Why do people cling onto overly idealistic waifus? Jackie has to be the biggest example I know of right now...

Why do people cling onto overly idealistic waifus? Jackie has to be the biggest example I know of right now. Her development isn't crucial to the plot yet people complain that not pursuing it would ruin the show. But she's hardly Connected to anyone besides Marco. What is so alluring about her right now as it stands besides her looks?

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I knew Jackie reminded me of someone

People are clinging onto the dead/dying dream that is the mermaid theory.

I know, but why? What is the prime motivator for keeping Jackie around?

Why do you believe jackie is idealistic at all in the first place? like everyone in that show except for ludo she is bland and forgettable as hell

You know it's looks and having a comfy reassuring presence. None of them actually want Jackie to grow, they just want to imagine being with a girl that's too perfect to exist.

All waifus are overly idealistic. They don't exist, user.

Pic related?

of course

At least Star feels like a person. Jackie feels like the optimized list of attractive traits in a girlfriend.

Yeah, because the male lead being paired with an idealized love interest with a secret agenda and who happen to not be human worked so well the last time

>Thanks Marco, my life was meaningful because of you

What do you think will happen

>i have feelings too, user

Jackie had a secret agenda and she come close to Marco as part of the overconvoluted plan but then she started having real feelings for him, you know the usual. Aren't the seapeople living on the disposal zone of Mewni? Maybe Nefcy could add a rivalry between the Mewnis and the mermaids. I don't think anyone will die on the show besides nameless monsters but Jackie can get badly hurt for protecting Marco because she always love him. Dying would be better for allowing Starco considering that's what allegedly Nefcy wants but neither she or Disney have the balls.

We already have a thread that's barely holding onto life, do we really need 3 star related threads on the board?


There's a difference between a star thread and a Jackie bashing thread

Kinda reminds me of Wendy from Gravity Falls and how people wish she had gotten actual character development and she never did.

I guess because dream girls who are just an idealized crush are boring characters ironically usually making their ship with the lead guy the least popular ship on the whole show since literally anything would be less dull.

Jackie still has time left, like a lot of time, but they still won't use her because the archetype is limited.

Makes me wonder why they even use the archetype

That's why people want the idealized crush to be deconstructed.

A lot of my waifus remind me of someone I knew.

But people like Jackie don't exist, that's the whole point

People like Star don't exist either, or at best they're autistic mess that no one likes for justified reasons.

You're just making that up. Do you know how many people exist in this world? Girls like Star exist. You're just too busy going your own way to notice.

Solution: find yourself a Janna

Girls like Jackie do too, user is just bitter he hasn't met any

>Less perky and happy, more annoying and creepy, and equally autistic as Star
Yeah, No thanks m8

Minus the over-the-top antics played for humor, there are girls like Janna.

Yes they do, you can find girls like Jackie in SoCal, especially San Diego.

>Making a second thread to bitch about Jackie
They aren't even rare.

I Just want the love for her to stop, its unwarranted

It's almost like people are pretty receptive to a character that has all the ideal traits they would want in a gf.

>Do you know how many people exist in this world? Girls like Star exist. You're just too busy going your own way to notice.

Yea they probably do, but depending on where you live and what you do for a living, they might as well not exist to you.

Sure, I'd love to meet someone like the characters in these shows but I live in the middle of fuck-nowhere south. I might as well be looking for a unicorn

She's a kind and sweet girl who loves her boyfriend and doesn't create drama over stupid shit for him. That alone puts her light years above other female protagonists.

In terms of being a good person. But that doesn't mean Jack shit when it comes to making an interesting character. Generally speaking, the more negative traits and flaws a character has, the more interesting they are.


What did we do to deserve this comic

Nothing, it's just a good timeline.

oh yyyeaaaah

Shippers need to be euthanized, especially Starcucks

>It's a whining starcuck thread.

More people would actually genuinely watch your shit show from the start if it had Jackie or Heka as the female lead, instead of the annoying autistic womanchild that sounds like a grandma.

You'd have to change their personalities drastically to make it work

How many of them will magically become interested in you as soon as you confess to having a crush on them, won't find it all creepy that you've been obsessed with them for a decade, will find it endearing when you to embarrassing shit, and will automatically be understanding of everything you do no matter what?

