Dumbing of Age

I didn't think he'd make me say it, but tonight, Willis has once again lowered the bar enough to prove me wrong. So, here it goes...

I'd rather have more ukulele strips than this.

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oh god, we've regressed back to at least last year
Mary, save us from this damnation

Remember when Amber fucking shanked a man right in front of Dorothy's eyes?

I'm sure this is immediately going to be compared to the whole Mary/Carla debacle, so let me be the first to say that this is not necessarily unwelcome. If Mary is meant to be an analogue to Joyce, in that they are both Christians but tend to fall towards opposing tolerance levels, then this interaction makes sense as a means of contrast. However, while this may work in practice, in theory this conversation would serve better if/when placed closer to the actual Mary/Carla strips.

But it's too late for that, so why bother talking about it. How many strips with Carla end with her leaving the strip with only her head in the frame?

I will laugh so hard if this turns into a subplot where Carla eventually gets kicked out of the dorm for skating in the halls when people are trying to study, and she can't turn it into a trans victimization thing because it wasn't Mary complaining.

Not because Carla deserves it. She actually is pretty cool.

Because Willis's readers deserve it.

Unless this is leading towards Carla being knocked down a peg for pissing off people who aren't Mary, I hope she somehow skates into a vat of acid.

It's the same thing with Amber and those fucking chairs that we dealt with for a month.

Amber could have just gone to her room at any time to get privacy instead of inconveniencing everyone around her by hogging four chairs.

Carla could GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE to skate instead of pissing off everyone on her floor, and probably the floor below her.

Carla's an ok character, save for the time her Rube Goldberg machine turned out to be completely unfunny when it had potential to be very funny

I just hate how Willis treats her character like she's never in the wrong even though she's a massive asshat. Like, if I was Mary and Carla was stomping around my room and the worthless don just told me to fuck off when I tried complain I'd be just as pissed.

And now is not the time for a Carla goof storyline anyway

Oh god. I hate her so much, I am in physical pain from it. I feel like my chest is full of coal embers, and there's a burning, scratchy feeling all down my throat.

Aside from these issues, from a narrative standpoint the interaction is out of place. Carla and Joyce barely know each other. Much like the shower shoes thing, their interactions don't reflect their actual level of familiarity. Carla also comes across as slightly out of character too as her messing with Joyce is playful rather than mocking or dismissive. Unless Carla is trying to get into Joyce's pants she should be acting more abrasive.

>Carla's an ok character
Literally how
>save for the time her Rube Goldberg machine turned out to be completely unfunny
That's like her only story

This is also true. Carla's character has pretty much been "I'm an asshole; don't save me, cuz I don't want to be saved," but apparently Joyce is such a ray of sunshine that she soothes Carla's carnal urges.

Or something like that.

She beat up Amazi-Girl once, I think.

Willis gets bitter enjoyment from pissing off his haters. People complain about Carla being self-centered and abrasive, so he makes her ten times as obnoxious and smug to stick it to them. He's probably deliberately writing The Carla Skating Scene 2.0 just to irritate the commenters that disliked the first one so much.

>She beat up Amazi-Girl once, I think.
No, that was Malaya, and I'd hardly call getting tossed like a sack of potatoes after you landed one blow 'beating someone up' anyway

Well, Carla was around for all of this anyways.

Y'know, what even IS this story arc about? I never read it; all I know is that Carla buys beer for Sal and Company, and Amazi-Girl tries to stop them.

>cool skid effect
If I were Willis I wouldn't draw so much attention to how terrible my legs look. Joyce's lower half is a mess.

And Carla's pose, while dynamic, looks pretty awkward. I dunno if she's stopping or going.

I guess Joyce is going to show us the proper way to deal with an tall, red-headed rule-breaker.

Her skidding pose breaks one or two laws of physics. It's implied she's braking with one foot up in the air, when that would just be a one-legged wheelie and not actually putting any friction to resist motion. If she were using her left heel to act as a friction surface, that also wouldn't work because not only is the heel clearly not touching the ground, but the angle necessary to do so would require posing in such a way that Carla would just fall over backwards and crash to the ground, likely causing her skirt to briefly fly upwards, exposing her endowments to a Mary who is standing off-screen and is watching everything transpire.

