if his methods were effective.

Besides, he didn't even prevent Scarecrow from escaping.

The villain is always right on Sup Forums.

Hey...what if Bruce intentionally helps keep Arkham shitty so he'll always have escaped villains to go after?

I bet he raped inmates.

Yeah, the episode starts with Batman returning Scarecrow to Arkham. He underperformed just like the rest of the flunkies at that shithole.

>praised as a hero
Not always. How many times has Batman and the police been against each other?

Didn't they setup a task force specifically to take him down in year one?

I have aids, you fool.

I always thought he had a lot of potential as a Batman villain. Like he takes it upon himself to lock away every costumed nut in Gotham, including the Batfamily, and runs a personal prison of his own design.

I've purposely injected myself with a much more aggressive strain of HIV.

I'm on your side Lock-up! I too know that we need to be tougher on these scumbags if we're ever going to stop them from terrorizing Gotham. And I happen to know of a perfect way to stop the Joker once and for all! We need to get Batman to rape him!

Has there ever been a story where Batman sexually assaults the joker?

you mean aside from our own?

Most of the people in Arkham don't even belong in Arkham.
They may be a little deranged, but they wouldn't qualify for the insanity defense and should thus go to Blackgate. Being "crazy" isn't enough to be sent to an insane asylum, our legal system makes it very hard for the insanity defense to work for a reason.
Only Two-Face, Mad Hatter, Harley, the Ventriloquist and maybe the Joker belong there. Everyone else is just a criminal with a gimmick, that doesn't make them insane.

Gotham has a special legal status called criminally insane where the Arkham people go. They wouldn't put people who aren't a danger to others in there.

What about the creeper?

Yeah, Kite-Man is so dangerous.

Creeper is insane in a heroic way, so he gets a pass.

TAS Mad Hatter wasn't insane, though. He was just a controlling asshole who had the ability to brainwash people.

Replace him with Riddler, maybe, since Eddie did seem to have compulsion to leave riddles later on.

Hell yeah.

Batman legitimately was unable to deal with Kite-Man the first time they fought.

It wasn't just normal brainwashing, he wanted to LARP Alice in Wonderland.

Hell, yeah!