That's what makes Jackie more a teenage boy's idealized fantasy of what a girlfriend is like than an actual character.

>"More people would watch the show if a boring non-character was the female lead!"

Yeah, no.

Generally you have to smoke a bit of weed with them first.

Because waifufaggotry is inherently autistic and this site is full of autists.

>Wants people to stop liking a likable character

She's not complex at all but don't play dumb

>People keep talking shit about Jackies "lack" of character when Kelly was made a main character for no other reasons than muh diversity.
Shippers, not even once.

clearly janna is the solution to all this

Good person = / = good character, there's a reason people don't read books and watch films about nice people with no flaws or problems.

There's a reason all of Shakespeare's plays weren't called The Friendly Calm Nice People Who Lived Nice Happy Uneventful Lives.

Thats true, the area you're in plays a huge part. I also think a foreign quirky blonde is the closet thing you can get to Star. Foreign because Star is just that, a foreigner. There is a certain level of novelty that really attracts people to each other. That difference between them actually makes them more attractive to one another. Part of the appeal of Star is having to explain earth shit to her like she's not a human (cause she isn't one). The closest you could get to that would be to find some girl from another country and introduce her to American culture. Also, there's a high chance she'll believe in more traditional values like marriage and having a family.

I hate to say this but, American women really have it cut out for them. They've lost alot by forgoing the traditional route. And American society will suffer from it.

Janna is for forgetting because she's never done anything important


It depends on their situation. Jackie was merely confused at first. She only fell for him after his heartfelt pedestal speech.

It's partly why learning more about her is interesting and wanted. It would provide the opportunity to take this unrealistic scenario and frame it in a more realistic way.

She's got a bit of weird in her

Doesn't make up for how boring she is

What are you some kind of a uh uh faggot?

>Won't find it at all creepy that you've been obsessed with them for a decade
Didn't she kind of reveal in the clown episode that she kind of knew he was interested in her the entire time, and that what she admired was the fact that he never gave up? There was no real information gain for her. What changed is that Marco grew a pair, albeit under compulsion by supernatural forces...

I think she said in the book she always knew. But she did say that she admires his persistence in bon bon, yes

I know she at least hinted in the episode to always knowing. She dropped a list of his screw ups on him, including those from his younger years. It shows at the very least that she's been paying attention to them.

It's foreshadowing for the mermaid twist and

>people complain that not pursuing it would ruin the show
Literally never seen this argument, except in posts precisely like this one, complaining about jackiefags supposedly claiming that Jackie not developing would "ruin the show"

The wording makes me think it's again the same person. Why are you this upset because people like Jackie, dude? Making the same posts with the same argument over and over again?

>reeeeeeeeee stop liking a character I don't like
unironically kys faggot


It's a special kind of anti-jackie fag
And he just won't stop, much to the board's regret

I feel like there's at least 2 of them

Jackie is obese

Because normal, pleasant people who take care of themselves are super admirable and are very easy to be happy around.

Jackie was designed solely to be a waifu for Marco, her design can be perceived as attractive and this means people will like her despite her lack of personality, because waifus don't need personalities, as everyone wants their waifu to have more screentime despite how little they actually contribute to the series.

I like Jackie because cucked Star is a cute meme.

Kelly isn't a main character she's a side character, not even a common one.

There's at least one antijackiefag who tries to shitpost and bait jackiefags just to see them get upset, and then there's OP of this thread who keeps being upset because people genuinely seem to like Jackie and hope she gets development, which he feels is wrong because if he doesn't care about a character, no-one else should be allowed to like them either. This is the guy who keeps making bullshit claims like "jackiefags insist that not developing Jackie would completely ruin the show"

I'm fairly sure there's probably a couple of more starfags who are baiting jackiefags to ease the pain in their hearts from the cuckposting post Bon Bon. But OP and his earnest claims of how wanting Jackie to get more development is essentially being disrespectful towards the creators (what) and "complaining that if she doesn't get development the entire show is ruined" is just one guy imo.