It was part of a storyline Willis titled "Up All Night to Get Vengeance", because Daft Punk is totes cool, and Willis is totally hip to the scene, yo.

It started with the whole AG breaking up Sal's party, and ended pretty shortly after with Dotty furiously stroking Amber's alter-ego

>the cape is important
You fucking dumbass. "The Incredibles" was on DVD well before 2010, Willis.

Also, is Dorothy even taking any notes? Is she using an audio recorder? She should be writing notes, even if they're shorthand or vague words of interest.

i know shes on skates but im pretty sure carla isnt usually THAT much taller than joyce

I really liked the one strip right after Toedad where she's chummy with Amber but acting slightly domineering.

She's presumably using her phone as a recorder.

a commenter on the site said this

>aaaaaaand 3 days after the 3 day time jump, I’m just realizing that this time jump means we will never see the conclusion of becky/dina’s last encounter….

and made me realize that considering becky may or may not have spent at least one night sleeping in a murderers dorm room that actually is kind of important information

It's not really that uncommon for adult men to be a foot or more taller than girls their age.


I can appreciate a troll cutaway.

But not 4 days of it.

It is increased, but they have a 8-9" difference. Joyce is 5'4" via word of god and Carla is slightly taller than Ethan who is confirmed at 6' even.

Three days of Becky sleeping next to Dina even though she's unsure if she can control her sexual urges while in dinosaur pjs that make Dina want to go down on her like a fat guy at a buffet. Three days of Mike continuing to butter up Ethan to manipulate his feelings. Three days of Joyce trying to lure Jacob away from Raidah. Three days of Ruth trying to act like a functional adult. All of which could have better been used for a focus switch.

It only works if the cutaway is funny or interesting in its own right.

Then she'd just turn into the Joker. She already had a stint as a superhero in Shortpacked. Don't give Willis any ideas.

It's not even that she has a roommate she's incompatible with. Dina is the quietest, least social person ever. Being in a room with only Dina is a lot quieter and a lot less social than fighting for lobby dominance.

If Carla is so smart, why hasn't she finished the shower shoes yet?

>Carla also comes across as slightly out of character too as her messing with Joyce is playful rather than mocking or dismissive. Unless Carla is trying to get into Joyce's pants she should be acting more abrasive.
True. And she doesn't want in anyone's pants, because she's asexual.

And that's the plot that made me officially come to the hate train for the comic. Mostly during the Rube Goldberg thing, but this was the catalyst.

>Carla buys beer for Sal and Company, and Amazi-Girl tries to stop them.
That's pretty much it.

There are stoppers on the fronts of rental skates for a reason. She should definitely not be moving like that in order to stop.

Plot happened over a year after Random Access Memories was released, the album with "Get Lucky" on it. So timely.

>and made me realize that considering becky may or may not have spent at least one night sleeping in a murderers dorm room that actually is kind of important information
>Three days of Becky sleeping next to Dina even though she's unsure if she can control her sexual urges while in dinosaur pjs that make Dina want to go down on her like a fat guy at a buffet. Three days of Mike continuing to butter up Ethan to manipulate his feelings. Three days of Joyce trying to lure Jacob away from Raidah. Three days of Ruth trying to act like a functional adult. All of which could have better been used for a focus switch.

Yikes, Willis.

>If Carla is so smart, why hasn't she finished the shower shoes yet?
she did?
Like, immediately afterwards?

Wait, what? I never saw that strip.

Also the last Becky strip had Joyce telling her she can still use Billie's room, so she's probably not been resisting temptation in close proximity to Dina. At least not during sleeping hours.

4 pages after carla said she'd fix them.

Oh, heck. I forgot about that. I remember the "Carla is great" nonsense but completely forgot the reason why.

This whole exchange was fucking retarded anyway.

Who the fuck thinks of strapping milk jugs to their feet before thinking "HUH, SANDALS EXIST, DON'T THEY?"

So tall...

...this is cute. is he laying foundation for joyce/carla?

iirc joyce's roommate even offers to buy some for her.

Sarah actually did go out a buy her some.

I hope not. Unless we get some top quality lewds out of it, then I hope so.

She actually did buy her a pair of cheap sandals, and she found Joyce with the jugs.