>Kelly was made a main character
I think you're reading way too much into the OP

I just don't understand where the "Jackie has no personality" thing comes from. Being conventional and chill, and maybe a bit boring, doesn't equate to having no personality.

>Being conventional and chill, and maybe a bit boring, doesn't equate to having no personality.
People often don't count nice qualities.
Being perfect is boring, and so being kind and cheerful and understanding sort of vanishes and becomes "no personality", while being sarcastic, cowardly and selfish is considered as being a personality - even though paradoxically being kind and selfless takes a hell of a lot more effort than being cynical and selfish, and is a lot rarer irl

Jackie laughs at the haters


She's a plot device and a sex object, who cares?


IMO there's two kinds of Jackie fans. One kind are the ones who are fans of her because they believe she has potential and want her to be developed, and have enough faith in the show that they hope she's more than just an idealized girlfriend character / love interest. The other kind see no problem with that because they want a perfect idealized waifu and *don't* want her to be more than that.

At the same time there are people in the former group who still waifu her, myself included

While I don't disagree with what you're saying. That's not applicable in this instant.

She literally has one character trait and that is skater girl.

She isn't clever, excitable, snarky, brave, etc.

She's just... a skater chick.

She is entirely and solely defined as, "the skater girl who Marco likes." Spending time on such a character is pointless, and should just be a stepping stone for Marco to learn a lesson about people and responsibility, like making the decision to save the world instead of going after the girl of his dreams.

That's not a trait in and of itself. I can list a few for her.

Thrill seeking, relatively. She had fun fending off Ludo and the rats in bon bon.

Passionate. She doesn't just skateboard because of inertia, she is actively excited about sharing her passion with people, as with Marco in bon bon.

Flirty. We've seen this.

Passive and a bit socially oblivious. Regarding both Marcos crush on her and stars crush on Marco.

That's not fair at all then if the show has no problem developing all of stars Mewni friends. Plus regardless of what you say, Jackie isn't a complete cardboard cutout. Why continue to give glimpses of her as a person over not 1, but at least 4 episodes if she would be completely inconsequential in the end?

She's chill, brushes off the wierd shit that happens around Marco and Star, is down for anything new, and has excellent taste in boys.

Star on the other hand is quirky and randumb to a fault, pretty fucking petty and selfish at times, and only realized she wanted Marco once she couldn't have him meaning she probably wouldn't appreciate him if Jackie wasn't in the picture.

tl;dr Jackie has plenty of desirebale personality traits while Star is a stinker you'd only want if you're options are running low.

>Thrill seeking
Besides the fact I wouldn't say that's a character trait, it's entirely part of the skater girl cliche
She just showed Marco how to skateboard, and that scene only existed to play up Star's jealousy
>Passive and a bit socially oblivious
Standing in the background not know what's going on is not a character trait user.
They haven't developed Star's mewni friends, we've seen them party and have fun and go on a few adventures where they ultimately learn nothing, and while these episodes were fun, they aren't character development. It'd be ridiculous to claim Ponyhead is a fleshed out character just because she escaped from the princess prison and danced a bit.

And a character being a part of another character's progression isn't inconsequential. Characters are tools for telling a story or a joke, Star's mewni friends have helped to tell jokes, and Jackie has helped to tell Marco's progression story, this is why she exist.

> have helped to tell jokes
Doesn't have anything to do with development, which Nefcy has said they're getting.

And about your response to "passionate", I direct you to pic related.

I don't understand the need to shoot down perfectly valid traits to delegitimize Jackie's character. Is it subconsciously caused by some ship-related grudge?


>Chill and brushes stuff off
This isn't a character trait. Doing nothing is not a character trait.
>Star is quirky and randumb
It's funny and her excitability creates situations that are fast-paced, entertaining, and unique to this show
>Star is petty and selfish
Yes, she has character flaws, that have lead to negative events like Ludo obtaining the book and the destruction of her wand. This is how you write a story user, people are flawed, they aren't supposed to behave perfectly and have no conflict whatsoever
>Whatever stupid ship bullshit you just said
I don't care about the relationship of two fictional character's who will probably be written to have a perfect happy ever after in the end of the series. If their romance helps to motivate them to either have fun adventures or tell a good story I'm all for it.

This does not make Jackie a character who is in anyway interesting in her own regard. She's just a part of Marco's character arc.

On top of this I can give you more:
Understanding/open-minded, this is obvious. Again, reluctance to count positive traits as traits is what keeps people from acknowledging this.

Dorky, her mannerisms in Starcrushed highlight this, and her off-handed comment about history books, no matter how insignificant, at least highlights she has other interests (and she would have said an anecdote she was happy to share with Marco if he let her have a word in edgewise).

Brutally honest
Even when she's reassuring Marco, she doesn't really sugar-coat it. She reminds him of all his previous awkward incidents, acknowledging that they are awkward (instead of being oblivious to it) but liking him in spite of that.

Anything else is purely speculation, but based on the above and her reaction to the speech in Sleepover we can see where her values lay in actually picking someone, and it could feed into why she may ultimately take a breakup poorly if Marco hasn't even made an attempt to live up to his promise. We also haven't seen how she handles jealousy yet.

So yeah. Just because she's not completely entangled in conflict that affects her doesn't mean she's a completely unrealistic cardboard cutout.


Solution? Give her a small arc of her own (like between 1 and 3 episodes). The catalyst being the breakup, Marco not living up to his promise, being separated by dimensions from not just him, but Star and presumably Janna too, etc.

It would be asinine to suggest she should be catapulted to main status, but with 2 seasons left for the show and pretty much everyone else of value getting love, this isn't a tall order. And I think it could have a lot more potential than an episode about Ponyhead's sisters or whatever, which we're already getting.


I'd be down for that

You're referring to her not reacting and not caring about events going on around her as being open-minded. Which is false.
She had a few funny lines to break the tension in a dramatic episode

Having a line that suggest a completed unexplored and probably unrelated interest once, does not a character make

>Brutally honest
She had a line bringing up things we've seen previously in the show to highlight to the viewers the dynamic that exists around Marco's failures and his perseverance. The episode was Marco dealing with his insecurities. And again, Jackie only exist as a tool to grow Marco's character.
You don't need to build every character that comes across their path, and there are characters who would seem to have a lot more interesting backgrounds, like Hekapoo, and wasting episodes in what would probably an unfunny episode about someone getting over a breakup considering if they broke up Marco would have one too and that'd be redundant.

I know it's 'cool' to hate Ponyhead, but she is an annoying cunt with an outrageous and boisterous personality, which makes situations involving her exciting, and unpredictable, all of these things make for good comedy. She is more of a character than Jackie is.

I still don't get this incessant need to kick Jackie when she's down. What's the harm in saying she's decent and it'd be cool to see a bit more out of her?

You're making it seem like keeping her ON the show is a sin or something, and every scene with her could be spent with literally any other character.

You want a female character that gets fucked over by her own bad decisions? You got Star for that.

You can't have characters be ALL fuck ups or else you reach Evangelion-levels of edgy wankery.

Seriously man? None of those criticisms discount who Jackie is being portrayed as. They can be applied to future situations if the plot so dictates.

The writers have already said she's going to be in season 3. She is not the most boring character on the show, stop acting like her presence inherently brings the show down.

No, the exact opposite, her role as a side character is filled perfectly because she doesn't take up too much attention because of her muted personality.

I'm just saying that she isn't a fully fleshed-out character and she doesn't need to be to serve her purpose to the show.

they want to bait Jackiefags into getting upset

>How many of them will magically become interested in you as soon as you confess to having a crush on them, won't find it all creepy that you've been obsessed with them for a decade, will find it endearing when you to embarrassing shit, and will automatically be understanding of everything you do no matter what?

If I were Marco, I'd guess one or two.

I don't even see a visual appeal to be honest.

It seems like character designs in the show are really hit or miss and she seems like a real miss for me, man.

The art style isn't flattering to what they have going on with her, and she's just beyond bland. I get that she's the foil to Star's boner but shit, at least try.

She doesn't do anything but accommodate others and try to suck Marco's dick.

"Sure, senpai" is the extent of her dialogue.