As a girl with similar tendencies to Joyce, I kept a small towel in a nook near my door, where I put my sandals, with the bottoms touching each other, not touching other stuff.

It's not hard to manage.

She took off her skates and grew two feet.

Amazing what being turned trans can do to you.

>Ruth is back. Now that she understands she utterly failed at doing her job, maybe she'll actually do her job!
>Ruth still isn't doing her job.
>No one appears to have complained about the noise disturbance.

Only a fool trusts her life to a weapon, Malaya!

>No one appears to have complained about the noise disturbance.
They saw what happened to the last person who did so.

>proceeds to spam sword slashes

Where's Becky??????????

(No, seriously. Where is she? Did she go back to Billie's room, or did she stay with Dina and Amber? Does Becky know what Amber did? I still want to know.)

I don't read this comic and from what I've seen it's some real gutteral shit but to be fair we Dutch have an excessive amount of holidays

the joke is that monday was actually a dutch holiday
wait no that doesnt make sense, Pentecost isnt dutch-isolated

Is calling your friend's family a bunch of Nazis part of being a "baby gay"?


Does she mean Dutch as is actual Dutch from the Netherlands? Or Dutch as in Amercan with German ancestry? Or is Dutch holiday a figure of speech like Dutch courage or going Dutch?

Trans Dutch. Carla is American with Anglo ancestry, but wishes they were Dutch .

Willis is just contempt at this point to act like the stabbing never fucking happened. Can't wait to get slight mention of that event a year from now from some random background character at this rate.

Excuse my poor editing skills.

>AU where Joyce is black and Walky is white

Rutten is actually a Dutch/Flemish name.

So John and Sayid are palette swaps?

How the fuck does Sal's story arc play out in this universe?

>Dutch holiday
What date is it supposed to be in DAO?
Because I have no clue what kind of holiday they're talking about.

>How the fuck does Sal's story arc play out in this universe?
If their parents are still mixed-race, it could still work. Sal would still be blacker than Walky, despite having the same skin-tone.

It's obviously a cover, but according to walkypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Dumbing_of_Age_Timeline it's October 9th in the Dumbiverse.

Quick, somebody find the glue

I was hoping Carla would dress up as zwarte piet while skating in the hallways.
But she would get away with it because she's trans.




>Man, remember that stabbing last year? The newspaper for that was so epic. Too bad all the copies of it were immediately burned.

Honestly, I just liked this strip because Joyce's inherent good nature was getting under Carla's skin and pissing her off. Especially after that stretch of "Joyce becomes depressed and questions everything", I liked seeing her go back to this.

> gondola
> arms

Franku would be ashamed

Which webcomics do you recommend? Which are actually worth reading?

Now I'm imagening a Postal 2 mod where you play as Carla.

>Bug Martini
>Square Root of Minus Garfield
>He Is A Good Boy
>Sam and Fuzzy
>El Goonish Shive
>Camp Weedonwantcha
>The Prisoner of Monty Hall
>It's Walky/Joyce & Walky (pastebin.com/5MwZPhsE)
>Awkward Zombie

I like Kill Six Billion Demons and Poppy O'Possum.

Amber will suffer no repercussions for offing Ryan.

The ghost of Ryan will appear to her and pressure her to rape the criminals she beats up.

I really, genuinely hope she murdered him, just because I think it'd be funny to see Willis try and write his way out of that corner.

Another event that took place over the three-day time-skip: The newspaper plant burned down the day the story was to go live, not only killing all physical outreach of the story but overshadowing the story itself as digital coverage of the stabbing was superseded by the plant fire.

>Especially after that stretch of "Joyce becomes depressed and questions everything", I liked seeing her go back to this.
Knowing Willis, we'll be back there again before you know it.

It's not perfect, primarily with pacing and character motivations, but it handles mature subject matter with far more tact than Willis has managed.

I'm still waiting for a goddamn internal battle between Amber's violent tendencies and Amazi-Girl's moralistic point of view.

>I'm still waiting for a goddamn internal battle between Amber's violent tendencies and Amazi-Girl's moralistic point of view.
Maybe there was a great face-off with AG fighting Amber, trying to stop her hands like in Evil Dead 2.

Dorothy wasn't freaked out that Amber stabbed Ryan, Dorothy was freaked out that Amber started trying to stab herself after stabbing Ryan.